Potential Needs
(This list is taken from the collaborative pad from UDS-R IT-Manager Session)
You are very welcome to add your needs to the list.
- Puppet/cfengine/etc used to control servers and clients (desktops)
- No common rules shared between companies. Can we change that?
- Landscape: Who uses it for what?
- Staged roll-outs (canary rollout)
- Managing Updates
- Internal landscape
- Anything else we need to know?
- Useful API Examples
- Secure printing
- Mass Deployment
- Using MAAS and JUJU
- Preseeding the alternative CD
- Preseed dpgk-packages for silent install (in a script or with the alternative CD)
- Citrix: sudo sh -c "echo icaclient icaclient/accepteula select true | debconf-set-selections"
- sudo sh -c "echo ctxusb ctxusb/accepteula select true | debconf-set-selections"
- Java (deprecated)
- ttf-mscorefonts-installer: sudo sh -c "echo ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula select true | debconf-set-selections"
Adobe not as default viewer (see http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Google-warns-of-using-Adobe-Reader-particularly-on-Linux-1668153.html)
→ We should have something like charms in JuJu to define/run common tasks
- Citrix: sudo sh -c "echo icaclient icaclient/accepteula select true | debconf-set-selections"
- Active Directory Integration
- Samba 4.0?
- Likewise Open
- Beyondtrust
- Centrify
- NSS-LDAP / Kerberos
- User Desktop preparation
- Preinstall printers
- Modify user desktop (starters, background, login)
- GNOME / Unity Lockdown
- Private Packaging
- Setup a own archive
- Package existing (binary) software
- → Verified 'Ubuntu in the Enterprise' team members should get a Private PPA on request
- Exchange Calendar integration with default mail client (Thunderbird)
- Root logging
- Logging all activity on the machine _after_ the user becomes root
- Is OpenJDK OK for the enterprise?
- There are some applications, hardware solutions that require Oracles JDK
- Managed/Business Ubuntu community. The needs are:
- people commitment
mailing list (perhaps on https://lists.ubuntu.com/)
- A Launchpad Team: This would give us a ppa and a mailinglist
- How open should the team be? Would new members have to apply? I'd say open group
- wiki pages. There are some pages that started the effort but seemed to have been abandoned:
- forum topic?
- submissions of howtos for particular topic (there's a lot of topics)
- submissions of ready-made tools
Enterprise Networking → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnterprisePlugNPlay
Other points to merge with the above list
- Read/Write NTFS partitions ??
- Active Directory Domain authentication
- MS Exchange connectivity
MS Office compatibility -> LibreOffice/MS Office via the WINE project
- Logon scripts ??
- Group policy profiles ??
- VPN client
- Deployment options ??