Embedded Linux Session 2

Points covered:

  1. Why embedded Linux?
    1. Re-using components.
    2. Low cost.
    3. Quality.
    4. Full control.
    5. ease of testing new features.
    6. Community support.
  2. Systems running embedded Linux.
  3. Hardware:
    1. processors and architectures.
    2. RAM and storage.
    3. Communication.
    4. Types of hardware platforms.
    5. Criteria for choosing hardware.
  4. Embedded Linux system architecture.
    1. Global architecture.
    2. Software components.
      1. Cross-compilation tool chain.
      2. Boot loader.
      3. Linux Kernel.
      4. C library.
      5. Libraries and applications.
  5. Embedded Linux development environment.
    1. Vendor solutions VS community solutions.
    2. OS for Linux development.
    3. Root and non-root users.
    4. Software packages.
    5. Host VS target machines.
    6. Serial line communication.
  6. Cross-compiling tool chains.
    1. Definition.
    2. Components.
    3. Binutils.
    4. Kernel headers.
    5. GCC Compiler.
    6. C Library
      1. glibc.
      2. uClibc.
      3. eglibc.
      4. Other smaller C libraries.
    7. Machines in build procedures.
    8. Different tool chain build procedures.
    9. ABI.
    10. Floating point support.
    11. CPU Optimization flags. i.Building a tool chain manually.
    12. Getting a pre-compiled tool chain.
    13. Tool chain building utilities.
    14. Crosstool-NG: Building and installation.



See also:

Session 1: 2011-07-08-EmbeddedLinuxSessions
Session 3: 2011-07-30-EmbeddedLinuxSessions
Session 4: 2011-08-06-EmbeddedLinuxSessions
Session 5: 2011-08-20-EMbeddedLinuxSessions

EgyptTeam/Events/2011-07-23-EmbeddedLinuxSessions (last edited 2011-08-30 06:26:23 by host-41)