
Revision 11 as of 2018-06-14 14:37:31

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The DesktopTeam uses git to manage its packages. Here's how to do some common things. You need git-buildpackage installed for most of this.

Suggested configuration is available in the end. If you are using it, any local changes to the git repor

General concepts

Branches and repo layout

We will use a layout with 3 remote repositories:

$ git remote show
origin          # will point to launchpad (default for pull and push without any argument)
salsa           # will point to debian salsa repository, to cherry-pick easily fixes from debian and rebase
gnome           # will point to upstream repository, to cherry-pick easily upstream fixes

Note: we named in thi page the remotes salsa and gnome, to not be mislead with local branch names (which are for instance debian/branchname and upstream/branchname) if any. Consequently, instead of having debian/master, a local branch tracking debian/debian/master remote, we end up with debian/master tracking salsa/debian/master, which is easier to understand.

As those remote name are local to your system, you can rename them as you see fit.

Launchpad remote branches


Let's look at the various branches in the origin (launchpad) remote repository:

$ git remote show origin 
* remote origin
  HEAD branch: ubuntu/master
  Local branches configured for 'git pull':
    pristine-tar    merges with remote pristine-tar
    ubuntu/master   merges with remote ubuntu/master
    upstream/latest merges with remote upstream/latest
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    pristine-tar    pushes to pristine-tar    (up to date)
    ubuntu/master   pushes to ubuntu/master   (up to date)
    upstream/latest pushes to upstream/latest (up to date)
  • ubuntu/master branch is the content of the latest development release. Work ready to be uploaded or uploaded in dev release mostly happens here. It's the default branch.

  • pristine-tar is an internal gbp-buildpackage branch, used to reconstruct release tarballs (using upstream/latest). You are not intended to interact with it directly.

  • upstream/latest is another internal gbp-buildpackage branch. It's a merge between the upstream git branch corresponding to the latest release from the upstream repository and extra content comming from the tarball. You are not intended to interact with it directly.

We find back those 3 branches locally:

  • ubuntu/master -> pull and push from origin (launchpad) remote repository, on ubuntu/master branch (origin/ubuntu/master)

  • pristine-tar -> pull and push from origin (launchpad) remote repository, on pristine-tar branch (origin/pristine-tar)

  • upstream/latest -> pull from upstream remote repository, on the master branch (upstream/master), and push to origin (launchpad) remote repository, on upstream/latest branch (origin/upstream/master).

Basically, you will only interact with ubuntu/master under that configuration, and let gbp handling the 2 other branches. When you gbp pull and gbp push, the 3 branches will be kept up to date if no conflict occurs. This is easier than checkout every branch before pushing them.

Maintenance branches

Once we have maintainance branches on a project, additional remote branches are available:

$ git remote show origin 
* remote origin
  Remote branches:
    pristine-tar    tracked
    ubuntu/bionic   tracked
    ubuntu/master   tracked
    upstream/latest tracked
    upstream/3.28.x tracked
  • ubuntu/bionic branch is the content for the corresponding release, once a particular release it out. It's the previous ubuntu/master branch when bionic was in development.

  • upstream/3.28.x: this branch (automatically manager by gbp buildpackage) corresponds to the upstream/latest branch, but tracking a particular upstream series, similar to the ubuntu/bionic branch. This branch is only necessary if you imported a new tarball (like 3.29 series) in 'upstream/latest and want to release an unimported yet 3.28.3 upstream release in bionic for instance.

Each one should have a corresponding local branch when working on bionic.

Debian remote branches

In addition, we'll have at least another branch tracking salsa debian remote repository. Their master branch is named debian/master:

  • debian/master -> pull (no push, unless you are a debian developer) from salsa remote repository, on debian/master branch.

Upstream remote branches

By default, we don't have upstream branches checked out locally. We added the gnome repo and have access to its content, which will be fetched when importing new upstream tarball thanks to the version tag, and inject the history in upstream/latest (or upstream/version, as explained before).

$ git remote show gnome
* remote gnome
  HEAD branch: master
    gnome-3-28                                  tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    upstream/latest merges with remote master

You can ofc checkout any of those branch locally if you want We have upstream/master tracking the gnome repo on master branch. We can track any additional branches as needed for cherry-picking fixes.

Let's checkout locally gnome/master branch and make it the current checkout:

$ git checkout -b gnome-master gnome/master
Branch 'gnome-master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'gnome'.
Switched to a new branch 'gnome-master'

We asked to create a new local branch named gnome-master (first argument), tracking the remote named gnome, on the branch master (second argument).

Local branches

To sum up all this, the minimal setup it the following ([] are tracked branch):

$ git branch -vv
  debian/master   c02b29966 [salsa/debian/master] Revert "Don't recommend libnss-myhostname since it doesn't seem needed any more (LP: #1766575)"
  gnome-master    d814d9db0 [gnome/master] Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.29.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/master   63337a4cd [origin/ubuntu/master] releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:3.29.1-0ubuntu5
  upstream/latest 0bd90ca34 [origin/upstream/latest] region: Show scrollbars if needed

With an ubuntu maintainance branch, and so, linked gbp buildpackage tarball branch, and upstream "master" branch checked out, with a local branch, we have in addition:

  gnome-master    d814d9db0 [gnome/master] Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation
  ubuntu/bionic   ba45348d3 [origin/ubuntu/bionic] debian/gbp.conf: use gbp-buildpackage for ubuntu.
  upstream/3.28.x 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/3.28.x] New upstream version 3.28.3

Local changes

With the suggested configuration (see it at the end of the page), any non committed changes (file modifications, additions or removal) will halt the build, as they won't be included as a safety reminder.

You can either:

  • ignore them, appending --git-ignore-new. The resulting package and build won't include those uncommitted changes. (../build-area/<your-package> will match the last commit).

  • force using the current directory with your local modifications instead of build-area, and include (despite the "ignore-new" option) any local modifications to the package. For this, append --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir=""

Check out a package for the first time

  1. Launchpad remote

If the Vcs-Git field is correct, you can

$ debcheckout --git-track=* gnome-control-center
declared git repository at
git clone gnome-control-center ...

Otherwise, you can check out any git-buildpackage repository manually

$ gbp clone lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center
gbp:info: Cloning from 'lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center'

We want to push tags automatically, as gbp relies on them (this is a local configuration):

$ git config push.followTags true
  1. Add upstream remote ==

$ git remote add -f gnome
  1. Add debian remote

$ git remote add -f salsa

You should now have 3 branches correctly setup and tracking the correct branch with expected configuration.

$ cd gnome-control-center
$ git branch -vv
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.28.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/master   ba45348d3 [origin/ubuntu/master] debian/gbp.conf: use gbp-buildpackage for ubuntu.
  upstream/latest 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/latest] New upstream version 3.28.1

And 3 remotes, we only use one right now, but we'll probably want to merge from debian or cherry-pick from upstream later on.

$ git remote

Day to day operation

Building a binary or source package

  • Binary package:

$ gbp buildpackage -S
  • Source package:

$ gbp buildpackage -S

With the proposed configuration, the artefacts will all end up in ../build-area (including tarball, which is reconstructed from the pristine-tar + upstream/latest branch) and build directory is cleaned up.

Useful tips

Some potential cases:

  • Don't purge the **build-area** directory after building: gbp buildpackage --git-no-purge

  • Build current branch with local uncommitted modifications: gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir=""

Refreshing branches

  • Use gbp push and gbp pull to push and refresh current ubuntu/<branch> and corresponding upstream/<release> (only the ones referenced in your current checkout debian/gbp.conf) as well as pristine-tar branch.

on ubuntu/master:

$ gbp pull
gbp:info: Fetching from default remote for each branch
gbp:info: Branch 'upstream/latest' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Branch 'ubuntu/master' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Updating 'pristine-tar': 2bed57f20816..e59ab7422a13

-> the branch pristine-tar has been updated

If you have a separate ubuntu/bionic branch, with its own upstream/3.28.x branch:

$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic
$ gbp pull
gbp:info: Fetching from default remote for each branch
gbp:info: Branch 'pristine-tar' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Branch 'upstream/3.28.x' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Updating 'ubuntu/bionic': fe031c0214ba..59adb2d88983

Working on patches

  1. Ensure you are on the correct ubuntu/ branch (or your local experimental-feature branch).

$ git checkout ubuntu/master # for instance
  1. Turn each patches in debian/patches as commits.

$ gbp pq rebase
gbp:info: Switching to 'patch-queue/ubuntu/master'
Current branch patch-queue/ubuntu/master is up to date.

-> Now, we have every patch referenced in debian/patches/series applied as separate commits on top of ubuntu/master, in a patch-queue/ubuntu/master branch, and we switched to that current checkout.

For instance

$ git missing ubuntu/master.. # git log would also show the commits
* 11a3a8cc6 - (HEAD -> patch-queue/ubuntu/master) [PATCH] night-ligth-dialog: Avoid dereferencing invalid p
ointer (5 minutes ago)
* da06252e1 - [PATCH 4/4] thunderbolt: move to the 'Devices' page (5 minutes ago)
* 2c9f5bcbb - [PATCH 3/4] thunderbolt: new panel for device management (5 minutes ago)
* 660e9e633 - [PATCH 2/4] shell: Icon name helper returns symbolic name (5 minutes ago)
* a78ae89dd - [PATCH 1/4] shell: Don't set per-panel icon (5 minutes ago)

3. Hack… We can git add/git commit. Any new commit will be a separate patch applied at the end of debian/patches/series. Commit description will be then converted to the patch description.

Remember previous tip of gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir="" to build a package with current content without having to switch branch.

4. optional: Reorder patches If we don't want this patch to be the last one, we can use an interactive git rebase:

$ git rebase -i ubuntu/master

That way, we only see the patches commit, can reorder them, amend or stash them. Removing one will also remove the patch from debian/patches/series

5. reapply all changes to the original branch:

$ gbp pq export
gbp:info: On 'patch-queue/ubuntu/master', switching to 'ubuntu/master'
gbp:info: Generating patches from git (ubuntu/master..patch-queue/ubuntu/master)

6. modify changelog, git add, git commit

Note that gbp pq will unfuzz a lot of patches everytime you use it, creating some noise. Please add those changes separated from your new or modified patch hack.

Pick some upstream commits

  1. Refresh upstream repo if needed:

$ git checkout upstream/latest
$ git pull
$ git push # to update the origin upstream/latest repo for others
  1. Cherry-pick one commit as a patch (here on ubuntu/master branch):

$ git checkout ubuntu/master
$ gbp pq rebase
$ git log -p upstream/latest
# get a hash commit you want to cherry-pick
$ git cherry-pick <hash>
$ gpq pq export
# update changelog
$ git add debian/patches/* debian/changelog
$ git commit

See previous section for more info on gbp pq.

Checkout and track an existing branch for an older ubuntu release


$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic

You are on the ubuntu/bionic branch tracking origin/ubuntu/bionic. git pull and push will sync up that branch with remote launchpad repository

Checkout and track an existing branch for a given upstream release

Note: this is not needed for cherry-picking, we only need the hash we want to pick (and can inspect directly via git log gnome/upstream/master branches for instance)

FIXME We already presented that, the difference with above is that we aren't tracking the "origin" repository (default), but the upstream one. The syntax is slightely different:

$ git checkout -b upstream/gnome-3-28 upstream/gnome-3-28

The first part is the local branch name "upstream/gnome-3-28" tracking the **gnome-3-28** branch from **upstream** repository (second part). We ask to create the branch "-b".

Then, once local branch is created, for future switch, it's like any other branch:

$ git checkout ubuntu/master
$ git checkout pristine-tar
$ git checkout upstream/gnome-3-28

Import an out of VCS ubuntu upload

On the branch you want to have that ubuntu upload, after downloading the source tarball:

$ gbp import-dsc ../gnome-control-center_3.28.1-0ubuntu5.dsc
gbp:info: Version '1:3.28.1-0ubuntu5' imported under '…/gnome-control-center'
$ git push

This will push all needed branches (ubuntu/master for instance and pristine-tarball + upstream/latest if this upload is a new upstream release).

Merge a new upstream version

On the branch you want to have version imported (like ubuntu/bionic here)

$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic
$ gbp import-orig ../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz # can be as well --uscan to let it download and import
What is the upstream version? [3.28.2] 
gbp:info: Importing '../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz' to branch 'upstream/latest'...
gbp:info: Source package is gnome-control-center
gbp:info: Upstream version is 3.28.2
gbp:info: Replacing upstream source on 'ubuntu/bionic'
gbp:info: Successfully imported version 3.28.2 of ../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz
$ git push

This will push all needed branches (ubuntu/bionic for instance and pristine-tarball + upstream/3.28.x or latest if this upload is a new upstream release).

Release a package

# on corresponding branch…
$ dch -r ""
$ debcommit -r
$ gbp buildpackage -S
$ dput …
$ git push

This will push all tracked branches to launchpad if you made any change: ubuntu/master, ubuntu/old-series, pristine-tar, upstream/lastest. Tags will also be pushed.

Create a maintainance branch

1. Fin latest version in common between the development release and that maintainance branch. Here, we'll use the version tag ubuntu/1%3.28.1-0ubuntu4

2. create a branch from start starting point, and push it to launchpad

$ git branch ubuntu/bionic ubuntu/1%3.28.1-0ubuntu4
$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic 
Switched to branch 'ubuntu/bionic'

3. Adjust parameters in debian/gbp.conf. Change debian-branch to ubuntu/bionic.


$ git push -u origin ubuntu/bionic 
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git+ssh://
 * [new branch]          ubuntu/bionic -> ubuntu/bionic
Branch 'ubuntu/bionic' set up to track remote branch 'ubuntu/bionic' from 'origin'.

3. work now! Smile :)



To easily access to launchpad git repositories with git clone lp:~name-or-team/repo, you should add to your .gitconfig file the following paragraph:

[url "git+ssh://<your_user_name>"]
        insteadof = lp:

See for more information on git configuration with launchpad.


git-buildpackage uses this file for its default configuration; some tweaks are recommended.

# use this for exporting first your directory in a ../build-area:
export-dir = ../build-area/
# automatically GPG sign tags with associated keyid
sign-tags = True
keyid = 0xGPGKEYID

See gbp.conf(5) and man of gbp-buildpackage for more options.

merge with debian

Convert a package to git for the first time from Debian

Note: if we are in a -0ubuntuX package with X > 1 at an upstream which isn't in debian. This may fails in theory at the import new version phase at step 4 (no origin tarball referenced by the .dsc). As this use case wasn't present yet, please reach out on IRC so that we can cover this case. The theorical fix is to import the -0ubuntu1 and then import -0ubuntuX.

  1. Clone Debian repository and rename remote to "salsa".

$ gbp clone --postclone="git remote rename origin salsa"
gbp:info: Cloning from ''
gbp:info: Running Postclone hook
  1. Configure the branch by adding upstream and launchpad remotes. Also say in your local config to always push relevant tags on this repo without explicitely mentioning them

$ cd gnome-control-center
$ git remote add -f gnome
Updating gnome
$ git remote add origin lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center
$ git config push.followTags true


  1. Find back latest version we diverged from debian, and branch from it in a new ubuntu/master branch. Note that tags are mangled for version (for instance ':' becomes '%'. Here, we diverged at 1:3.27.92-1, we this branch from the tag debian/1%3.27.92-1.

$ git checkout -b ubuntu/master debian/1%3.27.92-1
Switched to branch 'ubuntu/master'
  1. Download latest ubuntu package from the development version and import it

# download ../gnome-control-center_3.28.1-0ubuntu4.dsc
$ gbp import-dsc --debian-branch=ubuntu/master --debian-tag='ubuntu/%(version)s' ../gnome-control-center_3.28.1-0ubuntu4.dsc
gbp:info: Version '1:3.28.1-0ubuntu4' imported under '/home/didrocks/work/gnome-control-center'

# Note: this updates upstream/latest and pristine-tar branches as well if the version was never in debian.

  1. Fix up debian/control* - mention the Launchpad URLs in Vcs-Git and copy Debian's to XS-Debian-Vcs-Git: Example of commit

  2. Modify or create gbp.conf containing:


Note: Adapt the upstream tag pattern as needed (check git tag). However, sometimes, upstream doesn't have a consistent tagging pattern, and so, we can comment it out (as in the below example). However, is means that the tag has to be specified manually on the command line for every new release import.

Example of commit

  1. Push those branches and them set to track launchpad

$ git push -u origin ubuntu/master       
Counting objects: 3816, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (888/888), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3816/3816), 2.04 MiB | 2.66 MiB/s, done.
Total 3816 (delta 2277), reused 3529 (delta 2243)
To git+ssh://
 * [new branch]          ubuntu/master -> ubuntu/master
Branch 'ubuntu/master' set up to track remote branch 'ubuntu/master' from 'origin'.
$ git push -u origin upstream/latest
$ git push -u origin pristine-tar
  1. Visit the repository page on Launchpad, and set the default branch to ubuntu/master.

You can now work with the repository. It's tracking the correct branches and version. Your layout should be:

$ git branch -vv
  debian/master   c02b29966 [salsa/debian/master] Revert "Don't recommend libnss-myhostname since it doesn't seem needed any more (LP: #1766575)"
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.28.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/master   ba45348d3 [origin/ubuntu/master] debian/gbp.conf: use gbp-buildpackage for ubuntu.
  upstream/latest 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/latest] New upstream version 3.28.1

And you have 3 remotes:

$ git remote show
  • When finished, push the ubuntu/ branch and tags, any relevant upstream/ branches and tags and the pristine-tar branch.