This document covers guidelines on writing for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n).

Examples Are Universal

When writing, there are times when you need to use examples to explain the subject matter. Always make examples universal. Regardless of the written language, use examples that appeal to as wide an audience as possible. To make your examples "universal," here are some tips that can help you:

Use of Numerals and Figures

Improper use of numerals and figures can provide the most confusion when translated to another language. Numerals are very important when it comes to measurements. Even simple figures like date and time can have big differences between countries.

When writing dates, remember that different cultures have different ways of describing it. You are encouraged to consider the following conventions in writing dates:

When there is a need to write the time, you are encouraged to use the 24-hour format. You should inform your audience the timezone and naming convention being used.

Using Correct Terminology

Terminology is an aspect of writing that can cause a lot of confusion among translators. The following guidelines may help you prepare a language-friendly document suitable for translation.

Cultural Considerations

When writing documentation, always keep in mind that your work might be translated to another language. For this reason, you need to consider cultural differences on a global scale. Names, places, events, and actions should be chosen as carefully as possible so as to avoid misunderstanding between the parties concerned. Consider the following guidelines when writing:


DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide/InternationalAudience (last edited 2011-06-13 04:38:24 by 24-205-79-243)