Tuesday, November 6, 2007 I will be doing a 20 minute presentation on Linux and DACS's Linux SIG. This page is to help me collect my thoughts on the matter and begin to jot down ideas and suggestions for making the presentation effective.
Introduction to Linux
Linux is arguably one of the most veristile operating systems in the computing world and can be found in a large number of place like
- Tivo
- routers
- majority of web servers on the internet
- Desktops
- Enterprise servers
- Smart Phones
- PDAs
- MP3 players
- rumor of a Watch running Linux
- Airplanes
- Mars Rovers (?)
Brief History
Linux was started 30 years ago by Linux Trovalds, who created the kernel. Back then the Internet was just barely beginning and Linus used this "new" technology to collaborate with other hobbyists who wanted to help build the kernel.
Linus Trovalds (Linux)
- Linus made Linux because existing tools did not do what he wanted.
Richard Stallman (GNU)
- Richard Stallman started GNU (GNU's Not Unix) and the GPL (General Public License)
Open Source
What does it mean?
- It means the source code is open and available for use. Anybody can take that code and use it in their own clode
Can I make money from it?
- Yes
- By selling service to open source applications
- running system admin on Linux servers and desktops
- dual-licensing
Who? (Examples)
- Red Hat
- PostgreSQL
The Changing Landscape
What is a Kernel?
What is a "Distro"
What makes one distro different from another?
- A "Distro" is
Introduction to Gnome Desktop
Main Panels
Using Ubuntu
Installed Programs
Open Office
Connecting to POP mail
Connecting to iMap / Exchange (?)
Playing Music
Connecting to iPod
Ripping CDs
Ogg Format
- Play video
Package Management
- The package system, called APT-GET, has central repositories where thousands of files are stored. These files have been repackaged and tested for Ubuntu specifically, or any other distro will have their repositories specific to that distro. All or almost all programs and libraries are installed via the packaging system. When you update it compares the version available on the server with the version installed on your system. If there is a newer version available, the system flags them, and dependencies, for update so that all updates can be downloaded and installed easily or automatically. If you are installing a new program, not previously installed on the system, the package manager will look at the requirements of that program and flag all dependencies at the same time for installation. Since just about everything is installed there, you don't need to go to the Adobe website to update Acrobat Reader, the Google website to update Picasa and the Mozilla website to update Firefox. Instead you go to your package manager and if there is a newer version available you update in a couple clicks.
Updating Existing Applications
- Click Update, Check Updates , Apply
Search and Install New Applications
Talk about .DEB files
Talk about installing from source
Proprietary Drivers
- MP3
- Quicktime
- Flash
- ATI drivers
- NVidia drivers
Multimedia Codecs
Legal Issues
Getting legal version
HOME PAGE : http://www.fluendo.com/ Fluendo is a company specialized in delivering products and consulting services for Unix and Linux multimedia.
They provide a free gStreamer (a popular multi-media back end) plug-in to legally play MP3s ( http://www.fluendo.com/resources/fluendo_mp3.php ) in the USA and other countries. Other codecs are available at a charge of close to 7€ or a complete set for 28€. You just pay online, download the binary or binaries, and install them. The list of packages they sell are listed below (as of 8/29/2007)
- Dolby AC3 Decoder
- MPEG4 Part 2 Video Decoder (7€)
- MPEG2 Video Decoder (7€)
- MPEG Playback bundle (7€)
- Windows Media Playback Bundle (16€)
- Windows Media MMS (16€)
- Windows media Video (7€)
- Complete Set of Playback Plugins (28€)
- Fluendo MP3 Decoder (Free of charge)
- Alternatively, Ubuntu includes Fluendo's MP3 plug-in in their repositories which make it even easier to obtain.
- While not fully legal in the USA and participating countries it is also very easy to obtain. With a quick search on distribution's online documentation or forums this can usually be installed with one simple copy-and-paste command line. Due to legal reasons I will not be going over this step.
What you can/cannot do
Introduction to Community
Ubuntu Website
Ubuntu Wiki
Ubuntu Forums
Other Forums