The spec is EpiphanyDefaultBrowser

Characteristics of a default browser

Normal people's impressions of Epiphany or Firefox

Epiphany advantages



Firefox advantages

* Firefox is more of a "selling point" to Linux users than Epiphany, for example, Distrowatch keeps track of a limited number of packages,and while one of them is Firefox, Epiphany is not listed. Why is this relevant? Well I'm sure that if you asked Ladislav Bodnar he would answer you something like, those are the packages that in his opinion (and he's as close to an expert on the topic as your likely to get) are generally the most important when deciding on a distribution for certain groups of people.

General points

Outstanding issues with Epiphany

EpiphanyDefaultBrowserThoughts (last edited 2012-01-23 08:01:59 by 230-55-139-94)