
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2009-11-06 06:43:51
Size: 1707
Editor: 141
Comment: Jot down some key questions for evaluating designs for DistributedDevelopment
Revision 2 as of 2009-11-06 07:17:57
Size: 1745
Editor: 141
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Questions that any proposed design for source packages in bzr should answer (derived from the key stories): Questions that any proposed design for source packages in bzr should answer (derived from the [[DistributedDevelopment/BzrStories|key stories]]):

bzr Stories Questions

Questions that any proposed design for source packages in bzr should answer (derived from the key stories):

  • how does a developer branch or checkout the source package?
  • what does the working copy look like? Are the patches to upstream added by the source package applied to it?
  • how does a developer see what patches are in the source package?
  • how does a developer create a new patch...
    • ...that is independent to other patches?
    • ...that is dependent on another patch in this source package?
  • how does a developer modify an existing patch?
  • how are conflicts between patches handled?
  • how does a developer drop a patch?
  • how are changes in another (possibly divergent) version of this package merged, such a...
    • ...a change of upstream version?
    • ...a change to a patch?
      • ...when that patch has been modified in our version?
    • addition of a patch?
    • ...a dropping of a patch?
      • ...when that patch has been modified in our version?
    • ...any combination of the above?
  • how does a developer compare the differences between two different versions of a source package?
  • how do devs publish...
    • changes to individual patches...
      • ...for use by Ubuntu?
      • ...for use by upstream?
    • ...a change that affects both the metadata in the debian/ dir and a change to a patch?

    • (and do all these cases matter?)
  • how can individual patches be extracted as a plain bzr branch and/or diff (for interacting with non-packaging devs like upstreams)?
  • how can the revision history of the package (include of the patches in the package) be viewed?

DistributedDevelopment/BzrStoriesQuestions (last edited 2009-11-06 07:17:57 by 141)