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Editor: c-71-192-44-202
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## page was renamed from DesktopTeamVisions
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== Common Install Hook ==



05-09-30 Frank Niedermann (fbn): I'm adding three ideas I had the last few days, they are not that much Ubuntu only related but IMO they would improve the Gnome desktop:

== Possibility to use keyboard in Gnome dialog windows ==

Many times I try to close dialog windows or application windows with the escape key or I tried to confirm a dialog window with the return key for OK. Sometimes this works, many times nothing happens. Would be nice if at least every window that has a discard/close button can be closed with the escape key.

== Video projector management ==

I often see people having some issues with video projectors and their Laptops running WinXP (users have to activate external vga output - some don't know how to do this, sometimes WinXP then has two displays and the video projector gets an empty desktop - some user's don't know how to configure this ...).

It would be nice to have a GUI tool that supports the user on Gnome with video projectors connected to Laptops (or workstations as well). Gnome should recognize if a video projector got connected to the client and ask the user what to do: Do you want to display your desktop to the video projector? Do you want to switch resolution so the video projector can display your desktop correct (maybe the tool can suggest the right resolution)?

A nice features could be to create a brand new virtual desktop just for the video projecton, the normal virtual desktops would be only shown on the Laptop and the new desktop will always be shown on the video projector. That would make sense to have a presentation or movie running on the projector and some other applications that are not for the auidence on the "private" desktops ;) Actually not sure if this is possible ...

After all Gnome would have a way to guide the user in using video projectors - users should not have to worry about how to get it running.

Would be nice to get some feedback on this because I'm not even sure if there really are such issues on Gnome or is it already fine like it is?

== Personal Backup with reminder ==

As I'm using Ubuntu on my Laptop I'm sometimes thinking what would happen if my Laptop gets stolen or I loose it or the harddisk will crash. My personal data (/home) would be gone - happy that I have a backup - made some month ago ... damn.
It would be nice to have a tool that reminds the user (if the user wants it) to backup important data. Like the update manager does with the notification area if there are new updates available. The backup reminder could tell the user that the last backup was x days ago and ask if a new backup should be created now or later (remind again in ... ). If the user chooses to make a backup the tool should suggest what to backup (don't know - /home, maybe the dpkg package list, whatever is important ...) and offer some ways to store the backup (burn it cd/dvd, store it on file server, to a directory, ...).

The tool should also have a function to restore the data to a brand new installation because that would make sense after a complete hard disk crash or laptop loss.

== Geographic Location Desktop Service ==

This is an idea in the area of user service enhancements. Not everyone may be a friend of the idea to expose personal data to (some kinde) of public audience. The basic idea is to public where I am currently, based on my calendar or other information sources. A draft version is available as ["GeoLocDesktopService"]. 200600118/["goern"]

== Universal Control Panel ==

 * '''Launchpad Entry''':
 * '''Created''': 29MAR06 by ["nw15062"]
 * '''Contributors''': ["nw15062"]
 * '''Packages affected''':

=== Summary ===
A Universal Control Panel Launcher
=== Rationale ===
Currently we throw all user based contorls in to one bag and system administrator tools into another.
=== Use cases ===
The goal of this project is to consolidate and organize these tools for a better and easier user experiance.
=== Scope ===
A better means to finding and lauching system control utilities.
All tools would have a breif description of their functions along with wether it is Root required or not.
=== Design ===
A application window, with a tool bar and a status bar, a verticl movable divisionon left plane is a list of categories, and on the right window is a list of that categories tools with description of their fuctions and note of wether requires administrative logon.
This is a rough example
=== Implementation ===
no current code or application would need to be changed, a simple xml file could store current installed applications along with description and category, new programs would act like plugins to the UCP and automatically be listed as of installation much as they become listed in "System>>Prefrences" or "System>>Administration"
=== Code ===
=== Data preservation and migration ===
No current programs would need to be changed in anyway.
=== Outstanding issues ===
Need able bodied programmer to through together this from Idea to actual application

== Copy queing ==
 * '''Launchpad Entry''':
 * '''Created''': 29Mar06 by ["nw15062"]
 * '''Contributors''': ["nw15062"]
 * '''Packages affected''':

=== Summary ===
The ability to que set number of files being copied simultaneously, when a new file is selected to be copied at the same time a current file is being copied it iwll be qued rather then having another copy dialog window popping up

Aslo have the ability to cancel a file that is being qued to copy
=== Rationale ===
Currenty when a user needs to copy multiple documents he is often bombared with a number of copying windows each trying to compete for system resources.
=== Use cases ===
This would allow users to change file copy priority and cancel files that have not yet begun to be copied, it would work similar to FireFox's downloader.

Common use is during system administrative task where large volumes of data needs to be moved with ease but were a limited strain is presented on the overall system
=== Scope ===

=== Design ===
=== Implementation ===
I believe Nautilus is currently in charge of the graphical file copying a chaneg as this would require rewriting some of its code and increasing its code base.
=== Code ===

=== Data preservation and migration ===

=== Outstanding issues ===
Need support and programmer, ideal developer would be someone already withing the Gnome development team.
=== BoF agenda and discussion ===

We'll collect our visions and ideas for the Desktop of the Future over here. But some words in advance: please make sure this page is for

  • coordinating those visions,
  • getting people pulled in to work with you on those,
  • pointing to the specs you wrote (["SpecTemplate"]) and to links how to achieve it.

Let's make this page as organized and well-structured as we can.

Common Install Hook


05-09-30 Frank Niedermann (fbn): I'm adding three ideas I had the last few days, they are not that much Ubuntu only related but IMO they would improve the Gnome desktop:

Possibility to use keyboard in Gnome dialog windows

Many times I try to close dialog windows or application windows with the escape key or I tried to confirm a dialog window with the return key for OK. Sometimes this works, many times nothing happens. Would be nice if at least every window that has a discard/close button can be closed with the escape key.

Video projector management

I often see people having some issues with video projectors and their Laptops running WinXP (users have to activate external vga output - some don't know how to do this, sometimes WinXP then has two displays and the video projector gets an empty desktop - some user's don't know how to configure this ...).

It would be nice to have a GUI tool that supports the user on Gnome with video projectors connected to Laptops (or workstations as well). Gnome should recognize if a video projector got connected to the client and ask the user what to do: Do you want to display your desktop to the video projector? Do you want to switch resolution so the video projector can display your desktop correct (maybe the tool can suggest the right resolution)?

A nice features could be to create a brand new virtual desktop just for the video projecton, the normal virtual desktops would be only shown on the Laptop and the new desktop will always be shown on the video projector. That would make sense to have a presentation or movie running on the projector and some other applications that are not for the auidence on the "private" desktops Wink ;) Actually not sure if this is possible ...

After all Gnome would have a way to guide the user in using video projectors - users should not have to worry about how to get it running.

Would be nice to get some feedback on this because I'm not even sure if there really are such issues on Gnome or is it already fine like it is?

Personal Backup with reminder

As I'm using Ubuntu on my Laptop I'm sometimes thinking what would happen if my Laptop gets stolen or I loose it or the harddisk will crash. My personal data (/home) would be gone - happy that I have a backup - made some month ago ... damn. It would be nice to have a tool that reminds the user (if the user wants it) to backup important data. Like the update manager does with the notification area if there are new updates available. The backup reminder could tell the user that the last backup was x days ago and ask if a new backup should be created now or later (remind again in ... ). If the user chooses to make a backup the tool should suggest what to backup (don't know - /home, maybe the dpkg package list, whatever is important ...) and offer some ways to store the backup (burn it cd/dvd, store it on file server, to a directory, ...).

The tool should also have a function to restore the data to a brand new installation because that would make sense after a complete hard disk crash or laptop loss.

Geographic Location Desktop Service

This is an idea in the area of user service enhancements. Not everyone may be a friend of the idea to expose personal data to (some kinde) of public audience. The basic idea is to public where I am currently, based on my calendar or other information sources. A draft version is available as ["GeoLocDesktopService"]. 200600118/["goern"]

Universal Control Panel

  • Launchpad Entry:

  • Created: 29MAR06 by ["nw15062"]

  • Contributors: ["nw15062"]

  • Packages affected:


A Universal Control Panel Launcher


Currently we throw all user based contorls in to one bag and system administrator tools into another.

Use cases

The goal of this project is to consolidate and organize these tools for a better and easier user experiance.


A better means to finding and lauching system control utilities. All tools would have a breif description of their functions along with wether it is Root required or not.


A application window, with a tool bar and a status bar, a verticl movable divisionon left plane is a list of categories, and on the right window is a list of that categories tools with description of their fuctions and note of wether requires administrative logon. This is a rough example


no current code or application would need to be changed, a simple xml file could store current installed applications along with description and category, new programs would act like plugins to the UCP and automatically be listed as of installation much as they become listed in "System>>Prefrences" or "System>>Administration"


Data preservation and migration

No current programs would need to be changed in anyway.

Outstanding issues

Need able bodied programmer to through together this from Idea to actual application

Copy queing

  • Launchpad Entry:

  • Created: 29Mar06 by ["nw15062"]

  • Contributors: ["nw15062"]

  • Packages affected:


The ability to que set number of files being copied simultaneously, when a new file is selected to be copied at the same time a current file is being copied it iwll be qued rather then having another copy dialog window popping up

Aslo have the ability to cancel a file that is being qued to copy


Currenty when a user needs to copy multiple documents he is often bombared with a number of copying windows each trying to compete for system resources.

Use cases

This would allow users to change file copy priority and cancel files that have not yet begun to be copied, it would work similar to FireFox's downloader.

Common use is during system administrative task where large volumes of data needs to be moved with ease but were a limited strain is presented on the overall system




I believe Nautilus is currently in charge of the graphical file copying a chaneg as this would require rewriting some of its code and increasing its code base.


Data preservation and migration

Outstanding issues

Need support and programmer, ideal developer would be someone already withing the Gnome development team.

BoF agenda and discussion


DesktopTeam/Visions (last edited 2009-08-18 21:50:31 by nat-wifi-voip)