
Revision 9 as of 2011-07-26 11:35:35

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Weekly Summary

* Updated to Ghostscript 9.04: Printing performance (rendering PDF files in high resolution) vastly improved. Fixed LP: #668800 solved (TillKamppeter). * Updated all printer driver packages (Foomatic, Ghostscript, CUPS, HPLIP, pxljr, foo2zjs, m2300w, ptouch-driver) to have "-dNOINTERPOLATE" in the Ghostscript command line to make Ghostscript's page rendering for printing even faster (TillKamppeter). * Upstream release of Foomatic 4.0.8 and update of the appropriate Ubuntu packages (TillKamppeter). * CUPS 1.5.0 released, started work on packaging it (TillKamppeter).

Partner update


Software Center



IRC log Western edition

IRC log Eastern edition