Meeting 11 17 2012


Chair: Brian Curtis

  1. Action Item Review:
    1. kjcole to add these events to LoCo calendar.

    2. marcoceppi to send summary of DCWEEK to bcurtiswx.
    3. kjcole to send summary of broadband summit to bcurtisx.
    4. Sujit to work on organizing an installfest for Quantal Quetzal.
    5. kjcole to talk with maco about flickr group maintainence.
  2. Installfest Organizational Team (Sujit).
  3. Flyer Design and Distribution Team (Nathan Webber).
  4. LoCo Idea Review Team (IDEA).

  5. What is our self image (DISCUSSION)?
  6. Upcoming Events/ Discussion on Prep.
  7. Chair for next meeting.


Chair: Brian Curtis

Action Item Review

  1. All items are taken care of except Sujit's Installfest. To discuss in person over e-mail

New Items

  1. Installfest Organizational Team will be formed through e-mail and lead by Sujit.
  2. LoCo Advertising

    1. Flyer Design: Nathan Weber has shown interest in this. Will discuss with him to see if he is still interested in designing this.
    2. Dan Chen has brought up the idea to create a Facebook/Twitter/Google+ account for the group and start posting FOSS/Linux style topics for the community.
      1. ACTION ITEM Make a District of Columbia team Google plus page

      2. ACTION ITEM Make a District of Columbia team Twitter account

      3. ACTION ITEM Make a District of Columbia team Facebook page

    3. Kevin discussed using these mediums as outlets to a single source of information about the LoCo and the Linux FOSS community.

    4. Discussion was brought up about where to have the main data source, and there were quite a few ideas. We want something that is easy for everyone and the least confusing for newcomers to parse. The ideas are:
      1. Using mailman interface to link to for news
      2. Using Drupal for highlights and linking to mailman due to confusion of mailman interface
      3. Finding (or designing) a good mailman GUI (Blog style) that is easy for newcomers to use/read.
  3. Idea Processing
    1. As we grow this will be a more important topic of discussion, for now the LoCo is limited and resources should go elsewhere

  4. Self Image (mission statement):
    1. To discuss next meeting
  5. UDS Washington D.C.
    1. Talk to Florida LoCo, who have been leaders in getting Orlando UDS meetings there. Get a better idea on what needs to be done, and the process that needs to happen to get things moving.

    2. Resources: Interpreters/Space from Gallaudet
    3. Location: DC Convention Center? | Gallaudet?
    4. Where to start: Talk to Canonical (Jono?)/ Florida LoCo / DEBCONF guys (planet debian)

  6. Chair Next Meeting (Dec 20th, 2012)
    1. BCurtisWX/KJCole
    2. Action Item : Who is NOT going to show up?

    3. Monthly Meal: No meeting, but an informal gathering around the DC area for interested parties to meet and greet and talk FOSS/Linux/Ubuntu. Keep it close to a metro outlet
      1. Action Item : Where around DC could we gather (other than Taste of India)

DistrictOfColumbiaTeam/MeetingNotes/20121117 (last edited 2012-11-29 23:44:03 by pchb1f)