Actions from previous meeting

Actions from this meeting

Weekly Summary

Color Management in O O?

Partner update




What a crazy week! Double dose of unity (Thursday and Tuesday)! We also got a new compiz with a full stack rebuild/update. That totalize more than 23 updates within the week Smile :) As you can see, we got a lot of fixes and enhancements: and cover most of them.

After some discussion with the release team, the latest Unity will be in alpha3 \o/ Hope you will like the definitive dash design (looks really cool and snappy now!) with category support and such Smile :)

So others hilights:

Next release is planned next Monday.

Software Center


Tools and Processes

IRC log Western edition

(03:00:21) jasoncwarner: morning everyone. Ready for meeting? 
(03:00:23) jasoncwarner:
(03:00:29) seb128: hey jasoncwarner
(03:00:41) didrocks: hey o/
KenEdwards kenvandine 
(03:01:08) kenvandine: wow, that is always a bad idea
(03:01:13) hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] entered the room.
(03:01:16) kenvandine: lots of (nautilus:2298): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: (/build/buildd/libdbusmenu-0.3.99/./libdbusmenu-glib/menuitem.c:1760):dbusmenu_menuitem_property_is_default: code should not be reached
(03:01:21) tremolux: heyo
(03:01:21) seb128: didrocks, kenvandine, mterry_, pitti, chrisccoulson, others: ^ it's meeting time
(03:01:23) kenvandine: in my xsession-errors
(03:01:28) seb128: kenvandine, that's fixed in natty
(03:01:31) kenvandine: and no unity :/
(03:01:35) chrisccoulson: oh, that time already? today has flown by!
(03:01:38) seb128: kenvandine, get the upload chrisccoulson did earlier
(03:01:43) kenvandine: ok
(03:01:49) pitti: oh argh
(03:01:51) kenvandine: good times
(03:01:54) pitti: what a day, things keep falling apart
(03:01:56) rodrigo_ [~rodrigo@opensuse/member/rodrigomoya] entered the room.
(03:02:20) Amaranth [~travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] entered the room.
(03:02:22) seb128: jasoncwarner, you should really get a list of nicknames with a ping to start ;-)
(03:02:31) chrisccoulson: heh
(03:02:39) jasoncwarner: seb128: I'm creating an autokey for that today!
(03:02:47) seb128: ;-)
(03:02:50) pitti: jasoncwarner:
(03:02:54) bcurtiswx left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(03:03:23) mterry_: hi
(03:03:26) jasoncwarner: reading back through the history a bit, seems most everyone is quite lets see if can make this quick!
(03:03:28) tkamppeter: hi
(03:03:28) Sweetshark: hey all
(03:03:37) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] Partner Update 
(03:03:43) kenvandine: sure
(03:04:25) kenvandine: sorry, fumbling a bit... not used to classic gnome anymore :)
(03:04:32) kenvandine: DX - Potential FFE
(03:04:40) kenvandine:     places a11y (postponed probably)
(03:04:41) kenvandine:     bamf transient API
(03:04:41) kenvandine:     appmenu FS case
(03:04:41) ubot2: Launchpad bug 664711 in indicator-appmenu "Change to new BAMF menu transient API" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
(03:04:42) ubot2: Launchpad bug 591189 in indicator-appmenu "Manage the fullscreen application case" [Wishlist,Invalid]
(03:05:09) kenvandine: and there is a pretty nasty bug in indicator-datetime
(03:05:18) kenvandine: bug 726603
(03:05:18) ubot2: Launchpad bug 726603 in indicator-datetime "Appointments displayed might not be the next 5 " [High,In progress]
(03:05:43) kenvandine: if you have recurring events, it is very likely the ones displayed in the indicator are not your next 5
(03:05:47) kenvandine: so don't rely on it :)
(03:05:56) kenvandine: karl is working on it
(03:06:05) pitti: kenvandine: yeah, it's quite messed up
(03:06:05) kenvandine: and for UbuntuOne
(03:06:18) kenvandine: Potential FFE
(03:06:18) kenvandine:     bindwood needs to be updated to work with firefox 4 (in progress)
(03:06:18) kenvandine:     notifications for over quota events (not sure this will happen yet)
(03:06:48) kenvandine: bindwood should happen, and it is in universe
(03:06:54) kenvandine: just never got updated for ff4
(03:07:17) kenvandine: and there is the issue of banshee not handling u1ms urls, which dobey has worked on
(03:07:28) chrisccoulson: i was going to update bindwood, but then found that someone already did it ;)
(03:07:37) hyperair left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(03:08:09) kenvandine: chrisccoulson, oh, is it ready for ff4 now?
(03:08:18) kenvandine: jamesh is working on it afaik
(03:08:24) chrisccoulson: kenvandine, yeah there is a branch which supports ff4 now
(03:08:34) chrisccoulson: (it's just a case of dropping nsIExtensionManager)
(03:08:41) kenvandine: other than those things... of course there are plenty of bugs
(03:08:47) kenvandine: time to get to stomping on those :)
(03:08:47) chrisccoulson: i had to do it for one of mine too ;)
(03:08:49) kenvandine: that is all i have
(03:09:09) jasoncwarner: Thanks, Ken. 
(03:09:39) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] Unity 
(03:10:07) didrocks: all is on the wiki right now :)
(03:10:20) didrocks:
(03:10:24) didrocks: so, to sum up:
(03:10:33) didrocks: new unity today, ready for alpha3
(03:10:48) didrocks: new dash, hope you will love it
(03:10:50) didrocks: lot of bug fixes
(03:11:04) didrocks: still few FFe that will be required (will get the list later today)
(03:11:27) didrocks: I think the wiki page is quite complete actually :)
(03:11:31) jasoncwarner: thanks didrocks
(03:11:35) kenvandine: didrocks, as always :)
(03:11:36) ***jasoncwarner scanning for questions....
(03:11:37) didrocks: oh, and btw, if you have ever wondered of all unity shortcuts
(03:11:42) didrocks:
(03:12:00) didrocks: that has all the secrets you always wanted on unity ^
(03:12:09) jasoncwarner: the Super+shift+# addition...
(03:12:10) hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] entered the room.
(03:12:18) didrocks: yeah \o/
(03:12:29) didrocks: this brought some question on some weird keyboard layout
(03:12:35) didrocks: like the French one (who uses that?) :)
(03:12:41) jasoncwarner: well
(03:12:42) didrocks: as Shift + & is 1
(03:12:48) jasoncwarner: don't get me started on that!
(03:12:49) jasoncwarner: ;)
(03:12:52) didrocks: heh :-)
(03:13:10) didrocks: so basically, this release is really solid
(03:13:24) jasoncwarner: saaaweeeet...
(03:13:25) didrocks: do not hesitate to report any issue, as always
(03:13:41) jasoncwarner: that is going up today for A3? 
(03:13:45) didrocks: yeah :)
(03:13:55) didrocks: after some discussion with the release team
(03:13:58) didrocks: (a lot)
(03:14:02) didrocks: but thanks to them! :)
(03:14:04) jasoncwarner: ok...can't wait update :) 
(03:14:14) jasoncwarner: thanks, didrocks
(03:14:22) jasoncwarner: I think we are all looking forward to it!
(03:14:28) didrocks: heh, excellent!
(03:14:31) kenvandine: indeed
(03:14:32) kenvandine: :)
(03:14:40) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] Software Center
(03:14:46) tremolux: hey!
(03:14:56) tremolux: so details on wiki and summary here:
(03:14:59) tremolux: * Improvements to the lobby screen
(03:15:00) tremolux: * Continued refinement of ratings and reviews UI
(03:15:00) tremolux: * Added ability to deauthorize your computer for purchases
(03:15:00) tremolux: * Lots of bugfixes
(03:15:00) tremolux: * Coming soon: Details view visual improvements and speedup
(03:15:00) tremolux: * We are feature complete, now concentrating on:
(03:15:02) tremolux:  * UI refinements and performance
(03:15:04) tremolux:  * Continue startup time improvements
(03:15:06) tremolux:  * Bugfixing and stability
(03:15:57) tremolux: actually, I have not checked recently on the status of the Unity side of launcher integration
(03:16:18) jasoncwarner: tremolux: is ratings and reviews all rolled out from an IS standpoint? is there anything they are still needing to do for launch?
(03:16:51) tremolux: jasoncwarner: it's not fully rolled out, we are awaiting the next version that will hopefully land this week
(03:17:04) tremolux: it will contain, among other things, support for the new usefulness feature
(03:17:22) tremolux: we will get an ETA tonight for the rollout
(03:17:32) mterry_: tremolux, are utf-8 issues resolved?  :)
(03:17:50) jasoncwarner: mterry why would we care about that? 
(03:17:57) jasoncwarner: who woudl put those in the naem of an app?
(03:17:58) jasoncwarner: seriously
(03:18:00) jasoncwarner: come on!
(03:18:05) tremolux: mterry_: hmm, I *think* so, let me check and I'll let you know
(03:18:18) tremolux: but that is also awaiting the next serverside rollout
(03:18:26) tremolux: yeah, sorry mterry_!!
(03:18:29) mterry_: :)
(03:18:57) seb128: jasoncwarner, trying to make friends in non-english countries? ;-)
(03:19:09) tremolux: :)
(03:19:35) jasoncwarner: non-english? ;)
(03:19:42) jasoncwarner: thanks, tremolux
(03:19:43) jasoncwarner: oh
(03:19:51) tremolux: thanks!
(03:19:58) jasoncwarner: you mentioned unity launcher integration? checking on that today? 
(03:20:13) tremolux: yes, I will, didrocks do you happen to know more?
(03:20:29) didrocks: it's not done yet
(03:20:34) didrocks: definitively on the list
(03:20:43) tremolux: awesome, thanks  :)
(03:21:07) jasoncwarner: didrocks: is there any eta that you know of? 
(03:21:26) didrocks: jasoncwarner: not for the next release in any case, but then, it will be tackled
(03:22:02) jasoncwarner: cool...thanks
(03:22:05) jasoncwarner: thanks, tremolux
(03:22:11) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] Kubuntu
(03:22:11) c_korn [] entered the room.
(03:23:21) jasoncwarner: Riddell: any Kubuntu update ? 
(03:23:57) Riddell: hi
(03:24:10) Riddell: current waiting on alpha candidates to appear
(03:24:17) Riddell: currently packaging KDE SC 4.6.1
(03:24:33) Riddell: current packaging Qt 4.7.2
(03:25:01) Riddell: I believe KDE on ARM is broken due to bug 705689
(03:25:02) ubot2: Launchpad bug 705689 in gcc-linaro/4.5 "Qt applications crash with segfault error on armel when Qt is built with gcc 4.5 on natty" [High,In progress]
(03:25:16) Riddell: Qt has a workaround but not kdelibs
(03:25:40) pitti: Riddell: confirmed, see
(03:25:59) pitti: actually, I meant to say that the Qt fix helped
(03:26:02) pitti: it's a lot better now
(03:26:32) Riddell: oh aye, kdebindings compiling on arm too
(03:26:37) pitti: and KDE is actually mostly installable now (by dependencies, anyway)
(03:26:40) Riddell: so at least it's all compiled now, just probably not running :)
(03:26:57) pitti: haven't checked that, just wanted to point out that Qt is immensely happier now :)
(03:27:16) Riddell: ..
(03:27:41) zyga [] entered the room.
(03:27:41) zyga left the room (quit: Changing host).
(03:27:42) zyga [~zyga@linaro/zyga] entered the room.
(03:27:51) jasoncwarner: ok, thanks Riddell!
(03:28:14) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] AOB? 
(03:28:19) jasoncwarner: Anyone have anything else to discuss?
(03:28:47) Riddell: are we done with that allhands.c.c thing?
(03:28:48) Sweetshark: LibreOffice updates...
(03:29:01) kenvandine: not me... just that the unity update is pretty awesome!  great work guys!
(03:29:10) jasoncwarner: Riddell: I'm still trying to get my account fixed :/ 
(03:29:20) chrisccoulson: i'm itching to restart my session so i can try the new unity!
(03:29:20) pitti: allhands> AFAIUI from heno we are just supposed to clear up the old 2010 cycle TODO items, so that they can activate the April review cycle?
(03:29:33) pitti: chrisccoulson: already tried in the guest sessino :)
(03:29:43) pitti: chrisccoulson: (I grabbed the .debs from LP, you as well I suppose)
(03:29:45) seb128: just run "unity" in a running session
(03:29:55) seb128: no need to restart ;-)
(03:30:21) jasoncwarner: pitti: yes, that seems to be it for allhands
(03:30:32) jasoncwarner: Sweetshark: libreoffice updates would be great!
(03:30:42) Sweetshark: LibreOffice status:
(03:30:43) Sweetshark: - first LibreOffice 3.3.1 final in Natty (3.3.1-1ubunt4)
(03:30:43) Sweetshark: - Backports for Lucid and Maverick in the ppa
(03:30:43) Sweetshark: - arm still broken
(03:30:43) Sweetshark: - arm porting stuff together with doko - some unfortunate discussions about the origin of patches in the debian/ubuntu build (they missed proper attribution => bad thing)
(03:30:45) Sweetshark: - transitionals will get done today
(03:30:48) Sweetshark: - l10n tomorrow
(03:30:50) Sweetshark: - lo-menubar integration stategy: upstreaming for 3.4, building as an external extension for 3.3.X (thus for natty)
(03:30:51) chrisccoulson: seb128 -ok, i just did that now ;)
(03:31:32) pitti: Sweetshark: did you figure out the recursive flags variable which caused the armel ftbfs?
(03:32:02) Sweetshark: pitti: yes, the moment I saw it.
(03:32:06) pitti: nice
(03:32:58) Sweetshark: pitti: but there where other issues with the arm patch introduced from debian, including the nasty attribution stuff
(03:33:39) ***kenvandine is looking forward to getting lo-menubar in :)
(03:33:52) awe left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(03:34:07) chrisccoulson: firefox might beat it now ;)
(03:34:21) Sweetshark: pitti: doko is currently building on kakadu. Lets see how it goes. So far, it is looking good.
(03:34:40) MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
(03:35:04) pitti: cool
(03:35:15) doko: still building ...
(03:35:35) kenvandine: chrisccoulson, ugh... i can't get lo-menubar to build for i386 on the buildds
(03:35:43) kenvandine: worked in pbuilder :/
(03:36:30) jasoncwarner: thanks, Sweetshark
(03:36:31) seb128: kenvandine, do you have universe activated in your pbuilder or not?
(03:36:48) kenvandine: i don't
(03:36:57) kenvandine: seb128, and it build for amd64
(03:37:09) kenvandine: the error is failing to satisfy a depends for libreoffice-dev
(03:37:14) seb128: retry the build
(03:37:16) kenvandine: not something specific to lo-menubar
(03:37:20) kenvandine: i have
(03:37:21) seb128: it might have been a transient issue
(03:37:23) kenvandine: a bunch of times now
(03:37:27) kenvandine: same errors
(03:37:35) seb128: did you try in an i386 pbuilder?
(03:37:43) kenvandine: last week
(03:37:48) kenvandine: it worked, same day i uploaded
(03:37:58) seb128: ok dunno then
(03:38:03) kenvandine: and i can install the build depends in a i386 vm
(03:38:09) kenvandine: yeah, that is why i asked Sweetshark :)
(03:39:48) jasoncwarner: Ok...last topic! [TOPIC] Tools and Processes
(03:39:54) jasoncwarner: pitti: anything you wanted to go over? 
(03:40:03) pitti: not from my side
(03:40:12) pitti: for T&P anyway
(03:40:20) pitti: just one question for a3 work items
(03:40:32) pitti: didrocks: are the a11y WIs in the new unity upload, or should I move them to b1?
(03:40:51) didrocks: pitti: maybe ask to rodrigo, there are nice enhancements but I didn't test it that much
(03:40:58) Sweetshark: kenvandine: hhmm, didnt see that. we gotta discuss that after the meeting
(03:40:59) didrocks: so, to be clean, on a11y and unity:
(03:41:06) kenvandine: Sweetshark, thx
(03:41:07) didrocks: all will be accessible by natty, but the places
(03:41:21) didrocks: (there will be keyboard navigation, but no onbard screen reader)
(03:41:43) didrocks: rodrigo_ will give a better a11y state than I can, I just saw the commits flowing in :)
(03:42:03) didrocks: pitti: I'll track it down to get them refreshed tomorrow
(03:42:04) rodrigo_: yes, can give a state if you want :)
(03:42:08) pitti: didrocks: thanks
(03:42:12) pitti: rodrigo_: please
(03:42:32) rodrigo_: ok, so panel and launcher are mostly accessible, some small bugs remaining here and there
(03:42:41) pitti: jasoncwarner: (sorry, just here with 1/4 brain -- this a3 takes a lot more effort than usual)
(03:42:54) rodrigo_: for places, we talked with dbarth__ the other day about leaving it to the end, and if there's time, do the a11y for it
(03:43:55) nessita left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(03:44:50) rodrigo_: pitti, that's a short summary, is that what you wanted? :)
(03:45:02) pitti: rodrigo_: thanks
(03:45:12) gabaug left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(03:45:20) pitti: if dbarth didrocks can translate that into updating WI states for a3, perfect :)
(03:45:29) rodrigo_: :)
(03:45:30) didrocks: pitti: will do them :)
(03:45:34) pitti: ... just assume you'd read the missing "or" there
(03:45:46) didrocks: heh, sure :)
(03:48:21) jasoncwarner: Ok...anything else? 
(03:48:46) jasoncwarner: 3....
(03:48:48) jasoncwarner: 2...
(03:48:51) jasoncwarner: 1..
(03:48:53) seb128: thanks
(03:48:55) tkamppeter: seb128, Riddell, bryce, pitti, what about an O O being the first Ubuntu with color managment (ICC, ...).
(03:48:58) didrocks: thanks ;)
(03:49:00) jasoncwarner: [END MEETING]

IRC log Eastern edition

(08:30:52) jasoncwarner: good morning eastern edition...ready for meeting? 
(08:30:53) jasoncwarner:
(08:30:58) jasoncwarner: robert_ancell TheMuso Bryceh RAOF
(08:31:26) RAOF: Good morning gentles all.
(08:31:55) jasoncwarner: morning RAOF
(08:32:41) jasoncwarner: TheMuso: bryce_ around? 
(08:34:00) bryce_: heya
(08:34:02) jasoncwarner: Well, RAOF, I think it is you and me :)
(08:34:07) jasoncwarner: oh, heya bryce_!
(08:34:07) TheMuso: hey
(08:34:13) jasoncwarner: nm...spoke too soon ;)
(08:34:17) bryce_: sorry, was chatting with raof on #ubuntu-x
(08:34:19) RAOF: Here they come :)
(08:34:36) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] X Update...
(08:34:47) bryce_: ok
(08:34:57) RAOF: A fun week in X!
(08:35:06) bryce_: I mentioned about an out of memory bug previously...
(08:35:21) bryce_: this is now solved.  Turned out it was a bug in ubiquity that caused a memory leak
(08:35:38) bryce_: during installation or livecd usage, which quickly gobbled up memory and then X fell over and died
(08:35:44) kancerman left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(08:36:21) jasoncwarner: :)
(08:36:31) bryce_: patch was verified by the testing crew and cjwatson accepted it into ubiquity, so all should be good now.
(08:36:58) jasoncwarner: awesome...
(08:37:34) kancerman [~kancerman@] entered the room.
(08:37:38) jasoncwarner: anything else you want to highlight? 
(08:38:00) bryce_: progress on the proprietary driver front
(08:38:00) RAOF: We now have all the Xi 2.1 bits in the stack, so multitouch should work for all those people who actually have multitouch hardware and software :)
(08:38:22) jasoncwarner: oh, cool...I'll test it on my trackpad ;) 
(08:38:24) bryce_: however with the latest xserver upstream ABI change it's added a bit of complication for driver guys
(08:38:38) jasoncwarner: RAOF: are those there now or in latest update today?
(08:39:07) RAOF: jasoncwarner: They're in now.  In fact, last week, just after the meeting :)
(08:39:34) jasoncwarner: ok :) I'll start testing after meeting. thanks
(08:39:55) jasoncwarner: bryce_: how are we on drivers now...seems my system is working again ;) 
(08:40:03) RAOF: Everyone who happens to have a non-multitouch but multi-finger synaptics touchpad noticed, because they couldn't move their pointer :)
(08:40:23) bryce_: jasoncwarner, yep, we're going to need to do another ABI bump unfortunately, but I think what we should do is hold off on that a bit
(08:40:32) bryce_: so people can keep using proprietary drivers that got 'em
(08:40:54) bryce_: and give amd/nvidia time to roll out drivers with the new abi
(08:41:22) bryce_: then when we've got those in hand, we'll can do the abi rebuild dance across the board
(08:41:32) bryce_: RAOF, does that sound like a sensible approach to you?
(08:41:34) RAOF: I'm (slowly) preparing the 1.10 final packages, but we might as well wait for the proprietary drivers this time.
(08:41:51) RAOF: bryce_: Absolutely.  I thought we'd already agreed to that :)
(08:42:00) bryce_: just checking :-)
(08:42:24) bryce_: we've got hardly any bug reports against natty/xserver right now (just three! and one I reported, the other two may not be valid anyway)
(08:43:07) jasoncwarner: cool...hopefully we'll get more feedback here soon if there are problems, giving us enough runway to get 'em fixed
(08:43:12) jasoncwarner: alright...anything else? 
(08:43:19) RAOF: There's one xserver bug I'll hunt down today which seems to be hit by hybrid graphics users (assert on startup).
(08:43:53) RAOF: We'll get a new mesa soon; the 7.10 branch will soon see a 7.10.1 release, with a bunch of extra fixes over our current snapshot.
(08:44:10) RAOF: I don't believe that will need a FFe.
(08:44:23) bryce_: most of my time has been in chasing the -intel gpu freeze bugs.  I've also put in a bunch of enhancements to our apport hooks again this past week.  But nothing really earth shattering to report there.
(08:44:51) bryce_: oh and how could I forget...  since last meeting, Wayland is now in the archive :-)
(08:44:54) jasoncwarner: ok... TheMuso, anything of particular note you want to update or are we good? 
(08:45:02) jasoncwarner: bryce_: oh yeah, test away people!
(08:45:03) jasoncwarner: ;)
(08:45:42) bryce_: jasoncwarner, haven't gotten much feedback on it.  I do plan to spend some time updating it a little.
(08:45:50) TheMuso: Nothing major to report from me.
(08:46:19) TheMuso: One thing I should mention is that there haven't been any user reports of problems with the new audio volume initialization process.
(08:46:52) TheMuso: Which is a good thing, but I have plans to clean that up a bit more next cycle... and other audio plans too.
(08:47:12) bryce_: audio's been working dandy on all my systems
(08:47:19) jasoncwarner:
(08:47:34) TheMuso: bryce_: yes but the recent big change was with the way that audi ovoluems are set on a fres install/live CD.
(08:47:34) jasoncwarner: davidb mentioned something about audio last night and was going to ask TheMuso to look into it...
(08:47:48) jasoncwarner: TheMuso: would you mind talking to davidb about it and see what he was seeing?
(08:47:57) TheMuso: jasoncwarner: Sure.
(08:48:30) jasoncwarner: TheMuso: thank you :) 
(08:48:50) jasoncwarner: 'aight...will give a last call ;) Anything else? 
(08:48:58) bryce_: my son has learned to say the word "No" now.  He says it with much gusto.
(08:49:08) jasoncwarner: [END MEETING]

DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-03-01 (last edited 2012-06-14 23:51:01 by c-67-170-185-42)