For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.



Outstanding actions from last meeting

Actions from this meeting

gvfs libgphoto backend

gvfs's libgphoto backend allows you to access non-storage based cameras as if they were a mounted storage device; gvfs-based applications can browse the photos on them as if they were files.

Unfortunately it's somewhat buggy at the moment, pitti asked whether we should keep it and try and fix the bugs, or whether we should disable it for now and review in intrepid.

This was discussed pre-meeting with seb128 and the conclusion was to disable it for now and use f-spot-import until it's ready.

gvfs libarchive backend

gvfs's libarchive backend allows you to access archives (e.g. zip) as if they were folders. It's installed but not yet activated, and when actived only provides a "Mount Archive" option in the context menu for the icon. seb128 asked whether we should activate it. Since it's not directly exposed, it would be relatively harmless.

No objections were raised.

/etc diff for upgrades contains a 5.2 MB diff of changes between dapper and hardy, and a fresh hardy install.

This needs review and co-ordination of fixes.

Activity reports

Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)


Next week:

1 milestoned bug 209220, which isn't going to get fixed for hardy, not yet sure how to remove the milestone.

Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)

Martin Pitt (pitti)

Unfixed milestoned bugs (only on hardy final):


Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)

Done: Retested photos and music experiences with Hardy beta, found lots of bugs.

Todo: Post results on wiki <>, and report/link bugs.

Michael Vogt (mvo)

I was on vacation last week so my report is slightly shorter.




Mirco Müller (MacSlow)

Spec-related work (gdm-face-browser): * starting to get familiar with code-base of new gdm * thinking up algorithm for layout and placement of photos * additional rendering-tests with clutter

Sebastien Bacher (seb128)

Ted Gould (tedg)




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DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-04-03 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:42 by localhost)