
Revision 3 as of 2010-04-13 22:52:40

Clear message


Blueprints are vital inputs into Ubuntu planning. They serve the following purposes:

  1. Transparently communicate the possibility of doing some work.
  2. Offer a place for the community and users to comment on the possible work.
  3. Facilitate discussion at UDS.
  4. Capture desicions at UDS.
  5. Provide a link to details about the work (a "spec")
  6. Communicate commitement the community, to users, and to partners within Canonical to accomplish such work.
  7. Provide a means for tracking progress against that work.


Blueprint List: April 13th

By this date everyone should have a list of one or more blueprints they would like to pursue, and have reviewed that list with their techlead (seb128).

Blueprints registered: April 20

We've reviewed our list of blueprints. Now it's time to register them. To register a blueprint, please do the following:

  1. Go to

  2. use the correct convention for naming. Start each name "desktop-maverick-". So for example, I might name a blueprint "desktop-maverick-fun-ubuntu-pygtk-support". This naming convention is critical for supporting the planning steps later.
  3. Write a nice descriptive title.
  4. You may skip the summary for now, but it is typical to include a few sentences to explain the thrust of the blueprint.
  5. Typically, you will set yourself as the assignee and the drafter and seb128 as the approver
  6. Then choose "Propose for sprint: Ubuntu developer summit for the M release"

Click Register

Blueprints prioritized and accepted: April 23

seb128 and rickspencer3 will scrub priorities and accept for UDS

Blueprints complete: April 30

You should now have a set of assigned blueprints that are accepted for UDS. By this date, you need to do the following for each:

  1. Complete the summary so that you can use it to support a good discussion and decision making at UDS
  2. You can stub out specs and link them as appropriate as well
  3. Subscribe people who you would like to attend your session to your blueprint
  4. Subscribe people as essential if it is truly essential that they attend, use this feature in moderation

Schedule Complete: May 7

rickspencer3 and seb128 will schedule sessions up to this date. Note that rescheduling to accomedate last minute changes during UDS is common as well. If you have special scheduling requests, such as certain sessions on days when a certain upstream will be attending, etc... work with rickspencer3 and seb128 to make that happen.

Run your sessions: starting May 10

show up to UDS ready to run great sessions and make deciscions!