
Revision 10 as of 2011-10-11 15:18:19

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Actions from previous meeting

Actions from this meeting

Weekly Summary

Partner update


  • Ted just got back from summit, he will get me a list of SRU bugs later today and I'll post them here.


  • ubuntuone-client-gnome SRU from the nautilus-open-terminal crasher with lots of dupes coming today


  • Lot of bug fixes and multiple backporting uploads (unity-lens-applications, unity-lens-files, compiz, unity)
  • ccsm works again without crashing Smile :)

  • New compiz and compiz-plugins-main with a lot of bug fixes in -proposed. Please do test them! Already pinged the french forum and some bug confirmations already gathered!
  • New unity today or tomorrow in -proposed for https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/4.24.0 (remove all Sam's bug as it's part of the compiz upload)

  • Nothing in unity-2d apart from a crasher, already warned dx, working on it. Nothing worrying otherwise.

Software Center

  • Released versions 5.0.1 through containing targeted bug fixes
  • and/or 5.0.2 versions in progress for an early SRU



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