
Revision 20 as of 2012-04-12 19:40:42

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Ubuntu NEXT EGYPT TEAM MEETING: TBA (Event History...) Ubuntu

What is UEG Official/Core Membership

  • Ubuntu It's a group of the most committed persons to the UbuntuEG's mission.


Who are UEG Official/Core Members?

  • Ubuntu Representatives of UbuntuEG.

    Ubuntu Candidates to UbuntuEG Council.

    Ubuntu Naturally, Most active & enthusiastic members.

Benefits of joining the team

  • Ubuntu Represent UbuntuEG everywhere.

    Ubuntu email forwarder.

    Ubuntu Candidate to UbuntuEG council.

How to Become a UEG Offecial/Core Member?

  1. Getting Ready.
    • UbuntuEG Members are the most active and committed persons in the wide community.
  2. Prepare for the meeting.
    • Make yourself a Home page on the wiki and list your contributions.
  3. Get to the Meeting.
    • Add your information to the meeting list, here.
