
Below are the test cases that should be run when any of gnome-builder, libdex, or libpanel are updated to new major releases in the development version of Ubuntu. These should also be run for any Stable Release Update for gnome-builder, libdex, or libpanel.

Test Case

  1. From a terminal, run sudo apt install gnome-builder

  2. Open Builder. Click Calendar on the list of Suggested projects.

    1. If Calendar shows in Recent projects, close Builder. Open your file browser and delete the Calendar project. The default location is ~/Projects/gnome-calendar. Close your file browser and repeat step 2.

  3. If prompted to clone repository, do it, changing location if desired. Cloning should be successful.
  4. If prompted to Install or Update SDK, click Install.

  5. Once the install is done, the ▶ icon in the app's headerbar (to the right of center) should be active. Click ▶ to build and run Calendar. This will take several minutes the first time.
  6. After the Calendar app starts successfully, close it.
  7. In GNOME Builder, press Ctrl+Enter to open the search dialog.

  8. Search for show_about

  9. Double-click the result to open the gcal-application.c file.

  10. Verify that code syntax highlighting and spellchecking is visible in the file.
  11. In the developers section, add your name and email address, matching the formatting of other entries.

  12. Click ▶ in the headerbar
  13. In the Calendar window that opens up, click ☰ > About Calendar. Click Credits. Verify that your name is showing in the Code by section.

  14. Close the Calendar window. Close the Builder window.

What Could Go Wrong

GNOME Builder is a standalone app that is not installed by default by any Ubuntu flavor. If there is a critical bug preventing GNOME Builder from being usable, a developer could use another IDE such as Visual Studio Code.

GNOME Builder is also distributed as a Flatpak and developers could use that if Ubuntu's .deb version is not working. (The .deb version of GNOME Builder installs flatpak by default anyway since that's how the build and run command is implemented for GNOME apps.)

What Could Go Wrong (libdex)

libdex is only currently used by the GNOME Builder and Sysprof apps.

GNOME Builder is a standalone app that is not installed by default by any Ubuntu flavor. If there is a critical bug preventing GNOME Builder from being usable, a developer could use another IDE such as Visual Studio Code.

GNOME Builder is also distributed as a Flatpak and developers could use that if Ubuntu's .deb version is not working. (The .deb version of GNOME Builder installs flatpak by default anyway since that's how the build and run command is implemented for GNOME apps.)

The Sysprof app is also a standalone app but is proposed to be installed by default in Ubuntu Desktop 24.10. A critical bug in libdex could mean that users are unable to use this system profiling app.

This is mitigated by testing that both apps still run with the new libdex version.

libdex is also used by libsysprof-capture-4-dev. libsysprof-capture-4-dev is a dependency of several GNOME development libraries (libglib2.0-dev [proposed for Ubuntu 24.10], libgtk-4-dev [proposed for Ubuntu 24.10], libsoup2.4-dev, libsoup-3.0-dev, and libgtksourceview-5-dev). A critical enough bug could make it impossible to build apps using those libraries, although that is unlikely to happen in an SRU since there is an autopkgtest specifically for libsysprof-capture-4-dev to detect this kind of bug. sysprof libraries are not a dependency of the runtime library itself (libglib2.0-0 etc.) so a bug in sysprof won't otherwise affect usage of Ubuntu apps.

What Could Go Wrong (libpanel)

libpanel is only currently used by the GNOME Builder and Sysprof apps.

GNOME Builder is a standalone app that is not installed by default by any Ubuntu flavor. If there is a critical bug preventing GNOME Builder from being usable, a developer could use another IDE such as Visual Studio Code.

GNOME Builder is also distributed as a Flatpak and developers could use that if Ubuntu's .deb version is not working. (The .deb version of GNOME Builder installs flatpak by default anyway since that's how the build and run command is implemented for GNOME apps.)

The Sysprof app is also a standalone app but is proposed to be installed by default in Ubuntu Desktop 24.10. A critical bug in libpanel could mean that users are unable to use this system profiling app.

This is mitigated by testing that both apps still run with the new libpanel version.


DesktopTeam/TestPlans/GnomeBuilder (last edited 2024-06-04 18:58:15 by jbicha)