For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Main Meeting
- Alexander Sack (asac)
- Alberto Milone (tseliot)
Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
- Chris Cheney (calc)
- Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
Ken VanDine (kenvandine)
- Martin Pitt (pitti) - chair
- Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
- Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)
- Tony Espy
Eastern Edition
Luke Yelavich (TheMuso)
- Robert Ancell (robert_ancell)
- Rick Spencer (rickspencer3)
- Bryce Harrington (bryce)
- Outstanding actions from last meeting
- Changed bug reporting process
- Partner Update
- Kubuntu Update
- Release Bugs/Release Status
- Ricks' heartache list
- Review work items
- Review activity reports
- Any other business
Actions from this meeting TheMuso to update the page for audio robert_ancell to update the page for compiz
pitti to talk to bdmurray about +filebug feedback (Done, see bug 432088)
- Riddell to clean up Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic
Outstanding actions from last meeting TheMuso to update the page for audio
- Not done, pushed to this week robert_ancell to update the page for compiz
- Not done, pushed to this week pitti to update the page for storage devices
- Done
Changed bug reporting process
Feedback about the +filebug redirection:
- many bugs can legitimately be filed without apport information (such as translation bugs), wishlist bugs, or UI problems
- Devs still want an easily accessible "file it anyway" link
Proposal from Alex: Firefox protocol handler like apturl (ubuntu-bug:file/firefox-3.5), but that requires new code and will only work with Firefox
Ideal solution: +filebug page shows wiki page contents and offers a "file it anyway" link at the bottom
Compromise: Disable redirection for ~ubuntu-bug-control members.
ACTION: pitti to talk to bdmurray about +filebug feedback
Done in bug 432088; other developers proposed the same solution.
Partner Update
- Online services team is sprinting this week, and I haven't gotten an update from them yet
- couchdb
- split server from the rest of couch so it doesn't start at boot
- bindwood
- we need bug fix release with oauth enabled
- desktopcouch
- we need bug fix release with oauth enabled (to allow syncing)
- ubuntuone-client
- There will likely be a UI freeze exception requested to deal with the preferences dialog usability issue
Martin pointed out that enabling oauth and peer-to-peer sync is a new feature which comes very late.
- user list in the session applet
- menu ordering bug
- notify-osd crashers
- New gdm artwork still needs to land
Kubuntu Update
- DVDs oversized, next Amarok upload may fix that
- OEM installer broken, but broken in Ubuntu Desktop too
- Upgrade from Jaunty works but with some config file quirks that I need to work around
- jockey and apport still need investigation
Rick's list of heartache
lots of incoming bugs about not being able to boot:
- under active investigation (mostly by Scott)
- lots of messages and other crufty looking things:
- many of them were already fixed in latest udev
- audio/video is crashy:
- Ken will spend some time debugging this this week
- Audio has been relatively stable since recently
- Video is broken and consistently crashing
- Ken will talk to cassidy (upstream)
- New telepathy-farsight was synced yesterday and is supposed to help a lot
- not interacting well with messaging menu
- Is there something keeping compiz from working on intel 945?
- Race condition on boot, sometimes does not load DRM modules and thus enable KMS and acceleration
related to bug 392039 and bug 431812, Scott proposed a solution in the bug
- Not displaying messages atm
- Not reproducible; Rick needs to file a bug
- crashy, including daemon
- Not reproducible; Rick needs to file a bug
- not interacting well with messaging
- fixed yesterday
Session menu
- haven't implemented user list yet (regression)
tracked in bug 422052
- gdm offers the API now
- status interactions with apps not working well
- needs to be ported to telepathy-mission-control-5 (right now it uses the 4 API)
- scheduled to land on Thursday
work items
- above trend line
- asac still has quite a few open items
- status of Arne's work?
See below
- looking good
- needs more testing?
- is it showing up in the right places?
- In Applications menu now, where it belongs
- Extra entry in System → Administration menu; filed as bug 435123 with a tested solution
Work items
Way above the trend line right now. Most problematic ones:
- Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic: 25 open items; Riddell says that many can be closed
desktop-karmic-firefox-3.5 : mostly cleanup left, which can be done post-beta
- A lot of the remaining items are QA/test plan/release notes items which are suitable for post-beta
ACTION: Riddell to clean up Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic
Activity reports
Alexander Sack (asac)
- finish autoconnect-inhibit (disconnect) network-manager feature and committed upstream
- lots of work on 0.8 network manager applet UI changes; prototyping various
- approaches and trying to get upstream to give a GO; still decision pending
- update gnome-bluetooth, webkit to latest upstream
- update finish epiphany to webkit migration; fix and upstream greasemonkey
- fixes for epiphany extensions; also fixed gw2get to work with latest ephy.
- work on networkmanager/modemmanager PUK issues; propose a solution with upstream; settled on doing it different (more work) LP:
- ported galeon to xulrunner 1.9.1
- fixed listen package to not depend on xulrunner (just webkit)
Alberto Milone (tseliot)
- Bug triage for -ati, -intel, -fglrx. Upstreamed ATI bug #429251.Upstreamed Intel bugs #429241, #429191.
- Provided Felix Kuehling (AMD) with feedback about his patch for X which can't be included in Karmic.
- Reviewed and approved Mario Limonciello's patch to work around card detection problems in the -nv driver, uploaded his fix to my PPA for testing. The fix is now in Karmic (LP: #385658)
- Worked on -intel issue about suspend/resume with Compiz (#429241):
- Added a fix in mesa to correct the relocation delta for WM surfaces. Uploaded mesa to Karmic.
Worked with Andy Whitcroft so that the problem is solved in the kernel too. The result is in: . The combination of the two (the latter will be uploaded after the freeze) solves the problem.
- Discussed critical bugs (affecting -intel) for Karmic with Intel engineers.
- [ATI R6xx and above] X fails to start up after mesa+git update (LP: #419126):
- After discussing the problem with Alex Deucher (AMD) I decided to disable the 3D driver for r600 in mesa.
- Experimental support for this driver will be provided in a PPA.
- Investigated problems with Intel Arrandal Video controller (#416792) together with Andy. I asked Intel about the error affecting tiling on the front buffer. Andy will integrate the new patches from Intel in Karmic.
Filed bug report against ubuntu-release-notes so that my instructions on DontZap can be added (#432384).
- Synaptics driver: provided upstream with a small correction about the type of the Synaptics Area options in the man page of synaptics. This fix will enter Karmic too.
- Discussed #409456 with NVIDIA. I'm working on the changes as suggested by kees.
- Changed the section of the -modaliases packages (in fglrx and nvidia) to "admin" as the packages are not "restricted" (LP: #429153). Will upload it after the freeze.
Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
- langpack-o-matic:
- build new language packs for Karmic, Jaunty and Hardy
- language-selector:
- write a script to do the language-support completeness check independently from gnome-language-selector. This can be called by other applications to figure out which packages are still missing on the system for a given language code.
- Rosetta import queue cleaning
Bryce Harrington (bryce)
Chris Cheney (calc)
- OEM work
- uploaded 1:3.1.1-2ubuntu1.
- Lots of OOo bug triage
Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
- Alpha 6 testing, fixing, testing, resize CDs, testing, release
- libindicate patch and plasmoid updates
- Package new Konversation beta
- update webkitkde package
- archive admin half day
- jaunty upgrade testing
- trying to get DVDs within size limit
- fix jaunty upgrade problems
- get DVDs built within size limit and test
- test oem-installer
- investigate jockey-kde and apport-kde issues
Ken VanDine (kenvandine)
- Prepared weekly releases for most of the DX packages
- updated python-indicate to support the new libindicate API
- finished up the indicator support in empathy (thanks Robert!)
- added green dot support
- added avatar
- gwibber indicator work
- mostly done with fixing up notifications in gwibber
- fixed the progress throbber in gwibber
- Prepare DX package uploads
- chase down the last glib critical in empathy
- debug video calls in empathy
- polish off the gwibber notifications (prevent it from spamming notify-osd)
- perhaps fix the broken indicator support in gajim
Luke Yelavich (TheMuso)
- Continued debugging of speech-dispatcher pulseaudio output code. I have come to the conclusion that the pulseaudio output code
+needs tobe optimized a lot more, and more functions to help with better performance/latency need to be used from the pulse API. +This shouldn't be too much work, if I can find some example code as a reference. Hope to land this by beta, if not ASAP afterwards.
- Uploaded new versions of orca, gok, and mousetweaks, all version 2.28.0 to karmic.
- Audio bug triaging, bugs in question are against pulseaudio, alsa userspace, and the kernel for hardware enablement.
- Uploaded pulseaudio v0.9.18 plus a couple of extra fixes from the 0.9.18 stable branch to karmic, thanks to Daniel chen for his
- Updated libcanberra with some bug fixes from git head.
- Added files for libcanberra to play a login sound when gdm loads. This is still not working, so it needs to be debugged.
A little sponsoring, less than I should, I know.
Martin Pitt (pitti)
Karmic feature work:
- desktop-karmic-automagic-python-build-system:
- beta available
- just the upstream discussion is missing (which isn't bound by release cycle)
- desktop-karmic-symptom-based-bug-reporting: implemented
- security-karmic-apport-abort: implemented
- this is as far as we can get in karmic, we won't change further things after FF
- I'm happy about how far we got
- gnome-panel speedup: pretty much "postponed", didn't have time for that
Other work done:
- MIR reviews
- PostgreSQL security update for stables
- Apport retracer maintenance
- Bug fixing: apport, cups, gconf, gdm, gdm-guest-session, gnumeric, hal, hdparm, jockey, libatasmart, udev
- Package updates to new upstream versions: devicekit-disks, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-power-manager, libatasmart
- Discussed DVD downsizing, did seed changes
- Fixed seeds for translation related packages
- Fought with non-booting karmic, reinstalled my workstation
- Ported indicator-session to polkit-1
- Set up gnome version script on my server
- Updated our artwork packages license/copyright
- usplash-theme-ubuntu: disable progress bar
- bindwood, desktopcouch, empathy, mesa, pidgin-libnotify, papyon, ttf-liberation
Robert Ancell (robert_ancell)
- Package update/merges: gcalctool, yelp, file-roller, eog, gnome-games, gdm, gtkmm2.4, glibmm2.4, pangomm, gnome-python-desktop, gnome-icon-theme, gnome-control-center, liboobs, gnome-doc-utils
Updated DebuggingCompiz Wiki instructions
- Empathy patch work
Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
- GNOME 2.28 updates: gnome-keyring gtksourceview totem-pl-parser rhythmbox cheese gnome-applets gnome-system-monitor alacarte evolution-data-server evolution evolution-exchange gconf-editor vino nautilus-sendto vinagre totem-pl-parser totem gvfs gnome-python intltool nautilus gedit gnome-utils gnome-keyring gnome-desktop zenity gnome-panel gnome-menus libwnck seahorse evince libgweather gnome-session
- looked at why some software using gdesktopapp to read desktop files are not translated
- updated default gnome-panel profile to not have an email launcher since the message indicator has those
- uploaded an indicator-messages fix to use translations correctly
- uploaded new evolution-indicator
- did some notify-osd testing and got some valgrind logs about a frequent crasher
- desktop bugs triage and started nominating things for karmic
- karmic cds testing
- updated gnome-panel and gnome-menus to move the software store according to the new design team recommendation
- uploaded bratsche's xsplash changes to gnome-panel and nautilus
- sponsoring: totem libindicate ubuntuone-client farsight2 gnome-themes ubuntuone-storage-protocol deskbar-applet xsplash indicate-python libdbusmenu indicator-session gucharmap gtksourceview2 gcalctool empathy pangomm gnome-games gtkmm2.4 gnome-control-center zenity
Tony Espy (awe)
Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)
- Uploaded system-config-printer: Integration of the new "dnssd" CUPS backend. It produced a lot of duplicate entries of the same printer and so cluttered the list of discovered printers a lot.
- Uploaded foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, ghostscript, hplip, gutenprint, splix, and all other printer driver packages to make the PPD auto-updates in the post-install scripts not ask for the server's password if the user has set a remote server via client.conf.
Fixed CUPS bugs: Double-sided printing did not work on PostScript printers when the "sides" command line option for "lp"/"lpr" was used (LP: #411392), for options with an underscore (or any other allowed non-alphanumeric character) in their names the default settings were not conserved when the PPD got replaced ("lpadmin -p ... -m ...", system-config-printer, automatic PPD update for existing print queues, LP: #432902).
- Answered and triaged printing-related bug reports.
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