
Revision 2 as of 2007-01-26 13:11:36

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About this page

This is a template page for A Profile of the Education Situation in a Country".

It will be filled out as a real example for:

  • Germany


  • Julius Bloch
  • Richard Weideman

And then we will generalise it into a template which will be given to other Education Country Contacts, who will fill it out for their location.


Languages used in Education

  • Prmary Language (% of total)
  • Secondary Language (% of total)

Policies of the National Education System

  • Is the policy for sschooling set:
    • nationally
    • regions
    • cities
    • by each school
  • Is the choice of operating system:
    • country wide
    • province / county / region
    • individual per city
    • individual per school

Types of Education Bodies / Schools

  • Is there one single type of school:
    • government
    • private
    • religiious

Policy or Stance on Open Source

  • What is the general government policy or stance on Open Source
    • - in education - in other sectors
  • Are there any government Open Source targets or mandates
    • - in action - announced in the press

Open Source in Schools : General

  • Have there been any large rollouts of Open Source in education anywhere in the country
    • - if yes, what distro - if no, any obvious reasons or stumbling blocks which spring to mind

Open Source in Schools : Specific Examples

  • Create & Maintain a List of Open Source based schools / districts

    • - identify which (if any) if these are Ubuntu based - create a local community network - share the community network across countries\
