
Revision 55 as of 2011-06-28 12:20:38

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Our last Approval Meeting Application form is linked, this application page aims to show how we have grown and what we have done since.

The Ubuntu-NL LoCo is a group of active and diverse individuals who strive to support Ubuntu users in Dutch speaking countries, and to promote Ubuntu in the Netherlands.

Key details

Ubuntu NL

LoCo Contact

Sense Hofstede





IRC channel


Mailing list(support only)


LoCo Directory


Launchpad team


Launchpad team created



Planet Ubuntu NL


Website development

Update the website and add functionality. We have obtained hosting sponsorship and we have members working on a new theme for our site, we share roles out in the team and this is one way for a member(or members) to contribute back to the Ubuntu-ie community. A community server to experiment with webservices is being worked on.




Since our last loco approval we have continued to do the following:

IRC Meetings
  • We have consistently held IRC meetings, refining the structure to ensure efficiency. Minutes and logs of these meetings can be found here.

Translating Ubuntu

Writing localized documentation

Providing a support forum

Providing support via irc

Team Reports
  • We have started producing team reports. That went well for a while. Now the new community council took up the task of organizing these reports in such a way that they are not forgotten.

    ( Full list of Team Reports )

Release Parties




  • We have a strong history in organizing and attending events.

Ubuntu-NL foundation

We continue to work on a legal foundation for Ubuntu-NL responding to a call from active community members in organizing events. There is a need for a foundation to make fund raising possible (bank account), to provide insurance for volunteers organizing events, to be taken seriously by commercial partners.


Since our last loco approval, we have done these new things:

Online Workshops

Mwanzo organised several workshops on IRC. The announcements, logs and summary can be found here.


Ubuntu-NL Mwanzo

The aim of the new Ubuntu-NL Mwanzo initiative is to help new community members to become active participants in the community.

Ubuntu Nederland governance

Under inspiring leadership of Sense Hofstede Ubuntu-NL has recently set up well documented new governance structures and processes. As a result a new Community Governance body, a Community Board and Chair were chosen. The new governance bodies are operating with confidence, and previously existing problems with governance seem to be resolved.

Ubuntu Global Jam


Elections Infrastructure Development

A special website for the elections was developed where candidates can register, present themselves, and where Ubuntu-NL members can vote, and where the results of elections are presented:


New Hosting for services

The second oldest hosting provider in the Netherlands, community driven, the HCC is now hosting the Ubuntu-NL services. A new sysadmin team was formed to take on the task of moving the services to the new hosting.

Dutch translation of Ubuntu Manual

The Dutch Translation Team worked hard on the Dutch translation of the Ubuntu Manual. It's ready for download now. Hurray!

Ubuntu Members

The following Ubuntu Members are active in the Dutch LoCo team: