
Revision 29 as of 2006-11-01 11:29:08

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EdgyEft is the latest Ubuntu release, released on October 26, 2006. See the [:EdgyReleaseSchedule] BR

The "edgy" repository was opened shortly after the release of Dapper. BR The name EdgyEft was announced [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html in the mailing lists] by MarkShuttleworth.

Edgy goals were be taken from those in Launchpad's Blueprint tool at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+specs and have been moved to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+specs

The development wiki pages are archived here:




The main page and repository of the Ubuntu artwork team for Edgy.


What's on the agenda for Ubuntu artwork? Participants can find information here.

[:EdgyEft/Feature Suggestions]

Feature suggestions for Edgy

Knot Release Notes

The MarketingTeam created graphical release notes for each Knot release. They are archived here:

Knot 1 - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Knot2:Knot 2] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Knot3:Knot 3] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Beta:Beta] - ReleasedBR [http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate RC] - Released

Current Contact: CoreyBurger


[:EdgyEft/Knot1/Kubuntu:Kubuntu Knot 1] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Knot2/Kubuntu:Kubuntu Knot 2] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Knot3/Kubuntu:Kubuntu Knot 3] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu:Kubuntu Beta] - ReleasedBR [:EdgyEft/RC/Kubuntu:Kubuntu RC] - Released

Current Contact: RichJohnson