
Revision 7 as of 2010-10-26 14:16:52

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Ubuntu Distributed Development Meetings

We aim to have bi-weekly meetings with a number of UDD stakeholders across various technologies. These meetings are held in public on #ubuntu-meeting and all are welcome to attend and participate. They will be held at 2100 UTC (except the first meeting, which is at 2200 UTC). See below for dates and times currently scheduled.

We will also plan to have at least one session at UDS-N in Orlando, Florida USA the week of 25-29 October, 2010. Stay tuned for details.

UDD stakeholders

These folks have been identified as stakeholders who represent various technologies and communities that are involved in moving UDD forward. Our mission statement is: By the next LTS (12.04?), Bazaar-based package development (UDD) will be the primary, majority, and widely-accepted technology for Ubuntu platform packaging work.

  • Barry Warsaw (barry) - Ubuntu Platform (and chair)

  • Martin Pool (poolie) - Bazaar

  • James Westby (james_w), Steve Langasek (slangasek), Kiko Reis (kiko) - Linaro

  • Tim Penhey (thumper) - Launchpad

  • Andrew Mitchell (ajmitch) - REVU


Here are currently scheduled meetings. See each link for meeting agenda, summary, action items, and logs: