
Revision 19 as of 2007-09-27 14:32:54

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So this all sounds cool to you? You want to get involved in the Desktop Team?


Packages to bzr

The desktop team is starting using bzr. You need to be member of the [ ubuntu-desktop] team on launchpad to commit. You need be a known contributor to be added to the team since it gives you commit rights. Only the debian directory is stored in bzr

List of the desktop team packages

You can see the list of packages maintained in bzr on

Adding a package to bzr

(don't start adding all the desktop packages now, we want to try how bzr is working for us on a set of package before switching)

You need to be member of the ubuntu-desktop team first

  • apt-get source package_name
  • cd package_name-<version>

  • bzr init
  • bzr add debian
  • bzr commit -m "initial package_name import"
  • bzr push s

Where "package_name" is the name of the source package and "userid" your username on launchpad. Launchpad require to use the same name as a registred product

Getting a package

Building a package

(the workflow need to be made easier)

Uploads to the team archive for sponsoring

You can read about how to use the team archive, we will use it for sponsoring

Places to sign up



our mailing list, currently low traffic, but expect the new stuff there

Launchpad team

Bugzilla Bugs, QUITE high-traffic, but worthwhile to catch up

What can I do?

Work on Bugs

Bug management is a good part of the work for the desktop team at the moment and required to prioritise the work and now what problems should worked first

Communication with other teams, upstream, Debian, etc

We want to have a good relationship with the people we work with

  • work on forwarding patches upstream (, having a low delta is better for everybody

  • become point of contact between the distribution and upstream for packages you have an interest in
  • work with other teams and Debian


Good documentation helps new contributors to know where to start and also not-so-new team members how to do specific things, or what is to do by example

  • help by writing specifications (i.e: documents on launchpad and the wiki that describes the changes we want to get implemented and how)
  • update wiki pages for the DesktopTeam ( (goals, list of things to do, documentation, how to start, etc)


Most of the work for a distribution is at the packaging level which means there is some place to contribute there too Smile :)

  • help doing desktop packages updates (update the package, test the new version, communicate issues with upstream is there is any)
  • pick a package you have interest in (contacting the usual maintainer before starting to work on it might be a good idea) and start working on it. No need to have uploads right to start on a package, having your first updates mentored is usually a good start and way to learn. If you do a good job you can quickly become the maintainer for that package
  • work on fixing issues by writting patches or backporting them from upstream and applying those fixes to the packages
  • package new software


  • help testing GNOME, write specific test plans


  • new ideas: bring your good ideas of changes for the Ubuntu desktop and help to implement them
  • teams: if you can motivate several people to work on a project creating a team around it is a good way to organize work: pda, printing, mono, telepathy, etc
  • If you have crazy ideas, write them up on ["DesktopTeam/Visions"] and discuss them on the mailing list.
  • ...

Useful places to start


Weekly TODO

[ edit weekly TODO] Include(DesktopTeam/WeeklyTODO) [ edit weekly TODO]

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