
Revision 1 as of 2012-07-10 18:00:39

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Translation Team

Calm month, not much to do.

Documentation Team

The wiki was cleaned up. Obsolete and unusable articles have been removed. We also made a status page and improved our own pages further.

Artwork Team

Work on a new wiki theme is underway. The progress is kept in a Launchpad Blueprint.

Promotion Team

There have been no activities last month.

Forum Team

A new notification/warning system for SMF2 has been implemented.


Mwanzo has given two workshops. Relatively little new members joined. Work is underway to spread the word about Mwanzo. Leoquant is working on two English language pieces for the Planet.

Web Team

Currently a merger is being discussed with the News Team, more info at our mailing list. Ubuntero of the month is momentarily suspended.

Source: http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Meetings/Meeting20120710/VoortgangTeams
