
Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2011-10-03 14:56:28
Size: 312
Editor: host-41
Revision 11 as of 2011-10-03 19:43:41
Size: 1262
Editor: 41
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 {*} S3geeks.

= Present =

 * Ahmed Toulan.
 * Islam Alwazery.
 * Omar Mohsen.
 * Anas Emad.
 * Islam Hassan.
 * Mohamed Yosry.
 * Ahmed Refaat.
 * Mohamed Tantawy.
 * Mohamed Gamal.

= Conclusion =

  * Oneiric Release Party - Cairo University:
   * Expected number of attendees 300.
   * iShare team is doing negotiations to book a hall for the event.
   * eventbrite will be used for the registration process. Ticket will be used to distribute prizes.
     * Initiate talks with Master Linux to provide discounts to Linux courses as prizes. Anas + Mohamed Ibrahim.
   * A booth will be created in Cairo university to publicize the event.
   * iShare will be responsible to burn the CDs.
   * iShare will be responsible for all publicity inside Cairo University.
   * Ask AMahdy about logistics for the coffee break.
   * Islam Wazery will create a simple avdert. for the event.
   * Send sessions list to iShare.

Agenda Items

  • Please add all items you want to discuss.

    Ubuntu Oneiric release Party.

    Ubuntu Localizing Some Global Ubuntu Events/activities.

    Ubuntu Team process documentation and communication points.

    Ubuntu S3geeks.


  • Ahmed Toulan.
  • Islam Alwazery.
  • Omar Mohsen.
  • Anas Emad.
  • Islam Hassan.
  • Mohamed Yosry.
  • Ahmed Refaat.
  • Mohamed Tantawy.
  • Mohamed Gamal.


  • Oneiric Release Party - Cairo University:
    • Expected number of attendees 300.
    • iShare team is doing negotiations to book a hall for the event.
    • eventbrite will be used for the registration process. Ticket will be used to distribute prizes.
      • Initiate talks with Master Linux to provide discounts to Linux courses as prizes. Anas + Mohamed Ibrahim.
    • A booth will be created in Cairo university to publicize the event.
    • iShare will be responsible to burn the CDs.
    • iShare will be responsible for all publicity inside Cairo University.
    • Ask AMahdy about logistics for the coffee break.
    • Islam Wazery will create a simple avdert. for the event.
    • Send sessions list to iShare.


EgyptTeam/Meetings/Agendas/2011-10-03 (last edited 2011-10-10 19:18:28 by 41)