
Revision 7 as of 2011-01-25 17:02:45

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Actions from previous meeting

Actions from this meeting

Weekly Summary

  • Thanks to Matthias Klose, LibreOffice landed in Natty now.

  • Some more updates to the GNOME3 PPA

Partner Update

  • DX
    • New APIs for libunity are due to land this week
    • menu parsing is getting moved out of appmenu-gtk and libappindicator and into dbusmenu-gtk
      • should help in triaging and isolating bugs
  • UbuntuOne

    • syncdaemon performance enhancements due to land in natty next week
    • unity integration work is beginning, should make it before FF
    • shotwell integration work is beginning, not at risk for FF


  • New unity landed this week
    • a bunch of bug fixes and the dash has its first release (really early prototype though)!
    • a lot of accessibility improvments as well.
    • we got an intermediate upload to fix an annoying "invisible unclickable window" bug.
    • the places have been rebuilt to drop some packages from the archives, the big come back is for this week release.
    • still some stacking issues (menu disappearing, windows not clickable) in compiz. Apparently, there is a fix proposed, so fortunately, this will be fixed this week.
    • also, some specific issue with nvidia card (black screen) still there, as well as launchers weird behavior in some cases.
    • libunity is now a new source to make the foundation API more unrelated to the view.
  • Next week, on your almost natty alpha2 computer:
    • full release upload planned on Thursday with working places (\o/), miscellaneous improvements and still bug fixes.
    • another "final" upload on Monday evening/Tuesday morning (european time) with crusty fixes and small incremental changes for getting ready for alpha2.
    • a compiz upload which should speed the startup time and fixes some annoying bugs (no ABI break planned).
  • Misc:
    • we know we have a lot of false positives of "your computer can't run unity" because the detection tools take more than 3s to answer on a cold cache (and the timeout was 0.5s, then 1s). For now, I'll upload a gnome-session package with a timeout of 5s for the release. The detection tool loads 15 MiB of libraries which can explain that. Some work on that planned for alpha3.
    • support of multiple fallbacks added to gnome-session. So, if you install unity-2d, the fallback for the unity session is unity-2d instead of gnome-classic without a warning message in that case.

Software Center

  • Startup Performance
  • Ratings and Reviews
    • Server-side:
      • New release expected this week, includes many improvements and bugfixes
    • Client-side:
      • Development and testing continues in branch lp:~mvo/software-center/reviews
      • Plan is to land feature in trunk this week for final testing and then release for alpha 2



Tools and Processes

IRC log Western edition

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17:34:15 pitti  apparently no actions from previous meeting
17:34:54 pitti  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-01-25 for the current reports about Unity etc.
17:35:09 pitti  kenvandine: do you have a parnter update?
17:35:12 kenvandine     yup
17:35:18 kenvandine     i should put that on the wiki too :)
17:35:19 pitti  partner, too
17:35:19 kenvandine     anyway
17:35:30 kenvandine     of U1
17:35:33 kenvandine     for U1
17:35:35 kenvandine     syncdaemon performance improvements, should land end of next week
17:35:55 kenvandine     unity integration has begun, should land in time for FF assuming all goes well with the libunity api they need
17:36:11 kenvandine     shotwell integration work will start next week, minimal work required, also should land in time for FF
17:36:27 pitti  nice
17:36:32 kenvandine     DX:
17:36:55 pitti  like, publishing photos to the cloud?
17:36:55 kenvandine     libunity landing this week, hopefully enough to get the U1 team comfortable with the API
17:37:03 kenvandine     pitti, basic
17:37:13 kenvandine     making sure photos can be synced easily
17:37:33 kenvandine     like i think things like revision info and metadata about photos
17:37:53 tkamppeter     hi
17:38:05 kenvandine     the other big thing from DX this week is work on moving menu parsing out of appmenu-gtk and libappindicator and into dbusmenu-gtk
17:38:18 kenvandine     which should help with bug triaging and hopefully fixing
17:38:27 kenvandine     that is all i have, questions? comments?
17:38:29 seb128 kenvandine, libunity landed last week no?
17:38:34 didrocks       kenvandine: (libunity already landed btw)
17:38:39 seb128 kenvandine, well at least didrocks uploaded and I reviewed it
17:38:42 kenvandine     yeah... but not with the new PAPIs
17:38:46 kenvandine     APIs
17:38:52 seb128 ok
17:38:55 kenvandine     i think the beginning of the new APIs are landing this week
17:38:57 seb128 so new update you mean
17:39:06 kenvandine     yeah, not new package :)
17:39:18 seb128 kenvandine, is it worth trying to fix appmenu issues until the parsing update lands?
17:39:27 seb128 like lpi menu items not working
17:39:37 kenvandine     don't think so
17:39:39 seb128 ok
17:40:16 chrisccoulson  if there are appmenu issues to debug btw, i could take a look at them whilst this stuff is all fresh in memory :)
17:40:28 chrisccoulson  i think a few people mentioned at the rally there were some long standing bugs
17:40:45 seb128 there is indeed, feel free to pick on the bug list
17:40:52 kenvandine     there are, i think tedg hopes to get that code in one place so it is easier to triage and fix
17:40:56 chrisccoulson  cool, i'll take a look
17:40:59 seb128 not sure how much that will be useful with the refactoring though
17:41:16 seb128 so maybe check with ted to get the updated code before starting on those
17:41:24 chrisccoulson  sure, no problem
17:42:31 kenvandine     oh, one more thing
17:42:32 pitti  kenvandine: so you'll add to the wiki as well? thanks
17:42:43 kenvandine     libappindicator gtk3 port is up for review now
17:42:49 kenvandine     so should land this week
17:42:50 pitti  \o/
17:42:53 pitti  happy to test
17:42:56 seb128 great
17:42:56 kenvandine     :)
17:43:06 seb128 kenvandine, up to upstream review, i.e ted? or packaging one?
17:43:09 kenvandine     pitti, will do
17:43:10 seb128 I can help to review
17:43:11 kenvandine     upstream
17:43:14 seb128 ok
17:43:29 pitti  didrocks: do you want to paste/say something extra/discuss unity updates?
17:43:46 didrocks       well, people can read on the wiki I guess
17:43:53 didrocks       but I have a BREAKING news!
17:43:59 seb128 we need to read now? how boring!
17:43:59 didrocks       (which is more a fix in fact) :)
17:44:08 didrocks       ok, copy/paste then, just for seb128 ;)
17:44:19 didrocks       New unity landed this week
17:44:22 didrocks       * a bunch of bug fixes and the dash has its first release (really early prototype though)!
17:44:29 didrocks       a lot of accessibility improvments as well.
17:44:30 didrocks       we got an intermediate upload to fix an annoying "invisible unclickable window" bug.
17:44:32 didrocks       the places have been rebuilt to drop some packages from the archives, the big come back is for this week release.
17:44:34 didrocks       still some stacking issues (menu disappearing, windows not clickable) in compiz. Apparently, there is a fix proposed, so fortunately, this will be fixed this week.
17:44:36 didrocks       also, some specific issue with nvidia card (black screen) still there, as well as launchers weird behavior in some cases.
17:44:38 didrocks       libunity is now a new source to make the foundation API more unrelated to the view.
17:44:40 didrocks       -> Next week, on your almost natty alpha2 computer:
17:44:50 didrocks       full release upload planned on Thursday with working places (\o/), miscellaneous improvements and still bug fixes.
17:44:51 pitti  didrocks: do we need to discuss the detection? right now it seems to be painfully expensive
17:44:52 didrocks       another "final" upload on Monday evening/Tuesday morning (european time) with crusty fixes and small incremental changes for getting ready for alpha2.
17:44:54 didrocks       a compiz upload which should speed the startup time and fixes some annoying bugs (no ABI break planned).
17:45:01 didrocks       -> misc:
17:45:04 didrocks       we know we have a lot of false positives of "your computer can't run unity" because the detection tools take more than 3s to answer on a cold cache (and the timeout was 0.5s, then 1s). For now, I'll upload a gnome-session package with a timeout of 5s for the release. The detection tool loads 15 MiB of libraries which can explain that. Some work on that planned for alpha3.
17:45:05 didrocks       support of multiple fallbacks added to gnome-session. So, if you install unity-2d, the fallback for the unity session is unity-2d instead of gnome-classic without a warning message in that case.
17:45:16 seb128 didrocks, sorry I was just joking since IRC or wiki we need to read anyway but thanks ;-)
17:45:29 seb128 lot of nice things coming this week
17:45:34 didrocks       first the news ;) the stacking issue (some menu disappearing in the background or window taht you can't click) is fixed!
17:45:41 chrisccoulson  nice!
17:45:43 didrocks       just a few minutes ago :)
17:45:43 mterry yay
17:45:45  *     chrisccoulson hugs didrocks
17:45:45 tremolux       \o/
17:45:55 didrocks       chrisccoulson: hugs smspillaz rather :)
17:46:01 didrocks       he put a lot of effort in it
17:46:05 didrocks       congrats to him!
17:46:08  *     chrisccoulson hugs smspillaz
17:46:12 kenvandine     yay smspillaz!
17:46:12 didrocks       wasn't trivial ;)
17:46:19 tremolux       nice smspillaz!
17:46:35 didrocks       pitti: re: detection
17:46:46 pitti  smspillaz: rock!
17:46:50 didrocks       pitti: one of the issue is that we are linking against 15Mb (the full nux stack)
17:46:52 pitti  didrocks: what does it currently do?
17:47:08 didrocks       just for basically checking opengl capability + lspci
17:47:19 pitti  it's not enough to check the graphics driver and available X.org modules?
17:47:36 didrocks       apparently not, they want to ensure the full nux is woking
17:47:37 didrocks       working*
17:47:43 didrocks       and make some tests
17:47:48 didrocks       again, the tests are not expensive
17:47:55 didrocks       initializing nux is
17:47:55 smspillaz      pitti: :)
17:48:03 pitti  didrocks: so in sum they are
17:48:17 didrocks       yeah :)
17:48:28 didrocks       so, I've talked about it with jay
17:48:35 didrocks       we'll figure out for alpha3
17:48:41 pitti  ok, thanks
17:48:49 didrocks       if it's still expensive, the plan is to run it in gdm
17:48:59 didrocks       but even 3s is a lot…
17:49:13 pitti  such a thing should require .1 s..
17:49:13 didrocks       and to cache it (I can patch gnome-session for picking it pretty easily)
17:49:25 didrocks       well, the gnome one is taking .3s
17:49:28 didrocks       (on cold cache)
17:49:39 pitti  ok, let's discuss off-meeting
17:49:52 didrocks       right, in a nutshell, we have a workaround for alpha2
17:50:08 pitti  looking forward to places
17:50:24 didrocks       yeah :)
17:50:26 pitti  tremolux: do you have something extra to say/discuss wrt. s-c?
17:50:44 pitti  nice work on startup speed! Is http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/software-center/mini10-startup/startup-times.png created automagically now?
17:50:44 tremolux       nope, unless anybody has questions ?
17:51:03 pitti  < 3 s is great
17:51:06 tremolux       pitti: we still run it by hand  :)
17:51:17 tremolux       pitti: but yes, thanks!  it feels really fast now
17:51:44 tremolux       pitti: also, thanks for your cold-cache script, I tried it and it seems to do the trick
17:51:50 mterry tremolux, I thought ratings and reviews was supposed to drop last week?
17:51:55 pitti  tremolux: nice
17:52:16 mterry tremolux, but it's next week?
17:52:21 tremolux       mterry: yes, mvo was at a sprint all week so we held off
17:52:41 tremolux       mterry: in other words, I mis-promised  ;)
17:53:20 tremolux       mterry: but we will have it for alpha 2
17:53:41 mterry np, just curious
17:54:04 tremolux       sure, np
17:54:31 pitti  Riddell: anything to announce/discuss in Kubuntu land?
17:54:39 Riddell        hi
17:54:46 pitti  Riddell: still trouble with gstreamer/gvfs and the like?
17:54:55 Riddell         * 4.6.0 being tested now, due for upload tomorrow morning
17:54:55 Riddell         * Digikam tested now, due for upload tomorrow morning
17:54:55 Riddell         * KDevelop being packaged, due for upload tomorrow morning
17:54:55 Riddell         * 17 milestoned bugs for alpha 2, they won't all make it but we can try, http://goo.gl/yGhJd
17:54:58 Riddell         * slow but steady progress being made on todo items https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
17:55:07 pitti  wohoo, release
17:55:16 Riddell        slomo said he'd remove the depends on gvfs, and I blacklisted it for now anyway
17:55:21 Riddell        s/depends/recommends/
17:55:40 pitti  I got libproxy to build after fixing the uninstallability, so tomorrow's CDs should be a bit smaller
17:56:00 Riddell        we removed geoio-database which should save a wee bit too
17:56:08 Riddell        blacklisted rather
17:56:12 pitti  Riddell: cool; as already said, feel free to upload that right away; we can sync the next time anyway then
17:57:34 pitti  thanks
17:57:38 pitti  any other business?
17:58:32 pitti  so, thanks everyone!

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IRC log Eastern edition