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[ ] Investigate desktop-profiles for Qimo [ ] Help Qimo folks to get Qimo session sorted out in archives }} |
[ ] Revisit qimo integration }}} |
Natty Release Cycle (Edubuntu 11.04)
Release Schedule
- 2010-10-29: UDS
- 2010-12-02: Alpha 1
- 2011-02-03: Alpha 2
- 2011-02-24: Feature Freeze
- 2011-03-03: Alpha 3
- 2011-03-16: Edubuntu Bug Day
- 2011-03-24: Beta Freeze, UI/Artwork Freeze
- 2011-04-07: Docstring Freeze
- 2011-04-14: Final Freeze
- 2011-04-21: Release Candidate
- 2011-04-28: Release
Ubuntu-wide summaries of UDS Natty sessions are available at
Tasks and todo items
For Alpha 1
[x] PO export for slideshow Dyllan McCall (LP: #674185) [i] Call for feedback on seed changes [i] Edubuntu Council Re-elections [x] Edubuntu contact form for general queries, include email address on page [x] Add twidenash widget to community page [x] Move Slideshow to common ubiquity slideshow branch [x] Seed changes to include new packages [i] Edubuntu Marketplace Launch [x] Icons on community page that links directly to communication services (implemented with sidebar quick-links) [x] Create ACL's on Website for blog, etc contributors [x] File bug and try to reduce the dependency list for KDE [x] Get rid of qt-assistant documentation icon in Edubuntu menus [x] Replace vym with freemind [x] Alpha 1 Release announcement, release notes
For Alpha 2
[x] Remove italc link from LiveCD [i] Reduce installer time by fixing package removal issues, get debug trace for bug report (LP: #335596, #) [x] Evaluate Sugar for inclusion as alternate desktop sugar-session-0.90 [x] LTSP: copy resolv.conf and sources.list to chroot before building image [x] Help schooltool guys get zope dependencies in archive [x] Alpha 2 Release announcement, release notes
For Alpha 3
[i] Work on a wizard to be started on the Live and on WebLive (python/glade/webkit) [x] [needs-packaging] Konstructor -</s> Depends on LDraw, which contains non-free parts [i] [needs-packaging] acire (LP: #614045) [i] [needs-packaging] python snippets (LP: #614060) [x] [needs-packaging] LibreCad [x] [seeds] Add LibreCad to seeds [x] Review initial seed changes completed during Alpha 1 stage [ ] Website page: difference between ubuntu and edubuntu? [ ] Website Stories, create templates/examples/etc - Stories are user stories from schools/communities/etc - Case studies must go on as per discussions with Canonical [ ] Integrate seeded package list with Software Center for comments and ratings [i] New Ubiquity Slideshow [x] Task step for optional software [x] Ubiquity GUI/blacklists, Casper rm's, etc for Sabayon, Nanny, etc [x] Move unity from depends to required in ubuntu-desktop (LP: #683833) [i] New Edubuntu Wallpaper [ ] Alpha 3 Release announcement, release notes
For Beta
[i] Edubuntu Bug Day [ ] Beta Release announcement, release notes
For Release Candidate
[ ] Release Canidate announcement, release notes
For Release
[ ] Edubuntu 11.04 Release Notes / Release Announcement [ ] Edubuntu 11.04 Installation Guide
[ ] Additional language support page in Ubiquity [ ] [needs-packaging] [ ] Revisit qimo integration
Maverick Release Cycle (Edubuntu 10.10)
Future Plans and Long-term Goals
Make Edubuntu as user friendly and useful as possible!
Edubuntu/11.10/RoadMap (last edited 2011-11-06 20:29:54 by modemcable137)