Edubuntu Installations
If you are running an Edubuntu server, some workstations or a whole network in your school, university, company or community project then add yourself to the list.
We would also like to encourage you to send in your story at Ubuntu's MyStory page.
Yorktown High School, Arlington, VA
The [ Yorktown High School Computer Science Program] has been using GNU/Linux for the past 7 years. During the last 4 years we have been using an LTSP thin client solution, and this year we are using the Edubuntu, the best version of this technology available.
Tennants and Workers United, Alexandria, VA
The [ Tennants and Workers United] (TWU) is a democratically controlled, grassroots organization committed to winning social and economic justice and power for the people of Northern Virginia.
The TWSC Edubuntu center provides community access and training in the use of technology in the interest of community needs.
Mount Rainier Public Library, Mount Rainier, MD
The [ Friends of the Mount Rainier Library] has set up an Edubuntu installation for use by patrones of the library.
ACTUS computer lab for local community, Poznań, Poland
The [ ACTUS] has set up a lab for kids and local community based on Edubuntu and LTSP server.
IS 52 Inwood Academy, New York, NY
Adaliz Gonzalez' Spanish-language, eighth-grade science classroom at IS 52 in Washington Heights is equipped with a small, Edubuntu 5.10 based computer lab. The lab was put together as part of a pilot program by [ HERA Group], a non-profit organization with a focus on improving lives through science education.
HalseyEdAtHome Toccoa GA
We are very excited about adding edubuntu to our home education arsenal. I have been running Fedora for several years and always felt that Linux was a little too complicated for the young. I am pleased that there is a distro that even my six-year-old son seems to be able to learn and have fun with.
Ressu Comprehensive School
Ressu Comprehensive School, Helsinki, Finland; emphasizes the development of children and youth into cooperative, well behaved and honest members of society. Schooling at Ressu gives its pupils a good base for further education, good social skills, and healthy self-esteem. Currently we have edubuntu in our primary years classes, but we are planning to offer it for the middle years too!
Primary school La Futaie in Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium
Primary school La Futaie in Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium, (École primaire La Futaie à Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgique) is a pionneer school in the use of free software in Belgium, that started in September 2000, with a custom installation of a server running Debian and light terminals using the Plume system. Now, we have moved to Edubuntu for our great satistaction. See
Secondary school Les Cerisiers in Gorgier, Switzerland
I have installed two small 1server + 2thin clients in two classroom of this school as well as 6 other computers (Kubuntu+educative softwares). All the rest is under Windows because of the canton's agreement with Microsoft. (canton =~ state) I hope we will be able to make a larger network (10-15 computers with a bigger server) soon.