About Me

My name is Omar Mohsen, I am a systems engineer who is interested in DevOps/automation, I like to explore new technologies and experiment. I am also interested in anything related to Science/Technology, food is one of my deepest passions, you may also check what others think of me in the testimonials section.

Me & Linux/Ubuntu

I started using Linux about 10 years ago , the first Linux distro I used was Ubuntu (Edgy Eft), I tried other distros as well (Fedora and others) , but I reached a conclusion that Ubuntu suits me most, I personally recommend it for new users.

Contact & Pages




EgyParadox (freenode) channels: #ubuntu-eg & #ubuntu & #ubuntu-offtopic



OpenPGP key:


LoCo Teams Membership

Ubuntu Ubuntu-eg LoCo team.

Ubuntu Malaysian LoCo team.


Ubuntu Distributed Ubuntu at my workplace (Karmic & ubuntu-eg customized Lucid Lynx Live CD).

Ubuntu Introduced Ubuntu to several employees at my workplace, .

Ubuntu IRC:

Ubuntu Events:

Ubuntu Translated some projects to Arabic.

Ubuntu Spread Ubuntu through our LoCo twitter account.

Ubuntu Tested Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 and submitted bug reports.


Ubuntu Help my team become an approved LoCo team.

Ubuntu Promote Ubuntu whenever I have the opportunity. (./)

Ubuntu Cooperate with other communities in order have more events so we would be well known in Egypt.

Ubuntu Help beginners use Ubuntu. (./)

Ubuntu Promote ubuntu-eg through my blog. (./)

Ubuntu Start giving Ubuntu courses in Egypt.

Ubuntu Collaborate with other LoCo teams in the Middle East.


-- thelinuxer 2012-02-02 00:00:00

-- ashams 2011-10-30 19:20:00

-- elfeky-m


-- anas-emad

-- wazery 2012-02-07 07:02:00

EgyParadox (last edited 2017-11-17 21:13:33 by omohsen)