Ubuntu user, freelance Web developer, documentation author and community volunteer. In theory my "day job" involves developing and deploying Drupal; however, I do a lot of other things related to FOSS as well. For example: I have also been active as a college and business lecturer and conference speaker. Conference topics have included how to really get more women involved in open source, database migration for Drupal, and how to deliver presentations. My laptop sports all the requisite stickers (Ubuntu, VW, Farmers Feed Cities! and Creative Commons). A longer list of presentations (including links to videos, slides and handouts) is available from my personal site. In 2007 I hosted my region's first-ever rural technology conference, HICK Tech. This one day conference has grown into a full community consultancy. It helps to empower people, businesses and communities to use technology, and especially open source technology.


I have been using Debian-based distributions as my primary operating system since 2003, and Ubuntu since 2007. My original trials with Debian, the 2.4 kernel and ACPI led me to write supporting documentation on how to patch and compile a kernel, which were later included in The Linux Documentation Project. (I'm sure the recent xkcd comic, Cautionary, was about me.) In 2006 I started ordering Ubuntu CDs for my mum's bookshop cafe (she had one of the first free wifi hotspots in her small, rural community). She gives out approximately two CDs a month and has learned to be an advocate for FOSS software herself.

Magazine Articles

Ubuntu Women

Other contributions

Current and Future Projects

Cheers from the Community


EmmaJane (last edited 2008-08-07 15:44:01 by a91-155-182-124)