
Differences between revisions 647 and 651 (spanning 4 versions)
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Revision 651 as of 2009-09-13 09:38:54
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 * [] erp - http://drupal.org/project/erp
  * Basically enough to run a small business. Needed for multiple computer stores within the same company.
Sort of like Quickbooks/Myob, but with customisability through extensible modules.
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 * [6.x-beta1] Field Permissions Plus - http://drupal.org/project/field_permissions_plus
   * provides View Own Field and Edit Own Field permissions for CCK fields.
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 * [6.x-beta1] Relative Path to Absolute URLs http://drupal.org/project/rel_to_abs
   * simple filter which replaces src and href attributes like /path/to/link with http://www.example.com/path/to/link, making use of core's url() function.
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 * Translation !MenuSync - http://drupal.org/project/translation_menusync
   * provides the opportunity to ease Menu Link creation for multilingual content.
   * You can assign each language a specific menu and restrict creation of content of this language to this menu.

Drupal add-ons (modules) to consider for the Edubuntu website.

Note: This page lists all modules that sound useful, grouped by categories found on the drupal.org site, in alphabetical order. Also note, some of the module might not have been ported to work with the latest release yet (Drupal 6.x).

Drupal Core Modules (Issues)

  • Blog API - Posts submitted via Blog API can't be assigned their Taxonomy.
  • Form submit - rapidly clicking on the submit button of a form will result in duplication of nodes/users, see discussion and suggested solution at http://drupal.org/node/107358 alternatively, if an immediate solution is needed, try the 'form single' module http://drupal.org/project/formsingle

  • Upload - Don't enable this? Possibly use 'IMCE' or 'File framework' instead. Update: file handling in Drupal 5.x is still sub-optimal, a new file api is being worked on.

Drupal Contributed Modules

Ubuntu Drupal Project

The UbuntuDrupal project team has been creating a theme and modules to help with creating a LoCo website. These are modules that have been geared to LoCos specifically that run on Drupal. Many of these projects can be used elsewhere.

To be tested still

3rd Party Integration


Commerce / Advertising

Sort of like Quickbooks/Myob, but with customisability through extensible modules.



Content: Links

  • [6.x] External Links - http://drupal.org/project/extlink

    • a small module used to differentiate between internal and external links.
  • [6.x] External Link Page - http://drupal.org/project/ext_link_page

    • External Link Page is a very basic module that provides a content filter that redirects external links to a customizable page. This page informs the user that they are about to leave the site and then redirects them
  • [6.x] Links package - http://drupal.org/node/24719

    • This is a multi-module set for managing URL links in a master directory, and attaching them in various ways to your content pages. It includes both an API for developers and user-visible content modules.
    • Note: this module is declared stable, but some features are still inoperable
  • [] Janode - http://drupal.org/project/janode

    • Add links as nodes, includes a link checker for peridically checking for 404 errors

Content: Relationships

Content Construction Kit (CCK)

CCK: Transclusion

Content Display

Content Display: Content Retrieval aka Navigation

Content Display: Menu enhancements

Content Display: Related Content

  • Comparison of Similiar / Relevant by term block modules - http://drupal.org/node/323329

  • [6.x] More Like This - http://drupal.org/project/morelikethis

    • a mechanism (and soon a framework) for providing related content. It currently supports an internal taxonomy search, ...
  • [] Related Content - http://drupal.org/project/relatedcontent

    • enables site maintainers to easily select on a per-node basis what nodes should be displayed along with it.
    • Documentation: http://drupal.org/node/130258

  • [6.x] Relevant Content - http://drupal.org/project/relevant_content

    • provides two ways of referencing relevant content. Both of these methods provide configuration to filter for specific content types and vocabularies, limit the maximum size of the result and provide some header text.
    • The result on both cases are a list of nodes which the module considers most relevant based on the categorization of the current page. This is achieved by finding other nodes which are of one of the allowed types and have the most number of terms in common.
    • Documentation: http://drupal.org/node/330993

  • [6.x] Similar By Terms - http://drupal.org/project/similarterms

    • displays a block with links to other similar content... based on the taxonomy terms assigned to content
  • [] Related Links - http://drupal.org/project/relatedlinks

    • enables nodes to display related URLs to the user via blocks.
      • Parsed links: links that are retrieved from the body of a node.
      • Manual links: links that are added manually.
      • Discovered links: links that are discovered by the module using various criteria, including the category terms of a node and suggestions provided by the search module (when enabled).
  • [] Related Nodes - http://drupal.org/node/39822

    • superseeded by Similar By Terms
  • [6.x] Similar entries - http://drupal.org/project/similar

    • displays a block with the most similar nodes to the currently viewed one, based on the title and body fields


  • [6.x] Coder - http://drupal.org/project/coder

    • assists with code review and version upgrade
  • [6.x] Deadwood - http://drupal.org/project/deadwood

    • automate as much as possible the task of updating a contributed module for Drupal API changes, and thereby simplify the task of porting contributed modules shortly after a new Drupal release.
  • [6.x] Demonstration site (Sandbox) - http://drupal.org/project/demo

    • allows you to take snapshots of your site. It turns a Drupal installation into a sandbox that you can use either for testing modules or setting up a public demonstration site for a module / extension / theme (you name it).
  • [6.x] Devel - http://drupal.org/project/devel

    • prints out a summary of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page [...]
  • [6.x] Journal - http://drupal.org/project/journal

    • adds additional fields to all forms in a Drupal site to allow developers and site administrators to record and track all changes that have been performed to setup a site or alter its configuration. Journal also allows developers to maintain a log of applied patches and customizations on a Drupal site
  • [6.x] Masquerade - http://drupal.org/project/masquerade

    • The masquerade module is designed as a tool for site designers and site administrators. It allows a user with the right permissions to switch users.
  • [] Project (= issue tracker) - http://drupal.org/project/project

  • [] Release monitor - http://drupal.org/project/releasemonitor

    • assists with keeping contributed modules up to date and summarizing their upgrade availability
  • [] Retease - http://drupal.org/project/retease

    • assists with re-building the node teasers



  • Note: Most use cases that were covered by Event module are now probably best done with the CCK Date and Views Calendar modules.
  • [6.x] Calendar - http://drupal.org/project/calendar

    • will display any Views date field in calendar formats, including CCK date fields, node created or updated dates, etc. Switch between year, month, and day views. Back and next navigation is provided for all views.
  • [] Event - http://drupal.org/project/event

    • keep track of events and show them to users in various calendar displays
  • [] Event Views - http://drupal.org/project/event_views

    • exposes event fields to the Views module, creates year, month, day, and week argument handlers, and provides default event views that filter events using a drop-down date selector, the jscalendar selector, if installed, or by arguments in the url.
  • [] Event with volunteer time slots - http://drupal.org/project/volunteer_timeslots

    • Site users can sign up for particular times, and event organizers (and those with the admin permission) can also add users to or remove users from the schedule.
    • An automatic e-mail reminds signed-up users about the upcoming event
  • [] Queue Events to Messaging System - http://drupal.org/project/msgqueue

    • Message-oriented middleware is a common means to enable communication between heterogeneous systems. For example, if a Java system wants to know about events happening in Drupal, this messaging module is one way to provide such information.
  • [6.x] RSVP - http://drupal.org/project/rsvp

    • Users create an 'RSVP' from an event on the drupal event.module calendar, send an invitation email to a list of people, and can the track who has looked at the invitation and thier responses. Invitees can view and reply without having user accounts.
  • [6.x-rc3] Signup - http://drupal.org/project/signup

File Management

  • Work is underway for better file management of Drupal, see the 'File API' special interest group: http://groups.drupal.org/file-api

  • For a comparison of file management solutions see http://groups.drupal.org/node/20291

  • [] Database File Manager - http://drupal.org/project/dbfm

    • The DBFM module is an off-shoot of WebFM, designed to store files in a database as opposed to the filesystem.
  • [6.x-alpha3] DAV - http://drupal.org/project/dav

    • Provides a WebDAV API and file system-backed reference server implementation for Drupal 6.x.
  • [] Download - http://drupal.org/project/downld

    • designed to work with Upload Path to "automagically" make attached files public or private depending on the node type.
  • [6.x-alpha5] Comment Upload - http://drupal.org/project/comment_upload

    • Allows users to attach files to comments; multiple attachments per comment are supported, and comment uploads can be enabled and disabled on a per-nodetype basis
  • [6.x-2.0-rc10] Filebrowser - http://drupal.org/project/filebrowser

  • [6.x] FileField Paths - http://drupal.org/project/filefield_paths

    • allows you to automatically sort and rename your uploaded files using token based replacement patterns to maintain a nice clean filesystem.
  • [6.x-alpha5] File Framework - http://drupal.org/project/fileframework

    • uses a distributed content-addressable storage (CAS) system Bitcache for a file storage.
    • A metadata of the uploaded files is extracted using EXIF, getID3, pdfinfo and saved in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) storage.
    • A node of type file is created for each uploaded file. This gives a revision control and will integrate with the views.
    • Each file is converted to number of other MIME formats using available open source converters. (MS Word, OpenDocument Text, Plain text, Flash video, JPEG and Zip). [...]

    • Various restrictions based on uploaded file size, extension or disk quota can be configured.
    • The framework comes with the antivirus module (ClamAV)
    • Files can be attached to several nodes or comments. The file preview is loaded and displayed bellow the parent node.
    • File browser displays files in a folder-file tree, where taxonomy terms are treated as folders.
    • File gallery provides a taxonomy based file list with the previews in the jquery thickbox.
    • File embed module allows selecting a file from the gallery and embedding into the node's content.
    • A WebDAV batch file upload is supported via the FileServer module.

  • [6.x] IMCE - http://drupal.org/project/imce

    • Note: developer away until 2009
  • [5.x-rc2] Private upload - http://drupal.org/project/private_upload

    • enhances the core upload module's functionality to support both public and private uploads at the same time
  • [6.x] Transliteration - http://drupal.org/project/transliteration

    • provides a central transliteration service for other Drupal modules, as well as sanitizing of file names when uploading new files
  • [6.x] Upload path - http://drupal.org/project/uploadpath

    • allows you to keep the files in the files folder neatly organized in subfolders. It can also allow you to automatically rename uploaded files based on file description or node title.
  • [6.x-rc4] Web file manager - http://drupal.org/project/webfm

    • [...] is based on physical heirarchical directory structure [...] WebFM uses AJAX to allow users to arrange files on the server [...]
    • See "Theming the Drupal Attachment module" - http://harkeydesign.com/node/228


allowing users to do such things as to specify where images should be placed in the text, specify that certain text is a spoiler and shouldn't be easily hidden, or to safely allow users to reference video or other resources from other sites.

Games and Amusements


  • [] Book Import/Export - http://drupal.org/project/book_import_export

    • subsumes and replaces Book Import, Export DXML, Export OPML, Export DocBook.

  • [6.x-alpha2] Document Import API - http://drupal.org/project/docapi

    • The goal of this project is to create a plugin based import module for Drupal that allows the upload of office suite file formats which would be parsed into Drupal nodes.
  • [5.x-alpha3] Export Docbook - http://drupal.org/project/export_docbook

  • [6.x-alpha3] File Server - http://drupal.org/project/fileserver

    • Implements a DAV API backend that exports File Framework nodes as DAV resources and Drupal's taxonomy terms as DAV collections.
  • [6.x-beta1] Flickr Rippr - http://drupal.org/project/flickrrippr

    • Turns flickr photos into drupal nodes [...] via the xml api.
  • [] Import / Export API - http://drupal.org/project/importexportapi

    • allows for the definition of data entities within Drupal. The definition system lets data entities be related to each other, and it includes a number of different field types. It also supports a system of import (parsing) and export (rendering) engines, for formats such as XML and CSV.
  • [6.x] MARC - http://drupal.org/project/marc

    • allow you to import MARC records as nodes, to do things like pre-populating book review sites or even recreating your library's catalog in a rich social environment.
  • [6.x-rc4] Node import - http://drupal.org/project/node_import

    • allows you to import a set of nodes from a Comma Seperated Values (CSV) or Tab Seperated Values (TSV) text file.
  • [] Patterns - http://drupal.org/project/patterns

    • Complex websites and web applications can be created by combining configurations of Modules, Content Types (CCK,) Views, Panels, Menus, Blocks, Categories, Roles / Permissions, etc.
    • Patterns module is built to bypass this bottleneck by managing and automating site configuration. Site configuration is stored in XML* files called Patterns which are easy to read, modify, manage, & share and can be executed manually or as a part of an automated web site deployment.

  • [6.x] Taxonomy import/export via XML - http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_xml

    • makes it possible to import and export vocabularies and taxonomy terms via XML
  • [6.x-alpha2] Views Datasource - http://drupal.org/project/views_datasource

    • a set of plugins for Drupal Views for rendering node content in a number of shareable, reusable formats based on XML, JSON and XHTML

Javascript Utilities

  • [6.x] Active Tags - http://drupal.org/project/active_tags

    • adds a new option to free tagging taxonomies
    • This module came about through work on a site where some users found separating tags with commas confusing.
  • [6.x-beta1] Cufon - http://drupal.org/project/cufon

    • Cufón performs text replacement on web pages, using the canvas element and VML to render fancy typefaces.
  • [6.x] Facelift Image Replacement Integration - http://drupal.org/project/flir

    • integrates the Facelift Image Replacement (Flir) project [...] to replace text with images as well as what font to use.




  • Note: there are different approaches to adding and managing videos to a Drupal site:
    • Upload/ingestion
      • (A) Upload (multiple) video(s) as node attachments, allows WYSIWYG positioning by authors
      • (B) Upload video as nodes, allows taxonomy, permissions, etc for individual images
      • (C) Upload (multiple) video(s) as CCK fields (filefield), positioning is pre-defined by the template, note: it's possible to create a content type with one video only (i.e. a video as a node)
      • (D) Videos bulk-uploaded to webserver
      • (E) Embedding third-party videos (from YouTube, etc.)

    • Display
      • (i) Display via client-side flash player (direct embedding of flash content)
      • (ii) Display via server-side flash players for advanced features like playlists, theming (logo overlay, custom player colors & controls), scripted events, etc.

    • Asset Management
      • (1) Browse video files on the server
      • (2) Organise videos into playlists
      • (3) Web video editing (trim clips, add soundtrack, transitions, text, ...)
  • [5.x-dev] Acid free - http://drupal.org/project/acidfree

    • A full-featured media management system for drupal
  • [5.x-rc2] Asset - http://drupal.org/project/asset

    • provides an intuitive method of managing any type of media or even generic files
  • Embedded Media Field (E) - see under heading CCK

  • File Field (C) - see under heading CCK

  • [6.x] (A,D,i) Flash Video - http://drupal.org/project/flashvideo

    • a complete video solution that expands the upload module to allow web developers and users to upload video files, automatically convert those videos to the popular Flash format, and then embed their video in any node type in the Drupal System using the simple [video] tag
  • [6.x] (B,i,ii) Flash Node - http://drupal.org/project/flashnode

    • Create a flash node, upload an swf file, and hit submit, and you have flash on your site
  • [6.x-beta3] FLV Media Player - http://drupal.org/project/flvmediaplayer

    • a helper/configuration module to work with JW media player FLV flash player
  • [6.x-beta1] jQuery Media (i,ii) - http://drupal.org/project/jquery_media

    • will automatically turn links to media into their embedded media equivalents. The module works best in conjuction with the File Field module, but may be used in other cases as well.
  • [6.x] Lightbox V2 - http://drupal.org/project/lightbox2

  • [6.x-beta2] Media Mover - http://drupal.org/project/media_mover

    • a set of modules which allows website administrators to easily create complex file conversion processes
    • e.g. Media Mover can take a file emailed to an email account, turn a file attachment into an FLV file, create a new node with the file data, and then save the file on an external file storage system like Amazon's S3 all at once.
  • [] Openpackage Video - http://drupal.org/project/op_video

    • Submitted videos are transcoded to FLV format so they can be viewed directly in the web browser. Transcoding either occurs locally using FFmpeg, or videos are transferred to OpenPackage Media, transcoded and then returned to your site.

  • [6.x] (i,ii) SWF Tools - http://drupal.org/project/swftools

    • Flash embedding
  • [6.x] Thickbox - http://drupal.org/project/thickbox

    • a wrapper for the jQuery plugin ThickBox

  • [6.x-alpha2] XSPF Playlist - http://drupal.org/project/xspf_playlist

    • generates a playlist file in the standard XSPF format from files that are attached to a piece of content

Media: Image Management

  • Note: there are currently 4 different approaches to adding images to a Drupal site:
    • (A) Images as Node Attachments (Upload), allows WYSIWYG positioning by authors
    • (B) Images as Nodes (Image), allows taxonomy, permissions, etc for individual images
    • (C) Images as CCK fields (Imagefield), positioning is pre-defined by the template, note: it's possible to create a content type with one image only (i.e. an image as a node)
    • (D) Images bulk-uploaded to webserver, (Brilliant Gallery, Gallerix, Image FUpload)
  • [6.x-2.x-beta3] (C) Album Photos - http://drupal.org/project/photos

    • multi-user album features
    • planned: cck & views integration

  • [6.x] (D) Brilliant Gallery - http://drupal.org/project/brilliant_gallery

    • Highly customizable module allowing creation and positioning multiple table galleries of quality-scaled images uploaded to physical folders
  • [6.x-beta1] (B) Fotonotes - http://drupal.org/project/fotonotes

    • integrates Fotonotes, a collection of scripts for annotating images.
    • integrates with Image module
  • [] (C) Easy Image Insert - http://drupal.org/project/easy_image_insert

    • complements Tiny MCE + imagefield
  • [6.x-beta7] (D) Fast Gallery - http://drupal.org/project/fast_gallery

    • a simple, lightweight, and fast image gallery.
  • [6.x] (B) Node images - http://drupal.org/project/node_images

    • uses the Upload module
    • Adds an Images tab to the node page [...] The first two images are displayed as thumbnails in the node view [...] All images are available in a gallery page, on a Polaroid style.
  • [6.x] (D) Gallerix - http://drupal.org/project/gallerix

    • Batch uploading; Grid album view; AJAX photo browsing, commenting, voting, and minor editing; Easily expandable widget engine; Adjustable resolutions, originals left untouched; Security features; Per user albums
  • [6.x-alpha4] (B) Image - http://drupal.org/project/image

    • allows users with proper permissions to upload images into drupal. Thumbnails and additional sizes are created automatically. [...] ships with several add-ons:
      • gallery: using taxonomy terms, organize and display your uploaded pictures in galleries
      • attach: allows you to easily attach image nodes to other node types.
      • import: allows bulk uploads of images - to simplify adding several images at once.
    • note: this module is undergoing development and seems quite buggy ? (perhaps bloated?)
  • [6.x] Image API - http://drupal.org/project/ImageAPI

    • A non writing image manipulation API for Drupal. This API is meant to be used in place of the API provided by image.inc.
  • [6.x-beta9] (C) Imagecache - http://drupal.org/project/imagecache

  • [] (C) Imagecache javascript crop - http://drupal.org/project/imagecrop

    • screen shows the original image and initially applies the initial crop settings defined in the preset you select, e.g.: crop 50%-50%, center-center. However, you can then choose a different area of the original picture you want to crop, dragging an overlay box over the image, altering the size etc.
  • [6.x] (C) Imagecache Profiles - http://drupal.org/project/imagecache_profiles

    • allows you to set user profile pictures that are consistent throughout your site and allows avatars on the user profile pages to be a different size.
  • [6.x-beta1] (C) Image Browser - http://drupal.org/project/imagebrowser

    • Sexy Image Browser for FCKeditor and Drupal.
    • Insert either Image presets or Image Cache presets for great standardisation and unity across your site.
  • [] Image enhanced scaling - http://drupal.org/project/image_enhanced_scaling

    • gives a better image quality
  • ImageField Assist - http://drupal.org/project/imagefield_assist

    • use every single ImageField field added to any node in a Drupal website, and uses ImageCache presets to display it.

  • [6.x-beta3] (C) Imagefield crop widget - http://drupal.org/project/imagefield_crop

    • provides a widget for cropping an image after upload
  • [6.x-rc1] (B) Image filter - http://drupal.org/project/image_filter

    • allows you to reference image nodes from other nodes, using a tag [image:nodeid]
    • Depends on 'Image' module
  • [5.x-dev] (C) Imageflow - http://drupal.org/project/imageflow

    • Adds a view type named: imageflow that is similar to Apple's coverflow effect.
    • Requires imagecache + views
  • [6.x-rc2] (B) Image FUpload - http://drupal.org/project/image_fupload

    • an addition to image module
    • (Multiupload) All selected images are uploaded via a flash module (swfupload) and are automatically processed.
    • planned: imagefield integration
  • [6.x] ImageMagick raw action - http://drupal.org/project/im_raw

    • allows you to enter ImageMagick command line options as an imagecache action.

  • [6.x] Image Resize Filter - http://drupal.org/project/image_resize_filter

    • The easiest end-user solution for resizing inline images.
  • [6.x] (D) Image Upload - http://drupal.org/project/image_upload

    • AJAX upload and removal of images; Thumbnail generation; Categories; Previews; Lightbox2 integration; Views2 integration
  • [] (A) Image pager - http://drupal.org/project/image_pager

    • provides a block that displays a selected subset of a page's images
  • [6.x-beta2] (C) IMCE CCK Image - http://drupal.org/project/imceimage

    • Create a CCK image field that you can attach images to using the IMCE module.
  • [6.x] (C) jcarousel block - http://drupal.org/project/jcarousel_block

  • [6.x] (C) Simple Gallery - http://drupal.org/project/simplegallery

    • Creates a simple gallery using taxonomy and CCK imagefields. Requires Image Cache to display thumbnails. Utilizes Lightbox2 to display all images in an album.
  • [] (A) Slideshow - http://drupal.org/project/slideshow

    • javascript slide show of attached images, placed above, below or within the content of the page
  • [6.x] (B,C,D) Slideshow creator - http://drupal.org/project/slideshow_creator

    • creates slideshows using any image over internet with many other features
  • [] Thumb - http://drupal.org/project/thumb

    • generate thumbnails from remote files
  • [6.x] (A) Upload image - http://drupal.org/project/upload_image

    • takes uploaded images, that are attached to nodes, and creates image nodes from them, thumbnails are shown in place of the file name in the list of attachements
    • depends on both 'Upload' and 'Image' modules
  • [6.x] (A) Upload previews - http://drupal.org/project/upload_preview

    • Adds image preview thumbnails to the file attachment section on node editing page.


Organic Groups

  • [6.x] Content Type Administration by Organic Group - http://drupal.org/project/og_content_type_admin

    • allows the admin to limit content types available site-wide and by group. Group owners can then choose which types to use within their group. Group owners can use ALL content types ALLOWED to that group, even if that owner only ACTIVATES a subset of those types for use by his members. All regular permissions and roles are still valid
  • [] OG Audience - http://drupal.org/project/og_audience

    • provides an "audience" tab on node pages that allows Organic Groups (OG) users to change the audience of existing content
  • [6.x] OG Block Visibility - http://drupal.org/project/og_block_visibility

    • allows you to specify that a block should be visible only within a selected group. This can be used for many purposes, from providing each organic group with its own navigation menu, to allowing a group to highlight its own featured content, etc.
  • [6.x] OG Calendar - http://drupal.org/project/og_calendar

    • This module provides each group with a calendar showing only the group's events.
  • [] OG Contact - http://drupal.org/project/og_contact

    • provides a contact module style contact form for Organic Groups, and optionally provides a "Contact" tab on the group's main page.
  • [5.x-dev] OG Files - http://drupal.org/project/og_files

    • Allows organic groups to have its own file repository, control the access so only members from that group can upload/download the files.
  • [] OG Galleries - http://drupal.org/project/og_galleries

    • A public gallery is created, along with galleries for each group which are private to that group
  • [5.x-dev] OG Notify - http://drupal.org/project/og_notify

    • sends a notification to Group admin when a user joins a group.
  • [6.x] OG Read Only - http://drupal.org/project/og_read_only

    • allows organic group administrators to set some content types as "read-only". Read only types can't be posted by simple group members, but still can be posted by group managers and users with "administer nodes" permission. Wiki group types can't be set to read only.
  • [] OG RSVP - http://drupal.org/project/og_rsvp

    • adds attendance list functionality to event on a group-level only
  • [6.x] OG User Roles - http://drupal.org/project/og_user_roles

    • allows you to assign group-specific roles to users which are restricted to the groups they are in
  • [6.x-rc1] OG Vocabulary - http://drupal.org/project/og_vocab

    • Provide each organic group with its own vocabularies (i.e. taxonomy). This lets groups logically segregate their content into categories which make sense for them.
  • [6.x] Organic Groups - http://drupal.org/project/og

    • Enable users to create and manage their own 'groups'. Each group can have subscribers, and maintains a group home page where subscribers communicate amongst themselves. They do so by posting the usual node types: blog, story, page, etc. A block is shown on the group home page which facilitates these posts. The block also provides summary information about the group.
    • Documentation: http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/og

  • [5.x-beta1] Organic Groups Facets - http://drupal.org/project/og_facets

    • Allows searching by organic group in the faceted search interface provided by the Faceted Search module.
  • [6.x] Organic Groups Multiple Mandatory Groups by Role - http://drupal.org/project/og_multiple_mandatory_groups_by_role

    • extend the capabilities of the original og_mandatory_group module to allow as many mandatory groups as the user wants
  • [6.x-beta1] Organic Groups Mandatory Group - http://drupal.org/project/og_mandatory_group

    • makes one group mandatory for all new users and/or requires new users to pick a group.
  • [6.x] Organic Groups Registration Keys - http://drupal.org/project/og_reg_keys

    • Group owners (creator/manager) will be able to give the registration key to site members. By using the registration key, site members will be granted access to the group in question.
  • [] Smartqueues for Organic Groups - http://drupal.org/project/smartqueue_og

    • uses Nodequeue's Smartqueue API to provide a nodequeue for each organic group, editable by members of that group or the group's administrators
  • [6.x-alpha4] Spaces - http://drupal.org/project/spaces

    • integrates with Organic Groups and the Context module to provide customizable groups. Every group can have a different set of features like a blog, book, shoutbox, etc.


  • [6.x-beta2] Paging - http://drupal.org/project/paging

    • Break long pages into smaller ones automatically by words(or characters) limit, or by means of a customizable pagination tag

Performance and Scalability

  • [6.x-beta2] Boost - http://drupal.org/project/boost

    • provides static page caching
  • [6.x-beta8] Cache Router - http://drupal.org/project/cacherouter

    • a caching system for Drupal allowing you to assign individual cache tables to specific cache technology.
  • [6.x] Memcache API and Integration - http://drupal.org/project/memcache

    • An API for using Memcached and the PECL Memcache library with Drupal.
    • "Drop-in" replacement libraries for session handling.
    • "Drop-in" replacement library for caching
    • A module that provides administrative overview of Drupal's interaction with Memcached and logic to invalidate "dirty" cache items.
    • A set of tests that can be run to test your memcache setup.
  • [] Queue Mail - http://drupal.org/project/queue_mail

    • Queues any email sent from your Drupal site for the Job queue module, which in turn sends them via cron.


  • [6.x] Calais - http://drupal.org/project/opencalais

    • Calais Web Service automatically creates rich semantic metadata for the content you submit – in well under a second. Using natural language processing, machine learning and other methods, Calais analyzes your document and finds the entities within it.
  • [] Neologism - http://drupal.org/project/neologism

    • a lightweight web-based vocabulary editor and publishing tool built with Drupal. It makes vocabulary authoring easy and fun. Just create a vocabulary, add classes and properties to it, and your vocabulary is instantly published and available online! Several formats are supported via content negotiation: HTML, RDF/XML and N3.
  • [6.x-alpha7] RDF - http://drupal.org/project/rdf

    • an ensemble of modules providing comprehensive RDF functionality and interoperability for the Drupal 6.x platform
  • [6.x-alpha5] Relations API - http://drupal.org/project/relations

    • an API for arbitrary node relationships based on RDF.
  • [6.x] SIOC - http://drupal.org/project/sioc

    • SIOC (Semantically-Interconnected Online Communities) project is an open specification for describing communities using online discussion forums or blogs, leading to what some may term "distributed conversations".
  • [6.x-alpha1] SPARQL - http://drupal.org/project/sparql

    • enables the use of SPARQL queries with the RDF API for Drupal 6.x


  • [6.x] Autocomplete Node Finder - http://drupal.org/project/autocomplete_node_finder

    • Creates blocks to provide autocomplete search on a predefined node/cck field to direct you to the corresponding node.
  • [5.x-beta2] Biblio Facets - http://drupal.org/project/biblio_facets

    • integrates with Faceted Search to allow users to browse Biblio types and fields as facets
  • [5.x-beta2] CCK Facets - http://drupal.org/project/cck_facets

    • a bundle of modules that integrate with Faceted Search to expose Content Construction Kit (CCK) fields as facets
  • [6.x] Core searches - http://drupal.org/project/coresearches

    • Provides a patch to remove content and user search from Drupal core, leaving only the search framework.
  • [] External Search
    • Create forms that submit a search to an external search engine, like Google, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Last.fm or any other engine that uses query strings for form submissions (GET).
  • [6.x-beta2] Faceted Search - http://drupal.org/project/faceted_search

    • provides a search API and a search interface for allowing users to browse content in such a way that they can rapidly get acquainted with the scope and nature of the content, and never feel lost in the data.
  • [] Field Indexer - http://drupal.org/project/field_indexer

    • indexes field data into Drupal's search index
    • users may perform keyword searches restricted by field
    • includes CCK Field Indexer
  • [] Live Search - http://drupal.org/project/livesearch

  • [6.x] Multisite Search - http://drupal.org/project/multisite_search

    • allows you to create a way for end users to search across *all* sites seamlessly in a multi site Drupal installation
  • [] Node Quick Find - http://drupal.org/project/node_quick_find

    • a simple module which provides a block containing an auto-complete field which acts on the node title. This allows you to start typing a node title, it shows a list of possible options, you click one and hit enter and you are taken to the node of your choice.
  • [5.x-beta1] Organic Groups Facets - http://drupal.org/project/og_facets

    • Allows searching by organic group in the faceted search interface provided by the Faceted Search module
  • [6.x] Search 404 - http://drupal.org/project/search404

    • Instead of showing a standard "404 Page not found", this module performs a search on the keywords in the URL, e.g. if a user goes to http://example.com/does/not/exist, this module will do a search for "does not exist".

  • [] Search config - http://drupal.org/project/search_config

    • decide which fields to display on the advanced search form when enabled
    • Some of what this module does can also be achieved by theming the form.
  • [] Search Cloud Generator - http://drupal.org/project/searchcloud

    • produces a web 2.0 tag cloud from stored search terms
  • [6.x] Search Files - http://drupal.org/project/search_files

    • allows searching through the text of PDF, MS Word, plain text, and other types of files in given directories of the server, these files need not be attached to nodes.
      • cat - generic text (txt) files
      • pdftotext - Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Documents
      • catdoc - Microsoft Word (doc) Documents
      • xls2csv - Microsoft Excel (xls) files
      • catppt - Microsoft Power Point (ppt) files
      • unrtf - Rich Text Format (rtf) files
  • [] Search Keywords - http://drupal.org/project/search_keywords

    • extracting search keywords from referers to show in table
  • [6.x] Search Engine Referers - http://drupal.org/project/search_engine_referers

    • a simple module to view the search engine queries used by your visitors.
  • [6.x] Search Ranking - http://drupal.org/project/search_ranking

    • allows Drupal 6.x users to take advantage of a new feature that will be available in Drupal 7.x
    • enables search results to be scored differently based on a number of ranking factors.
      • Relevance (keyword relevancy score)
      • Sticky
      • Promoted
      • Recency (time posted)
      • Comment (number comments)
      • Statistics (number visits)
      • Incoming Links (number of other nodes linking to a node increases score)
  • [] Swish-E Indexer - http://drupal.org/project/swish

    • index uploaded files and will allow users to search over the full text of those documents.
  • [6.x-rc3] Top Searches - http://drupal.org/project/top_searches

    • Supplies a block with a list of the top search phrases in the site.


Site navigation


  • [] Node Extended Stats - http://drupal.org/project/node_extended_stats

    • allows you to define additional timeperiods in addition to the ones provided by the Statistics module [...] you can track node view and comment counts for shorter timeperiods such as 4 hours or for longer timeperiods such as 1 week or 1 month.
  • [6.x-rc] Total Control Admin Dashboard - http://drupal.org/project/total_control

    • creates a default panel page with useful administration panes ... enables control for categories & content ... provides overview of content & users.

    • dependencies: Panels 3.x, Chaos tools 1.x, etc.



Theme related

User access/authentication: Authentication

User access/authentication: Private content

User management


  • [6.x-alpha6] Advanced Help Injection and Export - http://drupal.org/project/helpinject

    • assists you in writing help texts suitable for use with the Advanced Help module by allowing you to write your help texts in Drupal books.
  • [5.x-dev] Comment mover - http://drupal.org/project/comment_mover

  • Complete - http://drupal.org/project/complete

    • a simple module to instruct your users to perform certain actions in your website. It keeps track of the completeness of these actions. Complete harvests the power of rules to configure the kind of actions a user has to perform, and integrates with views for displaying the actions.
  • [6.x] Checkout (content locking) - http://drupal.org/project/checkout

    • implements pessimistic locking, which means that content will be exclusively locked whenever a user starts editing it
    • Content locks that have been "forgotten" can be automatically released after a configurable time span.
  • [6.x-alpha1] Context - http://drupal.org/project/context

    • provides developers with a easy way to map site elements like 'sections' and 'features' to Drupal's underlying architecture
  • [] Database Scripts - http://drupal.org/project/dbscripts

    • a series of command line scripts which will dump, erase, restore and merge databases. They are specifically set up to work the best when developing within the subversion version control environment. Their primary goal is to keep database configuration settings in sync with file changes, and then to allow a method to merge a development database with the production database.
  • [] Deployment - http://drupal.org/project/deploy

    • a series of modules which are designed to allow developers to easily stage Drupal data from one site to another.
  • [6.x] Domain Access - http://drupal.org/project/domain

    • The Domain Access project is a group of lightweight modules that provide tools for running a group of affiliated sites from one Drupal installation and a single shared database. The module allows you to share users, content, and configurations across a group of sites.
  • [6.x] External Links - http://drupal.org/project/extlink

    • used to differentiate between internal and external links. Using jQuery, it will find all external links on a page and add an external icon indicating it will take you offsite or a mail icon for mailto: links.
  • [] Formfilter - http://drupal.org/project/formfilter

    • provides tools and a user interface for doing common form altering tasks. Includes a UI for selecting which fields to hide
  • [6.x] Global redirect - http://drupal.org/project/globalredirect

    • an alias provides a nice URL for a node. However [...] You're getting into dangerous territory for duplicate pages which can get you sandboxed by the likes of Google! Solution: This module uses hook_init to interrupt the page load and do an alias lookup. If one exists, redirect off to it. [...]
  • [] Image Import Zip - http://drupal.org/project/image_import_zip

    • extends image_import (part of Image module) so a user can upload a zip file containing images instead of uploading them by FTP
  • [6.x] jQ - http://drupal.org/project/jq

    • allows other modules to register jQuery plugins in a central repository, and allows administrators of a site to enable or disable specific plugins globally.
  • [6.x] jQuery Update - http://drupal.org/project/jquery_update

    • facilitates an upgrade of jQuery in Drupal core and allows other contrib modules to rely on a newer jQuery version.
  • [] Link to content - http://drupal.org/project/linktocontent

    • allows you to extend the tinyMCE editor by several plugins [...] you can link to nodes
  • [5.x-dev] Login menu - http://drupal.org/project/loginmenu

    • provides a login link to the navigation menu for anonymous users
  • [6.x] Menu Settings per Content Type - http://drupal.org/project/ctm

    • Menu Settings will not available in Node Edit Form until you set the Menus we want in the Content Type Settings
  • [5.x-dev] Multiple domains - http://drupal.org/project/multidomain

    • This is a module which allows you to span one site across multiple domains. You can configure which domains to use for different parts of your site including which protocol that section uses. [...]
  • [] Pageroute - http://drupal.org/project/pageroute

    • provides a userfriendly wizard for creating and editing several nodes.
  • [6.x] Pathauto module - http://drupal.org/project/pathauto

  • [6.x] Porter-stemmer - http://drupal.org/project/porterstemmer

  • [6.x] Printer, e-mail and PDF versions - http://drupal.org/project/print

  • [6.x] Rules - http://drupal.org/project/rules

    • allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (ECA-rules).
    • Documentation: http://drupal.org/node/298476

  • [] SQL search (Trip search) - http://drupal.org/project/trip_search

    • mostly now a Drupal 4.7 core built-in
  • [6.x] Token - http://drupal.org/project/token

  • [6.x-alpha4] Spaces - http://drupal.org/project/spaces

    • allows features (a blog, calendar, casetracker, shoutbox, gallery, etc.) to be enabled and customized in different configurations in different spaces.
  • [6.x] Subdomain - http://drupal.org/project/subdomain

    • a lightweight companion to pathauto that extends URL rewriting to subdomains, allowing you to automatically place Drupal site content onto subdomains.




Admin Themes

Base Themes

Tested by pips1

Tested with Drupal 6

Drupal Core Modules

  • Blog
  • Blog API
  • Color
  • Contact
  • Menu
  • Path
  • Taxonomy
  • Update Status
  • Upload

Contributed Modules

  • Advanced help
  • Pathauto
  • Token
  • Views2

Tested with Drupal 5

Drupal Core Modules

  • Blog
  • Blog API
  • Color
  • Contact
  • Help
  • Locale
  • Menu
  • Path
  • Statistics
  • Taxonomy
  • Upload

Contributed Modules

  • Content Construction Kit (CCK)
  • CCK Date, CCK Email, CCK Link
  • Contact Forms
  • Content Template
  • Drush
  • Gallery
  • Inline
  • Janode - use 'Views' instead!
  • Printer-friendly pages
  • Restricted Text
  • Role Assign
  • Secure Pages
  • Simple Menu
  • Taxonomy Access
  • Taxonomy Menu
  • Update Status
  • Upload preview
  • Views

Tested with Drupal 4

  • Glossary - use 'Interwiki' instead!
  • Image assist
  • Image
  • TinyMCE

To be investigated

Search Engine Optimisatzion

DrupalModules (last edited 2011-04-02 21:59:59 by 26-46)