This is a log or summary of an Edubuntu Meeting. Please go to the Meeting Page for more information about our meetings.
Meeting March 1, 2006
01:00 ogra hey all === jelkner [n=jelkner@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:01 highvoltage hey === pips1 [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === flint_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:02 ogra where is flint ? 01:02 ogra ah 01:02 ogra :) 01:02 Kamping_Kaiser lol 01:02 pips1 hi 01:02 ogra so can we start ? 01:02 flint_ ogra, I want to get one of those remote starters to pre warm ubuntu-meeting so it is warm when we get here! 01:02 flint_ :^) 01:03 ogra tech update is rather small today 01:03 flint_ ogra, lol exce..ent 01:03 ogra flint_, heh 01:03 pips1 is JaneW coming? 01:03 ogra the CD exploded some days ago when the ubuntu example-content package was added, i dont think we can ship it :/ 01:04 ogra nope, JaneW has a bank holiday 01:04 ogra elections in southafrica 01:04 pips1 ah 01:04 highvoltage what's the example-content package? 01:04 pips1 ogra: you mean, we won't be able to ship the example-content on the edubuntu cds? 01:04 ogra its a 7Mb package and we simply dont have this much ... i'm not even sure we have 1MB on ppc amd64 01:04 flint_ small general good news, crsoosver 5.0.1 and ms office on top work on the badger version of edubuntu real well... 01:05 ogra highvoltage, example content for all apps we ship to play around with 01:05 highvoltage ogra: i see. does that include example content for ktouch? that seems to be in high demand. 01:06 ogra its an awesome idea ... but as long as we ship kdeedu we wont have the space 01:06 ogra highvoltage, nope 01:06 ogra its ubuntu specific, not edubuntu 01:06 ogra there are some openoffice docs, some svg and bitmaps etc ... 01:07 ogra summing up to a 7MB package 01:07 ogra i'd really appreciate if someone could start research for replacements of kdeedu for dapper+1 01:08 ogra that would gain us ~100Mb (guessed) 01:08 highvoltage ogra: i suppose it's a lot of work to do a dvd version, hey? 01:08 highvoltage really? wow! i didn't realise it was *that* much 01:08 pips1 ogra: how do the space requirements add up in all? I mean, how much space is ubuntu taking in comparison to edubuntu-specific stuff? 01:08 ogra highvoltage, not really, but we decided we want to be available in areas weher no DVD players are available 01:09 ogra highvoltage, even if its 50, it would be wonderful ... 01:09 ogra pips1, we take more than 70MB more and i already disabled what i could from ubuntu 01:10 flint_ highvoltage, it is not just the dvd player, it is the bandwidth necessary to deliver a 4.8Gb iso eh 01:10 ogra note that amd64 with the same set of software wouldnt even build, we dont have tuxpaint on amd64 ... 01:11 ogra highvoltage, we still have the DVD that contains all of main... 01:11 ogra but it wont be our main media for now 01:11 pips1 ogra: you are saying that you need to get rid of 70 MB because it exceeds the limit for a cd currently, right? 01:11 ogra i guess at some point where we ship something that enables you to manage the whole school we'll have no choice ... 01:11 highvoltage yep, i'm just in two worlds about kde-edu, it's a real nice, active project, just a pity we need to install so much in order to run it === terrex [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:12 flint_ highvoltage, keep in mind that 70 mb of cd is 10 percent... 01:12 ogra pips1, i cann keep the CD in shape .... currently its fine, but we dont have any space left ... 01:12 ogra which brings me to the next tech topic 01:12 highvoltage dvd players seem to be vrey, very common already. perhaps by dapper+2 it would be much more plausible 01:12 ogra we have a edubuntu-docs packag since last week 01:12 ogra i'm waiting for Kamion to push it through NEW 01:13 Kamping_Kaiser highvoltage: but only in 'the first world' 01:13 flint_ ogra, got a url? 01:13 highvoltage Kamping_Kaiser: and 3rd world 01:13 ogra it contains a modified version of the two ooo docs highvoltage presented last time 01:13 ogra flint_, once its through new: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-docs 01:13 highvoltage ogra: that's in html now, right? 01:13 ogra yup 01:13 ogra i'll rework it 01:14 flint_ ogra, this is excellent news! bet he did not have a beautiful illustrator to charm like jonathan did... 01:14 ogra but first i'm adding some basic docs for our ltsp ... 01:14 pips1 ogra: what's up with the feature freeze... did schooltool make it in time? 01:14 ogra pips1, schooltool sits in debian and waits for a sync ... 01:15 ogra the launchpad feature for syncing is still not ready, so we're all waiting for that 01:15 ogra but it was requested and approved in time ... 01:15 ogra so we'll get it, dont worry 01:15 flint_ ogra, shcooltool is important. will the old version be included otherwise? 01:15 pips1 ogra: ic 01:15 ogra flint_, that wont work 01:16 highvoltage flint_: you just won't let that go, will you ;) 01:16 flint_ ogra, gotcha. does it have to do with its zope3-ishness? 01:16 ogra yup 01:16 flint_ highvoltage, jonathan, the man the legend :^) 01:16 ogra but dont worry, schooltool will be in 01:17 ogra jane and i decided to make a separate spec for the network swap stuff, it can be found at: 01:18 highvoltage ogra and jane++ 01:18 ogra i'm also thinking about a kiosk mode on ltsp level for dapper+1 01:19 ogra that should gain us a lot of points in public librarys and internet cafes :) 01:19 flint_ ogra, we marketing weasels always like a good demo kiosk. 01:19 highvoltage i think it will be a hit 01:20 ogra flint_, you just had to add the --kiosk argument to the ltsp-build-client command that sets up ltsp and the rest will be done automatically :) 01:20 Kamping_Kaiser i agree with highvoltage and otehrs ther 01:20 ogra just boot the clients :) 01:20 Kamping_Kaiser *others there 01:21 flint_ ogra, gotcha, which flight should i try this with? 01:21 ogra ok, thats it with tech update ... 01:21 ogra flint_, flightX of dapper+1 ;) 01:21 ogra its a plan for next release ... 01:22 ogra since the question for kiosk mode comes up quite often 01:22 highvoltage on the website, there's not too much of a change yet. 01:22 ogra ok, any news in the doc area ? 01:22 flint_ ogra, ollie, we should move on to annoying the edubuntu cooks 01:22 ogra jelkner, ? === pips1 wants to get his hands on that schooltool release, and wonders how "ready" it is for the class room, since it it only an "alpha development snapshot" 01:22 highvoltage sorry, i just jumped in there 01:23 ogra highvoltage, no, its fine ... 01:23 flint_ pips1, we gotta talk... email schooltool in subject. 01:23 ogra if you have something doc related ... 01:23 pips1 maybe it needs to be pointed out in the edubuntu doc that schooltool is an alpha release, cf. 01:23 pips1 ? === highvoltage agrees 01:24 flint_ ogra, kcole and jelkner just got back from pycon, and they may be a little "py-eyed" from the flight 01:25 ogra pips1, i'm pretty sure thats not what we ship 01:25 jelkner ogra: yes? 01:25 pips1 ogra: no?! 01:25 flint_ the news from pycon in dallas is that while they may be dead from the flight back to DC, Lore lives! take it away Jeff... 01:26 jelkner we have the cookbook on the wiki 01:26 flint_ jelkner, now is the moment when you give the url jeffster. 01:26 jelkner kevin and i will try to write a few chapters on installing and setting up edubuntu as soon as the release gets closer and things are likely to change less frequently 01:27 ogra pips1, if that the one we ship, i agree, i'll have to check if that 2006, i think its thae last release of the last release we have :) 01:27 ogra (and not 2006-alpha) 01:28 jelkner a google search for "edubuntu cookbook" returns the launchpad page on top 01:28 jelkner this is not what we would like 01:28 flint_ jelkner, the sooner you to get me a url the faster I can whine about details, pepper you with critisim and hector you for minor changes. 01:28 jelkner 01:28 ogra jelkner, thats hard to influence 01:28 jelkner is the launchpad page 01:29 highvoltage jelkner: many people would like to change their google rankings, you just can't control it :/ 01:29 flint_ jelkner, thanks, i mean all that in the nicest way.:^) 01:29 jelkner 01:29 jelkner is the wiki page 01:29 highvoltage jelkner: where would you like it to point? perhaps we can make that page more googlable 01:29 jelkner the wiki page 01:30 highvoltage jelkner: perhaps you should link to that wiki page then from the launchpad page? 01:30 jelkner which doesn't show up anywhere in the goolge search that i can see 01:30 ogra jelkner, can you link the wikipage from launchpad somewhere ? 01:30 highvoltage jelkner: it will also push up the ranks for the wiki page in google then 01:30 jelkner we did 01:30 jelkner but it is not at all easy to follow 01:31 ogra doesnt have it ... 01:31 jelkner kevin and i could not figure out how to make a link on the lauchpad page using something like an anchore tag 01:31 ogra how ddi you get the other link in there 01:31 jelkner it does, ogra, but you have to See 01:32 highvoltage jelkner: you can just type it like you did here in irc, you don't need tags and stuff 01:32 jelkner yes, but it then looks hideous 01:32 jelkner it is too long to fit in the box 01:32 jelkner and the text runs over into the sidebar 01:32 ogra jelkner, ah, just put a hint into the description or something ... 01:33 jelkner orgra: i'm not sure what you mean? 01:33 pips1 Quote from the launchpad page "For a look at the current cookbook, click on the link to the home page in the left menu." 01:33 ogra "please click on the homepage link on the left to get to the wiki page" 01:33 jelkner ahh 01:33 jelkner will do 01:33 ogra oh, ah 01:33 ogra i'm blind 01:33 ogra sorry :) 01:34 pips1 ogra: I had to look twice myself :-) 01:34 ogra heh :) 01:34 flint_ jelkner, looks pretty good to me... 01:35 jelkner ok, that's about it for the cookbook 01:35 flint_ jelkner, nah, tell us about lore... 01:35 highvoltage lore? 01:36 jelkner lore is twisted's markup language 01:36 jelkner they use it for all the docs on 01:36 jelkner i've been using it for stuff that i do on the open book project site 01:36 jelkner moshe zadka wrote it 01:37 jelkner george paci is maintaining it 01:37 flint_ highvoltage, jonathan, watch yourself here, there is a very high cliff approaching, great view but dangerous... 01:37 jelkner and moshe and george are getting together at pycon to sprint on it 01:37 jelkner (or rather, hopefully they did already ;-) 01:37 highvoltage flint_: that's how i like it ;) 01:37 jelkner ok, i gotta run 01:37 flint_ jelkner, jeff the reason you use it is because it is gods gift to indexing eh? 01:37 flint_ thanks jeff!!! 01:38 jelkner bye 01:38 ogra ciao jelkner 01:38 ogra and tzhanks 01:38 ogra hmpf 01:38 ogra anything else doc related ? 01:38 highvoltage tha'ts it for doc then? 01:39 flint_ ogra, imagine getting a meeting done early! would jane be suprised? 01:39 ogra heh, might be 01:39 ogra so, artwork anyone ? === ogra didnt do work on the artwork package last week 01:39 highvoltage if there's any updates? sure. 01:39 flint_ ogra, artwork going once...artwork going twice....SOLD! 01:40 ogra flint_, to whom ? 01:40 highvoltage ok, then may i jump in with a very quick website update now? 01:40 flint_ hehe === highvoltage goes anywya 01:40 ogra yeah 01:40 flint_ highvoltage, go for it!! 01:40 pips1 highvoltage: please 01:41 highvoltage i just aked znarl about the drupal installation, he was rather busy busy last weke, he'll say he'll make a plan to get it installed tomoorrow or the day after 01:41 highvoltage i've played a bit with the spreadfirefox theme locally too 01:41 highvoltage it's very suitable for edubuntu allready 01:41 pips1 highvoltage: nice! 01:41 ogra cool 01:41 flint_ interesting... 01:41 highvoltage although we'll have to make the colours work, janew was clear that she wanted us to keep the edubuntu colours currently in use. 01:42 highvoltage that's about it :) any questions? 01:42 ogra yup, thats our face to the world, we should keep the colortheme 01:42 pips1 highvoltage: did you also check the (drupal) admin screens with the spreadfirefox theme? on some screens, I got some weird overlapping forms.. :-/ 01:42 flint_ the orange and the yellow? 01:43 highvoltage pips1: haven't noticed that yet 01:43 ogra flint_, red orange yellow the main colors of our desktop 01:43 ogra flint_, bright and friendly :) 01:43 flint_ ogra, forgive i am not very well red... 01:43 flint_ :^) 01:43 pips1 I have quite a bit of spare time to work on the website in the next weeks... so ideally we get down to it sooner rather than later... 01:44 ogra flint_, but a bit bordeaux, no ? :) 01:44 highvoltage flint_: yes. it's nice colours, although odd for websites, but it presents a good challenge, and when we'll make it work we'll have something that's both good looking and unique 01:44 pips1 for the record, I'll be on a holiday when edubuntu is released... 01:44 flint_ ogra, harsh, you could at least pun in German eh? 01:44 ogra pips1, we'll drink on you :) 01:44 pips1 holiday april 8th - 22th 01:44 highvoltage pips1: that's great. we'll of course need to continue working on the site after it's launch 01:45 ogra flint_, bordeaux comes from the hills of france not germany :) 01:45 pips1 highvoltage: sure 01:45 flint_ ogra, god, help me... :^) 01:46 ogra thats it with artwork ? 01:46 flint_ ogra, ah to be back in the hills of farce... :^) 01:47 ogra anything else Management and/or Community related ? 01:47 flint_ we could break 15 minutes early and create a newsworthy item. 01:48 ogra yeah, since it doesnt look like there is any topic left, we can close :) 01:48 ogra so thanks all, meeting adjouned :) 01:48 ogra or so ... 01:48 highvoltage thanks, ogra 01:48 pips1 thanks