For archives of previous meetings, please see DevelTeamMeetings.
- Roll call
- Introduce new starters (if any)
- Review agenda
- Review activity reports
- Propose additional items
- Accept agenda
- (asac) Alexander wants to go over his firefox packaging changes with Ian.
- Will the following specs make release? (Scott James Remnant, Colin Watson)
- Ian Jackson (iwj):
- Michael Vogt (mvo):
- Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter):
printerdriverautodownload (status looks promising now - time estimate?)
- Kubuntu Upgrader needs patches backported to kdelibs, kdebase and adept but also the feisty version of python-kde3 backported, which means backporting also python-qt3 and sip4-qt3, is that OK to go into edgy-updates after the usual SRU process? (Jonathan Riddell)
- A friend of mine just phoned me, he created a Qt GUI implementation for apport; do we want that in Feisty? It'd require us to copy over the apport bits of update-notifier to adept-notifier (shouldn't be hard, there's nothing GTK specific in it) (Martin Pitt)
I would like to merge a patch for apt in edgy to better support the dist-upgrader (the "DPkg::StopOnError" patch and a fix in the dpkg "Breaks" implementation). It will only be activated when a apt option is set (off by default) and won't change the existing behaviour. (Michael Vogt)
- Actions from previous meeting
- keybuk to summarise a "how to maintain udev" for the kernel team, and "how to debug problems" for all interested parties (run by sfllaw and bdmurray)
- (BenC) Never happened. Way too much going on with two new kernel devs. Deferred for upcoming week. No need to discuss on this week's agenda.
- (bdmurray) Awaiting debugging udev information.
- sfllaw will e-mail distro-team@ about commercial package support
- cjwatson to chase up the set of core-devs who can help moderate ubuntu-devel and arrange for clear documentation
- keybuk to summarise a "how to maintain udev" for the kernel team, and "how to debug problems" for all interested parties (run by sfllaw and bdmurray)
- Release readiness update
- Other business
- Matt Zimmerman (mdz) - travelling to X Developer's Conference
- Tim Gardner (rtg) - holiday
New Starters
Activity Reports
Alexander Sack (asac)
- Getting Started:
- Mainly administrative stuff, like setting up account, wiki page, mail list, joining channels, et al.
- gathering bootstrap knowledge on infrastructure and procedures
Joining the Community / MozillaTeam
there was a Meeting of the MozillaTeam in #ubuntu-meeting. For minutes go to:
- Progress on firefox package
- I (did) split up the huge monolithic diff.gz patch in distinct per-issue patches, so they finally become suitable for upstream submission/approval.
- I converted firefox package to use unmodified upstream tarball as orig.tar.gz instead of the dfsg one currently used.
- I switched to use --enable-official-branding instead of patching various places in the source tree in order to use official branding.
- Progress on upstream patch-approval procedure (for trademark):
- contacted browser distributors and received answers from redhat and sun so far. Christopher Aillon (redhat) suggested that we first get proper review + superreview in bugzilla for each single patch/issue and then move on getting formal approval by mconner. Christopher kindly offered to assist me in case we get stuck at some point.
- Progress on Bug Triage
- Getting the Big Picture:
- I visited various bugs on the firefox and mozilla-thunderbird in order to get the big picture of the current state of our mozilla packages. Doing this I dropped comments and fixed status settings where not set properly so far.
- Establishing Procedures:
In order to deal with the high frequency and high overall bug rate of mozilla applications, I started a wiki page to setup general information and procedures on how we (the MozillaTeam) organize our bug workflow. For now, this is meant to be food for the community and is still far from finished. The concrete workflows will evolve by doing more bug triage. As soon as we have some procedures in place, I plan to approach Launchpad team to discuss how malone might better support/enhance our workflow in future.
- Getting the Big Picture:
What's next?
- discuss the (rather small) interdiff of my repackaging done so far with Ian.
- continue to clean up patches and document the rational, so we can submit them upstream and get either approval or suggestions on how to get them in good shape.
- push out repackaged firefox asap; get feedback on and fix regressions due to that update.
- Keep up doing bug triage for firefox and mozilla-thunderbird.
- Keep up assisting our Mozilla Community Team with technical as well as general advice on how to deal with specific bug reports.
Ben Collins (BenC)
- driver-backports: Uploaded new version of package and linux-meta changes for easy installation. Still need a good test case.
- driver-device-manager: Deferred
- linux-kernel-crash-dump: Working on update-grub changes, and getting userspace uploaded.
- ubiquity-driver-updates: Went over needed changes to casper with Colin, started work.
- Welcomed and mentored two new members of the kernel team, Tim and Phillip.
- Held first kernel-team meeting. #kernel on canonical IRC. This will likely be a weekly event, every Tue at 1600 UTC. Held on canonical IRC because it involves some NDA'd topics.
- Held first kernel-team BUG DAY. This will hopefully turn into a weekly event. It's mainly geared toward kernel-team co-op, but we may soon invite community to help with triaging and gain some outside help. We're still getting our footing working with four people on the core team, so it's a little slow right now.
- VMware sent updated VMI patches, integrated.
- Lots of general kernel work.
Extensive rework and additions to KernelTeam wiki including this document:
Brian Murray (bdmurray)
Action Items:
- Awaiting debugging udev information
Bug triaging:
- Assigned packages to multiple bugs that had none i.e. were just filed against Ubuntu
Swept five packages for bugs
- Researched and experimented with launchpad's e-mail interface for bugs; ran into bug launchpad bug 34329 which has a good workaround
- Attended mozilla-team meeting
Bug helper:
- Wrote 4 new clue files
Reviewed and commented on dholbach's documention on adding clue files;
Bug statistics:
- Automated bug statistic gathering locally for me
- Submitted req for bug filing screencast
- Worked with Kees regarding mutt, chroot environments, apport-retrace and debian packaging
- Learned about configuring chroot environments and am setting some up
- Found out about preconfigured vmware player images for Dapper and Edgy
- Noticed more bugs being marked as Needs Info but not being assigned to people
- Switched to using mutt as my mailer! (quite happy)
Daniel Holbach (dholbach)
Bug Triage:
started working down the list on
- wrote some bughelper clues
- made a call to forward bugs upstream
wrote bughelper report:
wrote documentation on adding clue files:
- uploaded bughelper to the archive
added <dontlist> tags to bugxml (-d)
- patch review (-c (case sensitive),
- small fixes (sanitize html, crashes)
- uploaded small fixes (human-icon-theme, feisty-gdm-themes)
- helped out with packaging, artwork packaging discussions
- chatted with asac about Mozilla team
- ubuntu-docs upload, syncropated fixes, contacts update, kiwi update, genius update, telepathy-gabble updates, loudmouth update, gossip-telepathy update, tango-icon-theme update
- doing reviews, MOTU Mentoring
- worked on gnash cvs package, kpart does not build
- mailed gimmie upstreams to resolve issues with gimmie tarball
- fixed glom with python2.5 on AMD64 (not uploaded yet)
- enjoyed a free day, I'll catch up with on Saturday.
- feisty-telepathy: deferred, we have nothing to include in main yet - spec updated.
motu-processes-spec: waiting on to finish - Go Vote!
- code-review-sla: want to discuss this with the MOTU Council once it is in place.
- artwork-builder-improvements: going to finish the remaining prio 1 this and next week. It's up and running essentially.
- finish remaining art builder bits
- GNOME 2.17.91 (now really)
Fabio Di Nitto (fabbione)
- Completed review of LPI docs.
- Got to Montreal somehow...
Work with Marc & Kyle on hw-certification:
- reviewed the certification process.
- lots of discussion on how to improve the process with distro team members. A lot of good things have come out of these discussions. They will be integrated soonish in a wiki for extra review/comments.
- defined a format for the reports that will come from saleforce directly with hw reference on a public accessible machine (chinstrap).
- Commercial work
- sparc64-installer: implemented
Henrik Omma (heno)
- Accessibility related
- dug into GDM accessibility -- now works with both gdmlogin (old style) and gdmgreeter (new style) but there is a conflict with wacom tablets (again) bug 83860 -- and it generally needs more testing
- sudo AT-SPI looks like it's finally happening, but needs a fix in /root/.orbitrc
- Coordinating and testing the switch from festival to espeak (multilingual-speech) -- works on my installed system but will likely need a tweak to Orca or gnome-speech to make it use espeak by default on the Live CD
- Attended Mozilla team meeting to discuss a11y issues in FF
- ISO image testing
- Coordinated community testing of Herd 3
- Did some evaluation of the process and made some recommendations (on -devel and wiki) for short and medium term testing
- Implemented: orca-laptop-support
- Nearly implemented: braille-support, multilingual-speech, access-gdm, sudo-admin-atspi (these all look on track), scalable-installation-testing (dunno, how much do we expect in this cycle?)
- Half done: color-filters (libraries but no GUI; Compiz/Beryl will eclipse it soon anyway)
- Deferred: mouse-tweaks - this should happen one day, Feisty+1 perhaps
- Abandoned: common-at-config, feisty-speakup (both attempts at community projects that didn't pan out), kernel-sticky-keys (a user group of one; me) [by abandoned I mean that these may not ever happen and that this may not be a bad thing]
Ian Jackson (iwj)
- udev-device-mapper, udev-lvm, udev-mdadm, udev-evms
- All complete and seem to be working now (finally!)
- I had to give up on my rendezvous fifo and resort to a polling loop because of deadlocks.
- winmodem-support: unblocked but not yet started.
- I have set up an install on the laptop supplied by Matthew Garrett but this last week has been mainly occupied with fighting udev
- automated-testing: unblocked, back burner this week.
- Started on debugging new functionality in autopkgtest. This has been on hold this week in favour of things for which the feature freeze deadline is relevant.
- consistent-login-screen: some progress, now on hold
- Nothing done on this spec since last report. This is on hold in favour of higher-priority secs. (Personally I think this spec is misprioritised but there you go.)
- package-dependency-field-breaks: No additional work from me needed or useful in feisty. Currently can be deployed in main packages referring only to main packages; use in universe is unwise because the update-manager doesn't know how to use a newer version of apt than the system being updated starts with, and there is a bug in edgy's apt which would cause problems if there are broken dependencies. Breaks will be fully deployable in feisty+1. If and when Debian unfreezes I will plug Breaks there too of course.
Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
- Amarok 1.4.5 packaged with new libmtp, libkarma it needed.
- Testing, and commenting on patches for kdebase from community for logout graphics.
- kubuntu-feisty-adept-changes implemented, we managed to track down the what was causing the X permissions problem which we've failed to do for the last year so graphical debconf works, yay! Other changes including those for enabling-additional-components and the dist-upgrade tool all done.
- kubuntu-update-manager: implemented except for a small build issue I've e-mailed mvo about. I've done most of the backported needed to get this into edgy and will start testing soon.
Other Kubuntu specs:
- kubuntu-samba-integration deferred
- kubuntu-ubiquity-migration-assistant I've not heard from Evan
- kubuntu-feisty-laptop and kubuntu-feisty-networking implemented and just needs Lure to change the status in Launchpad
- kubuntu-feisty-docs progressing and on target for string freeze
- kubuntu-feisty-oem-installer I believe cjwatson is working to get this in with Abattoir
- testing Kubuntu Upgrader in Edgy
- kubuntu-feisty-ubiquity advanced partitioner
Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
- worked on wallpaper seems the first one is still the best, so I worked on variants of that.
- remade the logo used in edgy and made variants for feisty.
- made the progress bar for the usplash. the new version has the same background as the progress bar on the desktop - not sure if this is too much contrast though (almost white on black).
made test usplash pics. checked that all are "do-able" in 256 colors
- found a problem in the 16 color versions for amd-64. the pics included in edgy actually have a 256 color map. what is up with that?
- my goal for thursday is to have a wallpaper and usplash ready for the next herd.
- finish the usplash and wallpaper, work on gdm and the desktop splash.
Kyle McMartin (kylem)
In Montreal Friday to be shown SalesForce, talk to Marc/Fabio about HW Certification for Intel, pick up Crestline box.
- Packaging new irqbalance.
- Investigating updates to xserver-xorg-video-i810, modesetting branch, new hardware support.
- Preparing new kernels for -proposed, merged -security.
- Bug clean up Tuesday/Wednesday, tried to deal with most bugs currently assigned to me.
- Fix l-r-m vmware-*-modules depmod issues.
- Added a few OOT drivers to ubuntu-2.6.git
Martin Pitt (pitti)
- PostgreSQL security update and regression firefighting
- Lots of bug fixing
- increase-hwdb-participation: implemented
- apport-improvements: split out Mono part that isn't really assigned ATM (after discussing this with Scott) and set to implemented; still needs some bug fixes on the kernel side (cropped crash reports, handling of core files in /home) but nothing feature-ish any more, and Ben has fixed them locally already
- bug-reporting-tool: only bit missing is using apport's .desktop file in the System menu/Yelp help center
Matthias Klose (doko)
- openoffice-spellchecking - Implemented, packages waiting in NEW. Current status is set to "Deployment".
- feisty-toolchain - Mostly implemented; rebuild of all remaining packages depending on packages changed for the ldbl128 change is still outstanding.
- gcc-4.1.2 RC1 is in the archive, will be updated to the final release (currently no changes). Considered as a bug fix.
gcj-4.1: The backport ecj-generics backport is done, packages at; test rebuild of main done; currently down to one regression: OOo failure in the installation step after the build. Still want to propose that for feisty if I can find the OOo failure. Current status is set to "Beta Available"
- ooo-langpacks - Was rescheduled by management in edgy; maybe should not have me as assignee (was subject for a bounty, now it waits for a new OOo maintainer).
- packaging-hints - Implemented. All current systematic changes which we make on packaging are documented.
- feisty-python-roadmap - Mostly implemented; outstanding issues:
- build debug extensions for extensions found in main; still planning for feisty; should be safe, because code is only added, not modified or removed.
- Installation destinations: retarget for feisty+1
- feistyplusone-toolchain-roadmap - Currently blocked on test rebuilds (buildd infrastructure). gcc-4.2 and binutils packages are updated to Jan 2007, glibc-2.6 is not yet released.
- Got a cold last week, slept a lot (4 x 1/2 sick days)
- Packaged dictionaries and hyphenation patterns for south african languages. Look at licenses of all 50 hyphenation patterns available for download on OOo. Filed 45 upstream bug reports for clarification, packaged all hyphenation patterns which are redistributable.
- OOo-2.1 updates (not yet uploaded).
- for the gcj update, update packages gcj-4.1. ecj-bootstrap, gcc-defaults, java-gcj-compat. rebuild all packages with java b-d's. file and fix some upstream reports.
- sun-java5 and sun-java6 updates.
- prepare libjaxp1-2-java and libjessie-java for demotion to universe.
- sync requests, some bug processing
- gcc-4.1.2 RC1 update; plus fixing build failures due to some more strictness.
- python2.4/python2.5 uploads to introduce debug-extension infrastructure; review extensions and modules in main.
Michael Vogt (mvo)
- SRU:
- apt (dapper)
- popcon (dapper,edgy)
- ia32-libs-gtk pango bug fixed
- app-install-data review/refreshed/cleanup+popcon data updated
- better representation of popcon data in g-a-i
- updated the translated package descriptions build scripts
- popcon work (client bashism fix, server maintainance)
- fixes in gdebi C/R/P handling
- various bugfixes (g-a-i, u-m, upgrader)
- merged kde frontend for the dist-upgrader
- bugtriage
- mail/irc
- add legal warning before installing codecs in g-a-i
- fix some UI glitches
- unified error code passing in apt
- send draft with error codes to salgado
- merged, uploaded, waits for LP infrastructure to get serious testing
- added task support
- ssh detection
- start-new-sshd magic
- added update-manager-core that contains "do-release-upgrade" command for the server (and prepared a backport)
- some runs on my home machine
- more config options
- install "main+universe" script added
- still blocked on deployment in the data center
- EdubuntuOnTwoCDs:
- added detection of addon CDs in update-notifier
- added support for addon CDs to gnome-app-install (show only applications on the CD)
- generic addon CD approach, not limited to edubuntu
- added --proposed
- added self-update feature for cdrom upgrades
some of the other bits in the spec depend on the ability to get selected backports for the upgrade. this is currently not supported (see for a design proposal).
Oliver Grawert (ogra)
- edubuntu-on-two-cds: implemented (thanks cjwatson and mvo!), testing and bugfixing going on
- edgy-plusone-thinclient-sound: code implemented and tested, waiting for two MIRs (alsa-plugins and gst-pulse)
- edubuntu-network-auth-server: not ready (gui not feasable, libpam-mount bug with openssh (apparently known upstream), deferred to feisty+1, additionally to the spec text i'd like to find a more proper solution for pam than sed'ing files in /etc/pam.d/ to enable an auth method first
- edubuntu-network-auth-client: depends partially on the above, and partially on the networkauth spec that didnt get implemented either
- fat-clients: code done, but needs edubuntu-network-auth-server to mount home dirs, so ... deferred
- ltsp-management-gui: deployed, needs bugfixing and MIR, python-ltsp MIR pending
- ltsp-persistent-home: deferred
Phillip Lougher (pkl)
Worked though NewStaffTasks and setup environment correctly
- Configured/setup accounts
Familiarised myself with Debian & Ubuntu kernel build practices
- Played around with pulling kernels via Git from Rookery/, building etc.
- Bug day
Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
Mail backlog:
- tried to keep up with mails, worked fine
Bugs backlog:
- took the bug backlog around 30, pretty good compared to what it was for some months now
- desktop-slab: updated the package to current upstream code, there is still some problems and we have no active maintainer looking at its bugs at the moment, we should probably keep it to universe for now and defer that spec to next cycle
- easy-codec-installation: got some feedback after the call for testing, works quite fine for several people, some glitches (mainly gnome-app-install) to work on though, talked with mvo about them (that's bug fixing though, can be done after feature freeze)
Archive admin:
- meeting with Tollef, Martin, Colin
- read the wiki documentation again
- first archive day on wednesday (mostly syncs and some NEW processing)
Desktop packages work:
- packaged a bunch of new GNOMish tarballs
- reviewed some patches from launchpad
- fix random desktop bugs
- update panel patch to list apport and replace the help submenu by a yelp launcher
- got a flu, mostly worked normal hours, at a slowly rhythm though
Next week:
- keep up with incoming bug mails
- fix desktop bugs
- GNOME 2.17.91
Simon Law (sfllaw)
- SRUs: synaptic, lvm2, gnome-vfs2
- ISO testing
To do
- SRUs
Hunt down X problem in MontrealSupportOffice
Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)
Implemented distribution-independent printer driver packages on OpenPrinting. See:,845,845#msg-845 Tested the driver packages on Feisty and on Fedora Core 6
- Created new CUPS package to fix two long-standing and annoying bugs (bug 29050 and bug 54277). This perhaps motivated pitti to fix bug 75903 and to work on bug 30965.
- New splix (driver for Samsung lasers), 1.0.1 final with duplex support and bug fixes.
- m2300w (driver for Minolta 2300W/2400W) is in Main now.
- Answered bug reports, rejected some old ones.
Start work on a Debian source package which downloads all available drivers from OpenPrinting and generates binary packages for installation on Ubuntu.
Tollef Fog Heen (tfheen)
* changelog-closes-bugs: Distro side implemented, needs infrastructure in Soyuz and Malone.
* network-roaming: generally works, but NM needs a bit of love. Will try to make that happen over the next couple of days.
* Mail server imploded yesterday (after a RAID rebuild and various other problems) which explains why this report is late. I'm therefore obviously lagging behind on email due to this, but filling up with other tasks instead.
- iwj and asac to talk about firefox packaging changes
mvo to discuss StopOnErrors backport with SRU team
cjwatson/pitti/tkamppeter to review printerdriverautodownload and come to a decision regarding its fate for feisty
- cjwatson and mvo to discuss dist-upgrader autobuilding
cjwatson/pitti/Riddell/mvo to discuss Kubuntu upgrade options for edgy->feisty
- discuss adept-notifier integration of apport (pitti/Riddell)
- cjwatson to post requirements for 7.2 in feisty to -devel
- keybuk to summarise a "how to maintain udev" for the kernel team, and "how to debug problems" for all interested parties (run by sfllaw and bdmurray)
- iwj to write up summary of experiences debugging udev
- cjwatson to chase up the set of core-devs who can help moderate ubuntu-devel and arrange for clear documentation