
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2008-08-07 12:34:38
Size: 2187
Editor: quest
Revision 2 as of 2008-08-07 12:38:50
Size: 3686
Editor: quest
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Team structure, member shuffling (pitti)
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Assigned Intrepid specs:
 * intrepid-device-permissions: Fixed libpam-ck-connector to work by default in PAM common-session; now it needs to be auto-added to PAM config on installation; slangasek says I should use pam-config-framework for that, which isn't ready yet; thus BLOCKED
 * gdm-guest-account: More or less implemented now, spec has release note and test case sections now; just needs some bug fixing now
 * jockey-printer-driver-support: backend is fully capable of searching for drivers on openprinting.org; needs some remaining frontend work now; didn't get to much work on this spec this week; big problem is that upstream probably won't add the system-config-printer changes in time for intrepid, so the really really nice integration might slip to the next release :( (it's still useful to search/install drivers from the jockey UI)
Line 80: Line 85:
Currently open milestoned bugs:
 * got them all fixed this week

Other non-chores work done:
 * got the apport retracers back into working order again
 * apport enabled by default again now
 * apport now catches kernel crash dumps and turns them into reports
 * did a few updated merges
Line 82: Line 95:

 * Ubuntu team induction stuff.
 * Tried to install Intrepid alpha 3. Reported related bugs.
 * Discussions with involved parties about package maintainedness presentation.
 * Nearly completed design for package maintainedness presentation. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackageMaintainednessPresentation>

For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.


  • Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
  • Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
  • Martin Pitt (pitti)
  • Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
  • Michael Vogt (mvo)
  • Mirco Müller (MacSlow)

  • Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
  • Ted Gould (tedg)

  • Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)


  • Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) - on Leave


  • Welcome mpt
  • Outstanding actions from last meeting
  • libzip MIR (Riddell)
  • Team structure, member shuffling (pitti)
  • Activity report length (mvo)
  • Roadmap update:

Outstanding actions from last meeting

Actions from this meeting

Activity reports

Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)


  • enabled compositing in KDE 4, using same blacklist as compiz
  • enabled apport in KDE 4
  • implement laptop keys for KDE 4 in kmix and guidance-power-manager
  • Package Qt 4.4.1
  • discuss qbzr packaging with the guy who had package in PPA, suggest some fixes and upload to ubuntu
  • testing new Adept
  • archive administration 1/2 day
  • couple of days working on system-config-printer-kde, got it into a state where it should be useful, plenty more to do


  • compiz patch to split out wrapper script needs review
  • plasmoid-quickaccess MIR
  • openbabel MIR
  • libzip MIR (coming on for two months this one, what do I have to do?)


  • at Akademy next week

no milestoned bugs

Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)

On leave.

Martin Pitt (pitti)

Assigned Intrepid specs:

  • intrepid-device-permissions: Fixed libpam-ck-connector to work by default in PAM common-session; now it needs to be auto-added to PAM config on installation; slangasek says I should use pam-config-framework for that, which isn't ready yet; thus BLOCKED
  • gdm-guest-account: More or less implemented now, spec has release note and test case sections now; just needs some bug fixing now
  • jockey-printer-driver-support: backend is fully capable of searching for drivers on openprinting.org; needs some remaining frontend work now; didn't get to much work on this spec this week; big problem is that upstream probably won't add the system-config-printer changes in time for intrepid, so the really really nice integration might slip to the next release Sad :( (it's still useful to search/install drivers from the jockey UI)

Currently open milestoned bugs:

  • got them all fixed this week

Other non-chores work done:

  • got the apport retracers back into working order again
  • apport enabled by default again now
  • apport now catches kernel crash dumps and turns them into reports
  • did a few updated merges

Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)

Michael Vogt (mvo)

Mirco Müller (MacSlow)

Sebastien Bacher (seb128)

Ted Gould (tedg)


Back to DesktopTeam.

DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-08-07 (last edited 2008-08-08 19:58:54 by yttrium)