This is a log or summary of an Edubuntu Meeting. Please go to the Meeting Page for more information about our meetings.
Meeting February 8, 2006
01:01 JaneW hello 01:01 kjcole hi 01:01 licio hi 01:01 flint_ good morning jane, nice reporting from the sprint. 01:02 jsgotangco cheers 01:02 kjcole flint, suck up. 01:02 JaneW flint_: thanks 01:02 JaneW I had to get creative 01:02 flint_ I have coffee today kevin, and I am a suck up! 01:02 flint_ :^) 01:02 JaneW there are only so many ways to say 'everyone threw up today' ;) 01:03 jsgotangco heh 01:03 flint_ yea that was interesting... still haven't talked to matt was he sick? 01:03 ogra say "kate moss wednesday" 01:03 jsgotangco food poisoning can be bad 01:03 JaneW Wednesday was the worst of it 01:03 ajmitch_ JaneW: sounds like the aftermath of :) 01:03 JaneW yes Matt was sick 01:03 kjcole ogra, ouch! harsh. ;-) 01:03 flint_ ubuntu sprints on its stomach.... 01:03 JaneW it was more a virus than food poisoning I think 01:04 jsgotangco at least it wasnt the distro sprint of doom 01:04 ogra kjcole, but matches somehow ;) === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:04 jsgotangco only death 01:04 jsgotangco =) 01:04 JaneW well I am calling it the Gastro Sprint now ;) 01:04 ajmitch_ yes, LCA had the linux virus of doom striking down attendees 01:04 JaneW ok are we all here? === mhz [n=mhz_chil@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:04 jsgotangco gastro sprint ewww 01:04 JaneW ajmitch_: :/ 01:04 flint_ ogra, ollie i got a flight3 install questioin swtiching channels... 01:04 ogra is highvoltage around for website stuff ? 01:05 mhz hi all 01:05 ogra flint_, i answered it yesterday 01:05 JaneW is jelkner planning to attend? === mhz had not seen the time 01:05 JaneW I think he wanted to go first again today? 01:05 kjcole no jelkner... 01:05 ogra flint_, but feel free to ask again ;) 01:05 JaneW kjcole: you wanna do it 01:05 flint_ ogra, on the irc? 01:05 ogra yes === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === hno73 [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:05 JaneW hi hno73 01:05 jsgotangco heh mark suggested a docteam sprint in london...that can be scary 01:06 kjcole hold a sec 01:06 JaneW jsgotangco: brace yourself! 01:06 JaneW highvoltage: you here? 01:06 hno73 hi JaneW 01:06 JaneW we need to make web decisions today - or at least confirm them 01:06 jsgotangco henrik! 01:07 hno73 jsgotangco: ! (sorry I was away friday) 01:07 JaneW ok who has updates for me? 01:07 kjcole I'll be brief. === jsgotangco just uploaded new edubuntu-docs and will prepare a script to publish on for preview === jmont [n=jmont@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:07 flint_ I am supposed to be standing in for Jeffster... 01:07 flint_ kevin should report. ltsp had 36 code commits since last week ... we support 01:08 ogra a lot more options now (serial mice, 16Bit graphics cards etc) and i did a lot of fixes ... 01:08 JaneW jsgotangco: great thanks :) 01:08 jsgotangco serial finally got tested? 01:08 JaneW belated Hi mhz 01:08 ogra i'm just starting to prepare for flight 4, testing and feedback before would be fine ... 01:09 mhz ;) Not a lot to report, actually. Working with a lore 01:09 kjcole developer, we now have an indexing system (or the beginnings of one) 01:09 JaneW yes ogra was busy last week 01:09 JaneW (and not just drinking) ;) === irvin_ [n=irvin@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:09 JaneW ogra: does flight 4 have a date yet? 01:09 jsgotangco yeah right he's caught on camera with a bottle of bourbon or something.. 01:09 JaneW I haven't heard... additionally i have a good bunch of code offered by the 01:09 ogra debian ltsp team ... i'm currently reviewing their patches# 01:09 JaneW jsgotangco: yup ;) 01:10 ogra JaneW, filght CDs never have a date ... only a rough "this week" 01:10 ogra it depends on the bugs we find during building the CDs :) I just secured some space at my school where we can set 01:10 kjcole up a Dapper Edubuntu "lab" and work from that to get a real feel for how it all fits together. 01:10 ogra thats why testing *before* is so important 01:11 ogra (which nobody but me is doing normally :( ) === jsgotangco volunteers to test amd64 01:11 ogra yay ! 01:11 flint_ ogra, ollie you seem to be on a workstation binge. Anything you are working on the server side? 01:12 JaneW jsgotangco: you are great! 01:12 JaneW thanks ogra: I do apologize for not being helpfull at all in 01:12 mhz this testings but I have almost no hardware where i can test now 01:12 JaneW ogra: right but as the magic date gets near it becomes apparent, no? mhz will be pleased to know that jelkner has "seen the 01:12 kjcole light" and we're trying to keep something on the wiki in parallel with our docs. === jsgotangco has 3 amd64 machines at his disposal at the moment 01:12 flint_ ogra, The Veromont testing facility is spooling up to speed. 01:12 ogra cool :) 01:12 ogra mhz, you do enough ... i only want people with decent bandwith to be testers === earobinson [n=earobins@ubuntu/member/earobinson] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:13 kjcole Bad news: We don't think we'll have something mid-april. Shortly thereafter, is jelkner's prediction. 01:13 jsgotangco its ok 01:13 flint_ ogra, I will be sending you a copy of the Vermont Lab facility documentation when complete. 01:14 ogra flint_, great :) ogra: good potential news is that on friday/monday I should have a definit answer wether I have at least a 5 01:14 mhz pc lab and one server to test Edubuntu whatever and invite teachers to it, to give us feedback on monthly basis :D 01:14 ogra kjcole, the #edubuntu channel is grown a bit recently ... probably you can recruit more people there 01:15 jsgotangco i notice a trend on #edubuntu though, a lot of people ask about desktop apps rather than server === irvin [n=irvin@ubuntu/member/irvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:15 jsgotangco just today i had 3 random people asking 01:15 kjcole We're looking at qemu as a possible screen-capture mechanism (among other things). 01:15 ogra jsgotangco, yes 01:16 jsgotangco kjcole, imagemagick can't do enough for app-specific sceencaps? 01:16 kjcole A lot of my week has been LoCo-related and getting space for the lab. jsgotangco: yup, seen that too. And in #edubuntu-es.. 01:16 mhz many users show up just for 'ubuntu-stuff' rlated issues :( 01:17 jsgotangco yeah 01:17 ogra mhz, point them to #ubuntu jsgotangco, we're hoping for screen captures from the 01:17 kjcole get-go: The splash screen, and at least some of the install screens that are Edubuntu specific -- LTSP NG DHCP config etc. 01:17 jsgotangco mostly newbies though, lots of patience needed 01:17 jsgotangco kjcole, qemu =) 01:17 jsgotangco VMWare GSX Server =) 01:17 mhz ogra: they usually come from #ubuntu or #ubuntu-es 01:18 ogra mhz, but #edubuntu(-es) is not for general #ubuntu stuff 01:18 JaneW kjcole: we really need a cook book for 6.04 - even if it's lean 01:18 jsgotangco yeah 01:18 JaneW kjcole: we missed it for 5.10 which was dissapointing === jsgotangco failed the first time 01:18 ogra mhz, we support the edu apps and ltsp in #edubuntu ... 01:18 kjcole Will inform jelkner 01:18 JaneW is there no way we can get ppl to collaborate with you? 01:19 JaneW it's the one thing ppl would like to help with ogra: heheh, yeah, but 2 users who usually help on 01:19 mhz little edubuntu stuff (testing, mainly) have complained that if nobody is talking, why not give help on ubuntu topics in the mean time :( === Hirion [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:19 JaneW I know you guys are aiming for perfection, but I;d be happy with 'good enough' - on time 01:19 JaneW no pressure ;) 01:20 jsgotangco at least something to review 01:20 jsgotangco :) 01:20 mhz ogra: edubuntu-es is usually 4 people and 3 or 5 more that come twice a week 01:20 mhz hence the urgent need of "the tour" idea :) 01:20 mhz urgent = maybe not 01:21 jsgotangco mhz, i think ES is your sphere of expertise, you are very much authoritative to decide on what's best 01:21 flint_ mhz, I have never been on ubuntu-es what is so special? === jsgotangco no habla espanol 01:22 flint_ mhz, i ment edubuntu-es... === spacey__ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting jsgotangco: maybe yes that's why before scaring or 01:22 mhz inviting people go somewhere else, I usally take some vitamin C and patience and let them ask ooftopics :) 01:22 spacey__ hi 01:23 mhz flint_: oh, just supposed to be another channel but for edubuntu users/admins needing support and help 01:23 flint_ oh, ok. 01:23 mhz ogra: good thing is there are many people subsrcibed to ML (weired) 01:24 flint_ JaneW, maybe we need a docsprint. we writers want to get wretching sick from hotel food... 01:24 flint_ :^) 01:24 mhz lol 01:24 JaneW heh === mhz is so much wanting to put hands on CookBook translation and maybe additions 01:24 JaneW so what's the plans for the next week? 01:24 jsgotangco flint_, you'll probably get your wish by the end of march if things go well 01:24 JaneW also where is highvoltage ? 01:24 flint_ JaneW, you would be invited to bring your world famous collection of beadpans! JaneW, I'm not opposed to the idea... I've been 01:25 kjcole following jelkner's lead, since he'd published a book and I haven't. === Hobbsee [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:26 flint_ kjcole, "those who cannot do...teach" sorry for being late, but was there a list of 01:26 spacey__ documentation missing? last week was noted that such a list would be avail this week. ? 01:26 JaneW flint_: I supply Amarula to those that behave.... Also, there was the business of choosing Twisted Lore 01:27 kjcole over Docbook or wiki, though as I say, he's now been convinced to at least start using the wiki for collaboration. 01:27 jsgotangco amarula? 01:27 jsgotangco ahhh 01:28 flint_ that is a great shot of ollie hunched over a keyboard... 01:28 jsgotangco liquer or something... Jeff put an outline in place of what was on the wiki 01:28 kjcole before and we're hoping to add to that this week from our Lore docs. 01:29 JaneW kjcole: think we can get it done somehow? kjcole: flint_: I am collecting pieces of info because 01:29 mhz if all my plans go well, in May I'll start a book about Edubuntu 01:29 mhz and obvioulsy reinventinn the wheel is my worst option 01:29 flint_ JaneW, ever do a project plam? 01:30 flint_ mhz, is this stuff up on the docbox yet? 01:30 JaneW flint_: sure, they are most ignored 01:30 flint_ mhz, you have an account. 01:30 JaneW flint_: at best they are snap shots in this non-conformist community 01:30 flint_ JaneW, you never send me your project plans... I am hurt! 01:31 jsgotangco bzr..*cough* 01:31 flint_ I read science fiction avidly 01:31 mhz flint_: can we have a short 'let's talk' after meeting in #edubuntu, with coffee on table? JaneW, Dunno. I've not done any collaborative work 01:31 kjcole before. I'll try to get jelkner et al onto #edubuntu later today and see if we can speed things up. 01:31 mhz jsgotangco: you mean ! :D 01:31 flint_ I have a window up for both you and ollie... kjcole: I realise it's putting pressure on you, but we 01:32 JaneW can give you more ppl, will you talk to jelkner about the first edition not needing to be PERFECT (not that we'd mind if it is) ;) JaneW, you know I would never defend these two if I did 01:34 flint_ not see their problem. The issue here is the classic infastructure one of women months and babies. Get it? 01:34 kjcole JaneW, understood. 01:34 flint_ you cannot add more women and get the baby faster than 9 months. 01:35 flint_ the reason I thought project plan was to get some subtask milestones to shoot at. 01:35 jsgotangco huh? 01:35 mhz kjcole: _o/ \o/ \o_ (a cheering you! based on CC meetings) 01:35 flint_ a project plan is sort of like kicking the mother to induce premature birth... 01:36 flint_ saves you a month but is tough on the baby :^ 01:36 jsgotangco why was it not raised from the start? There's also the issue of documenting something that's a 01:37 kjcole moving target. (It would be nice to document what Edubuntu WILL be in April, rather than what it WAS in October or MIGHT be.) jsgotangco, hindsight is 20/20, this enterprise is 01:37 flint_ geared to hacking software, not writing books. The infastructure for hacing code (eg bzr) is in place. Does this work for books? However, I realize that it's probably reasonably settled 01:37 kjcole now and from Flight whatever we should be working with something close to the finished look and feel... 01:37 jsgotangco it works for the docteam surely 01:38 kjcole There is that. 01:38 flint_ what kevin and jeff ( and maybe me) have been involved with has been forging the tools to write the book. 01:38 mhz kjcole: but if we can get something done based on breezy, in a couple of weeks we could have dapper ready === janimo [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 01:38 JaneW flint_: what kind of subtasks you looking for? 01:38 mhz (even after release) 01:38 jsgotangco we've relesed preview docs since flight 2 01:38 JaneW flint_: if you are refering to the cook book, that was left up to Msrs Elkner and Cole to handle 01:38 flint_ JaneW, you and I have got to fight that out offline... 01:39 flint_ JaneW, they are doing it, I bear witness to that. are they moving as fast as the developers? nah. ok highvoltage is still not here, but we have discussed 01:39 JaneW the option of using MoinMoin for the whole edubuntu site instead of Drupal 01:39 JaneW mhz: what do you think of that? === dsa [n=dsaa@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:40 kjcole Mea (or whatever the Latin for "we" is) culpa. as soon as they get a section done, (say the 01:40 flint_ installation section) I read in your reports that there is a graphical user interface for dapper!!!!! 01:40 JaneW hno73: thin we can call it decided now? (MoinMoin instead of drupal?) 01:40 JaneW thin=think 01:40 flint_ JaneW, moinmoin drupal who cares that is not the book. 01:41 jsgotangco go Moin 01:41 hno73 JaneW: I think so yes 01:41 jsgotangco its pretty damn stable JaneW: hehehe, I know Moin has some limitations (php can 01:41 mhz obvioulsy deal with much more "features" today) but I am not sure these limitations do affect edubuntu-gang purposes 01:41 jsgotangco and we already got working proofs 01:41 freeflying hno73: hi 01:41 mhz JaneW: however, Moin 1.5 lets you do more stuff 01:42 jsgotangco meh === hno73 is just re-doing the main site community section with pretty icons: 01:42 hno73 the layout is quite flexible 01:42 hno73 hi freeflying :) 01:42 spacey__ possible to link the edubuntu site with all the other logins? launchpad/ubuntu wiki? 01:42 spacey__ think that is important criterium 01:42 flint_ spacey__, that would be the best! 01:43 hno73 spacey__: yes, that's possible 01:43 freeflying hno73: I'd prepare using moinmoin for ,will u give me any advice? 01:43 mhz JaneW: jsgotangco: however, I would not feel comfrotable if we dont see/test highvoltage efforts on drupal 01:43 spacey__ i think that is one of most important points at least === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Verlassend"] 01:43 JaneW mhz: are you willing to help us with Moin magic? spacey__, this issue of namespace is an infastructure 01:44 flint_ issue that mere writers should not be inconvienced by, and they currently are... 01:44 mhz JaneW: OF COURSE! === mhz apologizes for the caps but you know Moin is my other 'lover' :D 01:45 hno73 freeflying: look at the 'balanced' themes here: === ogra_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:46 mhz jsgotangco: and yes, moin as 'loverl is a scary thought :D 01:46 hno73 they are nearly the same as the ubunt/kubuntu ones 01:46 jsgotangco heh 01:46 hno73 (I should post some updates soon) 01:46 mhz hno73: I downloaded balanced 2 days ago :D 01:46 freeflying hno73: may we use the artwork of kubuntu ? 01:46 mhz freeflying: yes, you can 01:47 JaneW mhz: yay, that was the response I was HOPING FOR :) 01:47 mhz ;p 01:47 JaneW we have 12 mins left, is there anything else official to discuss? 01:48 hno73 mhz: I'll send you the latest copy of my theme (it's fairly stable now) 01:48 JaneW does every/anyone want these meetings more structured? hno73: I will email you about my questions.. yesterday 01:48 mhz the phone call was too long and after that I had to do other stuff 01:48 spacey__ that would be nice 01:48 jsgotangco im cool with the current stuff 01:48 spacey__ structure 01:48 mhz hno73: thx! 01:48 spacey__ but i really missed that part on missing documentation? 01:48 flint_ JaneW, we have the doc section and the programming section. 01:48 ogra JaneW, just going back to the structure we once had would already suffice 01:48 mhz hno73: and one of the topics is I do want to make a CSS for a11y 01:49 ogra we once had structure 01:49 ogra it just vanished over the last meetings 01:49 mhz hno73: so, edubuntu users could choose a11y theme if needed 01:49 hno73 mhz: I pretty much have that complete, just need to sort out some javascript magic for switching 01:50 mhz JaneW: so basically your idea is I help hno73 i guess? 01:50 flint_ ogra, I think the structure comes from the participants, elkner helps a lot to keep me in check :^) 01:50 mhz JaneW: and what will happen to highvoltage's efforts on drupal? lost? 01:50 JaneW ogra: I agree, I would prefer to handle the tech side first.. 01:50 hno73 mhz: or rather that I help you :) 01:50 ogra flint_, we started off with a clear structure who speaks when ... 01:50 JaneW but jelkner normally attends for 15 mins or so and wants to talk docs 01:50 ogra that disappeared 01:51 mhz JaneW: yes, I liked your 'structure' for metings 01:51 JaneW the trouble is the docs stuff tends to ramble 01:51 flint_ ogra: janew: elkner indicated he could not be here he will be back. 01:51 mhz hno73: we help each other :D 01:51 JaneW let's agree for next week we go back to the original 01:51 ogra yes 01:51 JaneW Tech progress and calls for testing etc 01:51 JaneW the Docs progress and calls for help 01:52 JaneW then Artwork update and calls for help 01:52 JaneW etc 01:52 ogra we can shuffle around the bits, but keep a bit of dicipline 01:52 JaneW yes agreed 01:52 flint_ I would like to throw the floor open to nominate a dominatrix. 01:52 ogra (phew, that sounds so german) === ogra blushes 01:52 JaneW as I think we are getting limited benefit now 01:52 mhz yes, structure! 01:52 mhz +1 01:52 freeflying hno73: how shall I configure moinmoin , and make it perform like ? 01:52 JaneW +++ 01:52 mhz ogra: we know you just can't help it :) 01:52 JaneW freeflying: you going to help too? 01:53 freeflying JaneW: I just want to host using moin 01:53 ogra mhz, i'm the chaos in person ... 01:53 hno73 freeflying: uses mod_proxy to deal with heavy trafic, but that's a special case 01:53 jsgotangco i'll email the list when the script for is done showing edubuntu-docs 01:53 ogra its not my usual behavior to sound german 01:53 mhz hno73: so you prefer email better than irc? 01:53 mhz ogra: stop drinking then! 01:53 mhz :D 01:54 ogra heh 01:54 freeflying hno73: I know about this 01:54 flint_ ogra, truth is you sound practically dutch most of the time :^) 01:54 hno73 freeflying: See for a site that uses moin to do pretty much the same thing 01:54 JaneW ogra: when can we start drafting the edubuntu flight 4 announcement? 01:54 ogra flint_, lol 01:54 hno73 mhz: yes please :) 01:54 JaneW let's try to get it out quicker this time 01:54 ogra JaneW, as soon as you like ... 01:54 flint_ mhz, lol 01:54 spacey__ hm, i'm off, bb 01:55 ogra i bet there is a flight 4announcement for ubuntu prepared already 01:55 ogra (a draft) 01:55 JaneW ogra: ok I'll look for that 01:55 hno73 freeflying: if you email me on I can send you my latest theme files and some suggestions 01:55 JaneW can you send me notable edu progress and enhancements 01:55 flint_ JaneW, one proposal for structure would be to divide into three sections, software, documentation, and web. 01:55 mhz hno73: no problem, I can do it and we can add 'urgent' when I need responses in a day time ? 01:55 freeflying hno73: yep , just what I want , but how to configure moin 01:55 ogra JaneW, sure 01:55 JaneW I'll tack it together and then we can edit finely together 01:56 mhz JaneW: yes,m there is 01:56 ogra freeflying, thats somehow offtopinc in a edubuntu meeting ... 01:56 freeflying ogra: sorry 01:56 ogra but i guess we're done anyway 01:56 jsgotangco \o_ \o/ \o/ _o/ 01:56 ogra so go ahead :) 01:56 JaneW ogra: will the flight be out this week or next (your guestimate) 01:56 mhz hno73: what if you upload the theme to wiki:HenrikOmma freeflying: well, 'how to configure' is a big question. 01:56 hno73 Do you want just the conf files, acl settings, a detailed tutorial? 01:57 ogra JaneW, i guess weekendish 01:57 JaneW ok 01:57 freeflying ogra: after , we shall host 01:57 ogra ah 01:57 ogra i didnt get that 01:57 hno73 freeflying: It's difficult to know what place you are starting from. Do you have moin set up for a start? 01:57 mhz jsgotangco: at least I started translating some bits of tocd 01:57 jsgotangco mhz, yay! 01:57 ogra freeflying, then its on topic ;) 01:57 freeflying hno73: I have setup moin 01:58 freeflying hno73: I have setup moin 01:58 JaneW ogra: ubuntu is planning to have flash intros will we just have a progress bar? 01:58 freeflying hno73: so I want configure moin like official website 01:58 jsgotangco flash? 01:58 flint_ JaneW, oh god please no flash!!! 01:58 kjcole gotta run... i hope some of us be chatting before next week. will try to set something up. 01:59 highvoltage hi. sorry, i'm here 01:59 mhz JaneW: one thing b4 you leave... 01:59 flint_ kjcole, good job, keep it up! 01:59 jsgotangco flash? 01:59 highvoltage jsgotangco: not as in macromedia, i presume 01:59 jsgotangco jeezz i hope not! 01:59 hno73 freeflying: I see, that's already quite good. OK, I'll send you further instructions on email 01:59 mhz JaneW: meeting minutes are sooooo hard to keep on current moin setup 01:59 flint_ ogra, if they put flash up on the web, you gotta rewrite in visual studio. Any problems with that? flash> this is in the context of espresso (live 01:59 Kamion installer), and it would be Flash 3 so that the free players can deal with it 02:00 flint_ :^) 02:00 mhz JaneW: I'd love to see some solution proposals with hno73 02:00 freeflying hno73: thx 02:00 jsgotangco Kamion, thanks for clearing that up 02:00 mhz highvoltage: hey!!! 02:00 ogra JaneW, lets have the same ubuntu has ... but as i said i wont focus on express ... 02:00 highvoltage mhz: hi 02:00 ogra my main target is the install CD, since thats what we'll have pressed 02:00 jsgotangco hold on 02:00 flint_ highvoltage, good morning Jonathan! 02:00 highvoltage hi flint! 02:00 jsgotangco are we doing the livecd route? 02:01 ogra nope 02:01 jsgotangco ok 02:01 highvoltage (got the name right again!) 02:01 mhz ogra: JaneW: any news from designer work? 02:01 jsgotangco so no espresson 02:01 ogra we'll have a live iso ... 02:01 highvoltage ogra: so we'll have plain old d-i? yay! 02:01 flint_ highvoltage, I am practicing... 02:01 ogra and it will have esporesso for the workstation install 02:01 flint_ highvoltage, thanks. 02:01 ogra highvoltage, the server part doesnt fit on the live CD 02:01 highvoltage ah, ok. 02:01 jsgotangco \o_ \o/ edubuntu \o/ _o/ === Tonio_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:02 ogra the pressed CDs will be the install CDs ... 02:02 JaneW mhz: feel free to abandon that format, bullets or wahtever works isfine 02:02 ogra as long as we focus on ltsp and server stuff it will stay this way 02:02 freeflying ogra: if you can provide us a well Chinese supportted livecd , it will be efficient promote edubuntu in china 02:03 ogra freeflying, lets see ... i'm not sure we can fit this many languages on the live iso 02:03 mhz JaneW: oh, okis === hno73 [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] ogra: I think the issue was that the flash stuff feature 02:03 JaneW Ubuntu so wouldn;t really go with edubuntu - what do you think? 02:03 mhz JaneW: designer news? === ogra would love to drop the KDE apps, that would solve all problems instantly 02:04 ogra JaneW, why shouldnt it go with edubuntu ?= 02:04 jsgotangco ogra, but you'll loose a lot of edu apps 02:04 JaneW mhz: I have not heard anything no, but I know we are getting 1 set of designs 02:04 ogra its justa flash movie ... 02:04 flint_ ogra, can we fork edubuntu to edukbumutu? 02:04 flint_ er edukubuntu 02:04 JaneW ogra: well it will look diff for a start won't it? 02:04 mhz JaneW: when could we know? 02:04 ogra jsgotangco, some have a valid replacement in gnome 02:04 ogra (but not all) 02:05 JaneW we need ppl making gnome apps - please 02:05 jsgotangco ogra, if its justifiable and still ok for dapper i guess that's a good compromise === mhz says we should not include or promote flash movies... it's against our manifesto 02:05 ogra JaneW, making a screencapture is an easy task ... 02:05 JaneW mhz: Jane Silber handles that according to the artwork deadline 02:05 JaneW mhz: I think she is handing briefs over this week 02:05 highvoltage sorry, i don't have time to catch up on the older messages, did hno73 mention anything about the website? 02:05 ogra jsgotangco, amd64 and powerpc isos are constantly overflown 02:05 jsgotangco argghhh 02:05 mhz JaneW:'s just that I'd love to see something 02:06 JaneW ogra: ok maybe we can do some with our stuff. Corey is handling the content we should speak to him. 02:06 ogra KDE takes a hell lot of space .... 02:06 JaneW mhz: me too 02:06 ogra and i doubt its justified for the 5 KDE apps we ship 02:06 jsgotangco ogra, ok i'll evaluate this weekend mhz: howvere like last time it;s one of the last pieces 02:06 JaneW of the puzzle and is not completed or released until right near the end 02:06 mhz ogra: I have looked for gnome apps... not very successfully 02:07 ogra jsgotangco, king could esily be replaced by drgeo ... it finally matured ... for example 02:07 highvoltage ok, i'm almost on my way out so just some notes on edubuntu web/wiki site 02:07 JaneW highvoltage: we decided on moin in your absence - ok> 02:07 JaneW ? 02:07 ogra mhz, there are a lot 02:07 mhz ogra: but I have found xmaxima (GTK) for higher levels 02:07 jsgotangco yeah 02:07 highvoltage JaneW: yep, that's good, i cancelled the drupal with Znarl (much to his delight) 02:07 JaneW where are the gnome app ppl? 02:07 mhz ogra: equivalents?? 02:07 JaneW heh, thanks 02:07 ogra mhz, yes 02:07 ogra not for all of them ... 02:07 highvoltage and as far as i understand mhz is going to work with hno73 and do some nice moin tweaking 02:07 ogra but for dapper its to late for such a big change anyway 02:08 highvoltage so that we can do everything with moin we could with drupal. 02:08 JaneW highvoltage: I only figured out yesterday that drupal is 'drupal' <- afrikaans (well dutch actually) for drop 02:08 flint_ ogra, when is code freeze for dapper? 02:08 JaneW hence the water droplet logo d'oh! 02:08 ogra flint_, feature freezy is 23rd 02:08 JaneW so from now on it's pronounced dripel ppl 02:08 jsgotangco ogra, we can still drop the kde apps we're still not in freature freeze yet 02:08 ogra and i'm busy with ltsp and edubuntu-artwork until then 02:09 mhz ogra: I can do testings for apps, that this HW can do ok 02:09 JaneW jsgotangco: er but we'd need to add replacements, and not sure we can still do that... 02:09 flint_ ogra, I blame all this talk of the dutch on you... :^) 02:09 ogra jsgotangco, but there is no time to get replacements in and if it fails we cant go back 02:09 jsgotangco right 02:09 jsgotangco but overflowing images ain't good 02:09 jsgotangco (for other arches at least) 02:09 ogra i'll have to drop stuff, indeed 02:09 JaneW agreed, but we have had that problem for a long time now 02:10 highvoltage it'll be available on universe though 02:10 ogra and shuffle a bit ... 02:10 highvoltage ogra: how do you feel about a semi-official edubuntu add-on CD? 02:10 ogra lets just keep in mind to check the option to go gnome only in dapper+1 ... 02:10 mhz highvoltage: add-on cd? 02:10 Riddell ogra: how about all the python modules 02:10 highvoltage ogra: i'm not suggesting it, since i don't have time for it, but i think it's necassary to think about it 02:10 flint_ highvoltage, the ticket here is to use the automatix framework for addons. 02:10 ogra Riddell, i'll manage, dont woirry .... 02:11 highvoltage mhz: a CD with some additional .deb's for KDE support and additional, relevant software 02:11 mhz ogra: cool, dapper +1. This way I can more easily make that edubuntu lite thing 02:11 ogra Riddell, if i drop python stuff elkner will come to my house and whine 24h a day ... 02:11 highvoltage flint_: automatix? you've got a link to that? 02:11 ogra highvoltage, no option for dapper 02:11 ogra eeek 02:11 mhz highvoltage: ahh, good idea 02:11 highvoltage ogra: and after that? 02:11 jmont hello all, sorry that I am late for the meeting 02:12 ogra stop even talking about automatix crack while i'm in the room please ... i might go blind 02:12 flint_ highvoltage, google "ubuntu automatix" it is multimedia heaven for breezy 02:12 ogra automatics is the suck ... 02:12 jsgotangco heaven for people at the first but hell when they try to uninstall and upgrade 02:12 ogra it breaks users systems and upgradeability ... 02:12 flint_ ogra, sorry ma man. it is a hack indeed 02:13 ogra i wont even give a line of support to any user who touched it ... === mhz dislikes the automatix idea, flint_ ... too much a user dont see can't be good 02:13 flint_ ogra, but it is in the spirit of hackish ness... 02:13 jsgotangco oh you can see it, but its not a pretty sight 02:13 JaneW ok our time is up. 02:13 ogra its not supportable and breaks systems in intresting ways ... please dont advise it to anyone 02:13 jsgotangco scary sources.list ah yes, it does seem quite sucky, although we've done 02:14 highvoltage similar things in tuxlabs, due for change after we switch to dapper, of course. 02:14 flint_ ogra, i hear you. however the framework that it developed may prove useful for addons. 02:14 mhz jsgotangco: yes! well said. Automatix = Norton stuff 02:14 mhz jsgotangco: I mean, they are = when trying to uninstall or upgrade :D 02:14 jsgotangco yeah 02:14 highvoltage hacks are good in my opinion, but when it breaks more than it fixes, it's not worth while 02:14 ogra flint_, synaptic is fine for addon stuff 02:15 flint_ ogra, I am just pleased that I can still create FITS on the channel! 02:15 jmont isn't possible to made an Automatix version that simply don't break the system? 02:15 jsgotangco we should probably put edubuntu love in gnome-app-install 02:15 highvoltage i was thinking of synaptic for the edubuntu add-on cd 02:15 highvoltage apt-cdrom add ; apt-get install edubuntu-addons-all ok I need to dash, thanks guys, and let's aim for more 02:15 JaneW structure next time. So we can get to the good discussions sooner! 02:15 jsgotangco jmont, gnome-app-install is much saner on this regard and can accomodate multiverse apps if needed 02:15 highvoltage yes, cheers! === ogra goes for food 02:16 flint_ JaneW, good talking. Ollie I may call you! 02:16 mhz JaneW: +1 jsgotangco, I undestand... so we should make 02:16 jmont gnome-app-install better than Automatix, and make ads about it 02:16 jmont I mean, I know gnome-app-install is better... but we should improve it even more === mhz goes back to #edubuntu and invites everyone there for a coffee break with JaneW's famous cakes 02:17 flint_ jmont, keep in mind the framework is what i found facinating. === mhz [n=mhz_chil@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] 02:17 jsgotangco sure its a nifty bash script 02:18 jsgotangco it can be improved upon 02:18 flint_ ogra, thanks for your insight on automatix 02:18 jmont I understand.. 02:18 flint_ ogra, i will contact you when I am back on the edubuntu machine... 02:18 jmont flint_, Automatix is C/C++ powered? 02:19 flint_ jmont, na it is a buncha bash scripts with a gui on top (maybe pycard) 02:19 jsgotangco nope it looks more like a python card script 02:20 flint_ jsgotangco, ollie is correct it is NOT to ubuntu standard... 02:20 flint_ honestly that is what I found most charming about it. 02:20 flint_ ...and it gave me muich multimedia... 02:20 flint_ be back soon... 02:21 jsgotangco sure it gets lots of votes on the bling factor === highvoltage [n=Jono@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 02:23 jsgotangco i guess we cool now eh? 02:24 jmont yup 02:25 jsgotangco cool i'm grabbing some late nite dinner === slomo [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:36 jmont btw, what time is it in GTM/UTC? 02:37 freeflying jmont: date --utc 02:37 jmont thanks! 02:43 jmont btw (again), do anybody know a nice backup utility? 02:43 jmont i have tryed rsnapshot, but i need somethink I can upload to an remote FTP backup server (like .tar.gz's) 02:43 jmont that dont spend too much disk space 02:44 jmont (i will ask this in #ubuntu, sorry)