
Differences between revisions 5 and 39 (spanning 34 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2009-06-02 14:28:22
Size: 6845
Editor: lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246
Revision 39 as of 2009-08-10 09:46:57
Size: 10207
Editor: lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 4: Line 4:
 * '''Created''':
 * '''Contributors''':
 * '''Packages affected''':
 * '''Created''': June 2nd, 2009
 * '''Contributors''': ThierryCarrez
 * '''Packages affected''': lots
Line 10: Line 10:
This should provide an overview of the issue/functionality/change proposed here. Focus here on what will actually be DONE, summarising that so that other people don't have to read the whole spec. See also CategorySpec for examples. Eucalyptus, as part of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, needs to move to main to be properly supported by Canonical. That means that all runtime and build-time dependencies (and all dependencies of the dependencies) must also move to main. This specification tracks which packages will need to move to main and efforts made to reduce the total number as much as possible.
Line 14: Line 14:
This section should include a paragraph describing the end-user impact of this change. It is meant to be included in the release notes of the first release in which it is implemented. (Not all of these will actually be included in the release notes, at the release manager's discretion; but writing them is a useful exercise.)

It is mandatory.
Eucalyptus is now part of the Ubuntu "main" repository, and fully supported by Canonical.
Line 20: Line 18:
This should cover the _why_: why is this change being proposed, what justifies it, where we see this justified. Eucalyptus is currently in universe, together with most of its Java library dependencies. Since Eucalyptus is part of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud product, it needs to be properly supported by Canonical, which means move to the "main" repository. However, packages in "main" also need to have all their runtime and build-time dependencies in "main" as well. Java software in general heavily makes use of other Java libraries, so this quickly snowballs into a large number of packages to move to main. Furthermore, there isn't so much Java-based software in main already (, tomcat6) so even some basic Java libraries need to be moved.
Line 24: Line 22:
 * Dave has been trying the UEC technology preview in 9.04 and aims to deploy UEC with the 9.10 release. As it will no longer be a technology preview, it needs to be properly supported.
Line 26: Line 26:
This spec does not take care of any other non-Java MIR that Eucalyptus may need. iscsitarget for example could be a new 1.6 dependency, and it is in universe currently.
Line 28: Line 30:
We need to try to keep the number of packages as small as possible in order to avoid MIR team overload. Some hacks (like duplicating some greedy source packages to avoid bringing lots of unnecessary build dependencies) are worth the trouble if they save a significant amount of packages. However Debian doesn't care about keeping the number of dependency packages small, so those hacks don't really make sense from a Debian perspective.

=== Avoid packages difficult to maintain ===

 * Large software stacks
   * JBoss (pulled through Hibernate)
   * Glassfish (pulled through glassfish-javaee and glassfish-toplink-essentials, used as build-deps)
Line 30: Line 40:
 * libhibernate3-java in eucalyptus-javadeps : saves 34+ packages
 * libhibernate-entity-manager in eucalyptus-javadeps : saves 10+ packages
 * Use glassfish-javaee instead of geronimo-*
 * Removed dependency from libclassworlds-java -> maven-ant-helper: saves 8+ packages
 * xmlbeans is no longer needed (Axis2 build dep) so removed libxmlbeans-java libsaxonb-java
 * Use a specific eucalyptus-javadeps with hibernate/ehcache/spring: saves 60+ packages
 * Remove dependency from libclassworlds-java -> maven-ant-helper: saves 8+ packages
 * Avoid dependencies on Glassfish packages, use geronimo-specs-* instead
Line 38: Line 46:
||<rowbgcolor="#cccccc"> '''Binary Package''' || '''Runtime dep of''' || '''Extra Build dep of''' ||
|| antlr3 || ej || ||
|| antlr3-gcj || antlr3 (rec) || ||
|| glassfish-javaee || ej || libjgroups-java ||
|| glassfish-toplink-essentials || || libhibernate-annotations-java ||
|| groovy || ej || ||
|| janino || ej || ||
|| jruby1.0 || || ej ||
|| junit4 || groovy || ||
|| libaopalliance-java || || ej ||
|| libasm2-java || ej, groovy || ||
|| libasm3-java || || ej, libjarjar-java ||
|| libasm-java || ej, libcglib2.1-java || ||
|| libaspectwerkz2-java || || libcglib2.1-java ||
|| libavalon-framework-java || ej || ||
|| libbackport-util-concurrent-java || libdom4j-java, libehcache-java || ||
|| libbcprov-java || ej || libjgroups-java ||
|| libbcprov-java-gcj || libbcprov-java (rec) || ||
|| libc3p0-java || ej || ||
|| libcglib2.1-java || ej || ||
|| libclassworlds-java || groovy || ||
|| libcommons-attributes-java || || ej ||
|| libcommons-cli-java || ej, groovy || ||
|| libcommons-codec-java || ej, libjaxme-java, libcommons-httpclient-java || ||
|| libcommons-fileupload-java || ej || ||
|| libcommons-httpclient-java || ej || ||
|| libcommons-io-java || ej, libcommons-fileupload-java || ||
|| libcommons-jxpath-java || ej || ||
|| libconcurrent-java || || libaspectwerz2-java ||
|| libdom4j-java || ej, libjaxen-java, libsaxonb-java || ||
|| libehcache-java || ej || ||
|| libgoogle-collections-java || ej || ||
|| libhibernate-annotations-java || ej || ||
|| libhibernate-commons-annotations-java || ej || ||
|| libjamon-java || || ej ||
|| libjarjar-java || || libaspectwerkz2-java ||
|| libjavassist-java || ej || ||
|| libjaxen-java || ej, libdom4j-java, libxom-java || ||
|| libjaxme-java || libdom4j-java || ||
|| libjdom1-java || ej, libcommons-jxpath-java, libjaxen-java, libsaxonb-java || ||
|| libjettison-java || ej || libxstream-java ||
|| libjgroups-java || || libehcache-java ||
|| libjibx-java || ej || ||
|| libjmock-java || || libqdox-java ||
|| libjoda-time-java || || libxstream-java ||
|| libjrexx-java || libaspectwerkz2-java || ||
|| libjsr107cache-java || libehcache-java || ||
|| libjunitperf-java || || libdom4j-java ||
|| libmockobjects-java || ej, groovy || ||
|| libow-util-ant-tasks-java || || libasm-java, libasm2-java, libasm3-java ||
|| libqdox-java || libjibx-java || ej, libcommons-attributes-java ||
|| libslf4j-java || ej || ||
|| libstringtemplate-java || antlr3 || ||
|| libtrove-java || || libaspectwerkz2-java ||
|| libwoodstox-java || libjibx-java || ||
|| libxml-commons-external-java || ej || ||
|| libxml-security-java || ej || ||
|| libxom-java || ej, libsaxonb-java || ||
|| libxpp2-java || libdom4j-java || ||
|| libxpp3-java || ej, libdom4j-java, groovy, libjibx-java || ||
|| libxstream-java || ej, groovy || ||

=== New packages expected from RefactorEucalyptusJavadepsSpec ===

 * Backport Util Concurrent 3.1
 * Google Web Toolkit
 * Spring
 * Mule
 * JUG
 * Jetty 6
 * Drools

=== Extra dependencies from Debian's Spring packaging ===

TODO: split between old ej build-deps and spring things

jruby1.0, aopalliance libasm3 commons-attribute, jamon... are spring ej build-deps

||<rowbgcolor="#cccccc"> '''Package''' || '''Dependency of''' || '''Extra build dep of''' ||
|| libjdo-api-java || Spring || ||
|| libfreemarker-java || Spring || ||
|| velocity || Spring || ||
|| libjexcelapi-java || Spring || ||
|| libstruts1.2-java || Spring || ||
|| glassfish-appserv || Spring || ||
|| libibatis-java || Spring || ||
|| libtomcat5.5-java || Spring || ||
|| libjdom0-java || libfreemarker-java, velocity ||
|| libwerken.xpath-java || velocity ||
|| libcommons-digester-java || libstruts1.2-java, libcommons-validator-java, libcommons-modeler-java ||
|| libcommons-validator-java || libstruts1.2-java ||
|| libcommons-el-java || libtomcat5.5-java ||
|| libcommons-launcher-java || libtomcat5.5-java ||
|| libcommons-modeler-java || libtomcat5.5-java ||
package* denotes a new package in karmic

Direct dependencies
eucalyptus-commons-ext-java* (eucalyptus-commons-ext-java)
asm2 (libasm2-java)
libaxiom-java* (libaxiom-java)
c3p0 (libc3p0-java)
cglib2.1 (libcglib2.1-java)
commons-io (libcommons-io-java)
dnsjava* (libdnsjava-java)
drools* (libdrools-core-java)
excalibur-logkit (libexcalibur-logkit-java)
geronimo-ejb-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-ejb-3.0-spec-java)
geronimo-j2ee-connector-1.5-spec* (libgeronimo-j2ee-connector-1.5-spec-java)
geronimo-jms-1.1-spec (libgeronimo-jms-1.1-spec-java)
geronimo-jpa-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-jpa-3.0-spec-java)
geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec (libgeronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec-java)
geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec* (libgeronimo-jacc-1.1-spec-java)
geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec-java)
gwt* (libgwt-java)
javassist (libjavassist-java)
jetty* (libjetty-java)
jug* (libjug-asl-java)
mvel* (libmvel-java)
netty* (libnetty-java)
wss4j* (libwss4j-java)

1st-level Dependencies of deps
ivy [for groovy]
jruby1.1 [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
junit4 [for groovy]
libaopalliance-java [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
asm (libasm-java) [for libcglib2.1-java, eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
aspectwerkz2 (libaspectwerkz2-java) [for libcglib2.1-java]
libcommons-attributes-java [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
libjamon-java [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
jexcelapi (libjexcelapi-java) [for drools]
mockobjects (libmockobjects-java) [for groovy]
ow-util-ant-tasks (libow-util-ant-tasks-java) [for libasm2-java]
qdox (libqdox-java) [for libjibx-java]
stringtemplate (libstringtemplate-java) [for antlr3]
swt-gtk (libswt-gtk-3.4-java) [for gwt]
libxstream-java [for drools, groovy, eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]

2nd and more level
commons-vfs (libcommons-vfs-java) [for ivy]
concurrent-dfsg (libconcurrent-java) [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
libhamcrest-java [for junit4]
jarjar (libjarjar-java) [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
jmock (libjmock-java) [for libqdox-java]
libjoda-time-java [for libxstream-java]
jrexx (libjrexx-java) [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
trove (libtrove-java) [for libaspectwerkz2-java]

asm3 (libasm3-java) [for libjarjar-java]
easymock (libeasymock-java) [for libhamcrest-java]
Line 136: Line 123:
 * 60 from primary list
 * 8 from RefactorEucalyptusJavadepsSpec
 * 15 from Debian's Spring

'''Total: 85 packages to MIR'''

=== Other potential actions to reduce number of packages ===

 * Remove libcglib2.1-java -> libaspectwerkz2-java dependency, get rid of 5 packages
 * Reimplement/fix debian Spring, get rid of 15 packages
'''Total: 60 packages to MIR'''
Line 149: Line 127:
=== Package eucalyptus-commons-ext.jar ===

eucalyptus-commons-ext.jar is a Eucalyptus upstream JAr file containing the subset of hibernate needed for Eucalyptus (without all the JBoss hooks the libhibernate3-java package contains). Same for ehcache and Spring.

=== Implement other hacks ===

All the other number-reducing hacks should be implemented:

 * Remove dependency from libclassworlds-java -> maven-ant-helper: DONE
 * Remove jmock and libconcurrent dependency on kaffe: DONE

=== Potentially problematic packages ===

Here are exceptions to the common "simple Debian JAR package" case:
 * '''Not just Java libraries'''
   * janino (binary)
   * groovy (binary)
   * swt-gtk (-jni native libraries)
 * '''Security concerns'''
   * gwt
   * jetty6
 * '''Not updated to default-java stuff yet'''
   * commons-vfs
   * libjoda-time-java
   * jarjar
   * asm3
   * aspectwerkz2
   * jrexx
   * trove
 * '''Not in Debian yet'''
   * libaxiom-java
   * dnsjava
   * netty
   * jug
   * mvel
   * wss4j
   * geronimo-*-spec
   * jetty6 (work in progress)
   * gwt

Unconfirmed sets
commons-cli commons-fileupload commons-io commons-jxpath excalibur-logkit commons-attributes
ezmorph google-collections json
antlr3 / stringtemplate
drools / jexcelapi
euca-commons-ext / jruby1.1 aopalliance jamon

Expected exceptional ones in there:
 * euca-commons-ext: NOTINDEBIAN, DUPLICATION, SECURITY (Spring)
 * jruby1.1 : BINARY

=== Process MIR sets ===

The [[EucalyptusInMainSpec/Packages]] page lists all the source packages that need to be processed. During a meeting with MIR team members we confirmed that rather than filing individual MIRs, any particular package should get tagged in the list for more in-depth review. A source package with no tags is a regular Java library without any specific particularity.
Line 152: Line 186:
It's important that we are able to test new features, and demonstrate them to users. Use this section to describe a short plan that anybody can follow that demonstrates the feature is working. This can then be used during testing, and to show off after release. Please add an entry to for tracking test coverage.

This need not be added or completed until the specification is nearing beta.
No Eucalyptus-Java-dependencies-related components mismatch should appear when the Eucalyptus update is pushed to main.
Line 158: Line 190:
This should highlight any issues that should be addressed in further specifications, and not problems with the specification itself; since any specification with problems cannot be approved. None.
Line 162: Line 194:
Use this section to take notes during the BoF; if you keep it in the approved spec, use it for summarising what was discussed and note any options that were rejected. === UDS discussion ===

==== Current status ====
 * 99 packages which would need to move to main.
 * Java in main is currently driven by OpenOffice. Tomcat6 is there, but has few dependencies.

==== Future ====
 * Eucalyptus version for Karmic should have fewer dependencies anyway from upstream refactoring.

==== How can the number of build/runtime dependencies be reduced? ====
 * Get rid of anything not necessary
  * Geronimo spec packages (already provided by glassfish-j2ee)
 * Move parts into Eucalyptus code
 * Refactor packages (e.g. hibernate pulls in a lot of stuff)
  * Requires multiple source packages or only to promote some resulting binaries to main.
    (doko recommends duplicating the source package and documenting it)

==== What could be expected to be refused inclusion to main ====
 * Active upstream criteria
  * Annogen
  * OpenSAML
  * WSS4J?
 * Known to be insecure
  * Nothing obvious
 * Partial builds (because of non-free dependencies)
  * Mule
  * We don't really care

==== Size issues (adding to default CD) ====
 * GWT is 6MB of binary
  * 1.6 should be more granular and work with existing java packages more
 * JRuby is 3MB
  * Just be a build-time dependency of GWT
 * libjgroups-java, 3MB. Not needed ?
 * glassfish-toplink-essentials, 2.4MB, comes from hibernate
 * Avoiding JDK would save about 50MB of CD space
 * Avoiding GCJ would save about 20MB

==== Can we use the new Spring packaging from Debian? ====
 * Not included yet in Debian, but work is underway
 * Might make too hard choices for us ? Testing from Eucalyptus side needed.

==== Safety net ====
 * Keep a eucalyptus-javadeps package to drop in any problematic parts which can't be fixed (hibernate?).
  * One tiny part of Drools

==== Action Summary ====
 * Which Eucalyptus version we'll use in Karmic and its dependencies?
 * Can we use Spring from Debian?
 * What can we do to reduce Hibernate size?
  * Will it be acceptable to move JBoss to main?
 * JDK dependency investigation
 * Ask Colin about blacklisting for the server seed only to solve GCJ issue
 * Once it's known what is required, start preparing/filing MIRs to avoid a last minute panic.


Eucalyptus, as part of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, needs to move to main to be properly supported by Canonical. That means that all runtime and build-time dependencies (and all dependencies of the dependencies) must also move to main. This specification tracks which packages will need to move to main and efforts made to reduce the total number as much as possible.

Release Note

Eucalyptus is now part of the Ubuntu "main" repository, and fully supported by Canonical.


Eucalyptus is currently in universe, together with most of its Java library dependencies. Since Eucalyptus is part of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud product, it needs to be properly supported by Canonical, which means move to the "main" repository. However, packages in "main" also need to have all their runtime and build-time dependencies in "main" as well. Java software in general heavily makes use of other Java libraries, so this quickly snowballs into a large number of packages to move to main. Furthermore, there isn't so much Java-based software in main already (, tomcat6) so even some basic Java libraries need to be moved.

User stories

  • Dave has been trying the UEC technology preview in 9.04 and aims to deploy UEC with the 9.10 release. As it will no longer be a technology preview, it needs to be properly supported.


This spec does not take care of any other non-Java MIR that Eucalyptus may need. iscsitarget for example could be a new 1.6 dependency, and it is in universe currently.


We need to try to keep the number of packages as small as possible in order to avoid MIR team overload. Some hacks (like duplicating some greedy source packages to avoid bringing lots of unnecessary build dependencies) are worth the trouble if they save a significant amount of packages. However Debian doesn't care about keeping the number of dependency packages small, so those hacks don't really make sense from a Debian perspective.

Avoid packages difficult to maintain

  • Large software stacks
    • JBoss (pulled through Hibernate)
    • Glassfish (pulled through glassfish-javaee and glassfish-toplink-essentials, used as build-deps)

Proposed actions for package number reduction

  • Use a specific eucalyptus-javadeps with hibernate/ehcache/spring: saves 60+ packages
  • Remove dependency from libclassworlds-java -> maven-ant-helper: saves 8+ packages

  • Avoid dependencies on Glassfish packages, use geronimo-specs-* instead

Resulting list (without those from RefactorEucalyptusJavadepsSpec)

package* denotes a new package in karmic

Direct dependencies

eucalyptus-commons-ext-java* (eucalyptus-commons-ext-java)
asm2 (libasm2-java)
libaxiom-java* (libaxiom-java)
c3p0 (libc3p0-java)
cglib2.1 (libcglib2.1-java)
commons-io (libcommons-io-java)
dnsjava* (libdnsjava-java)
drools* (libdrools-core-java)
excalibur-logkit (libexcalibur-logkit-java)
geronimo-ejb-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-ejb-3.0-spec-java)
geronimo-j2ee-connector-1.5-spec* (libgeronimo-j2ee-connector-1.5-spec-java)
geronimo-jms-1.1-spec (libgeronimo-jms-1.1-spec-java)
geronimo-jpa-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-jpa-3.0-spec-java)
geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec (libgeronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec-java)
geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec* (libgeronimo-jacc-1.1-spec-java)
geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec* (libgeronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec-java)
gwt* (libgwt-java)
javassist (libjavassist-java)
jetty* (libjetty-java)
jug* (libjug-asl-java)
mvel* (libmvel-java)
netty* (libnetty-java)
wss4j* (libwss4j-java)

1st-level Dependencies of deps

ivy                                           [for groovy]
jruby1.1                                      [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
junit4                                        [for groovy]
libaopalliance-java                           [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
asm (libasm-java)                     [for libcglib2.1-java, eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
aspectwerkz2 (libaspectwerkz2-java)           [for libcglib2.1-java]
libcommons-attributes-java                    [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
libjamon-java                                 [for eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]
jexcelapi (libjexcelapi-java)                 [for drools]
mockobjects (libmockobjects-java)             [for groovy]
ow-util-ant-tasks (libow-util-ant-tasks-java) [for libasm2-java]
qdox (libqdox-java)                           [for libjibx-java]
stringtemplate (libstringtemplate-java)       [for antlr3]
swt-gtk (libswt-gtk-3.4-java)                 [for gwt]
libxstream-java                       [for drools, groovy, eucalyptus-commons-ext-java]

2nd and more level

commons-vfs (libcommons-vfs-java)     [for ivy]
concurrent-dfsg (libconcurrent-java)  [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
libhamcrest-java                      [for junit4]
jarjar (libjarjar-java)               [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
jmock (libjmock-java)                 [for libqdox-java]
libjoda-time-java                     [for libxstream-java]
jrexx (libjrexx-java)                 [for libaspectwerkz2-java]
trove (libtrove-java)                 [for libaspectwerkz2-java]

asm3 (libasm3-java)                   [for libjarjar-java]
easymock (libeasymock-java)           [for libhamcrest-java]


Total: 60 packages to MIR


Package eucalyptus-commons-ext.jar

eucalyptus-commons-ext.jar is a Eucalyptus upstream JAr file containing the subset of hibernate needed for Eucalyptus (without all the JBoss hooks the libhibernate3-java package contains). Same for ehcache and Spring.

Implement other hacks

All the other number-reducing hacks should be implemented:

  • Remove dependency from libclassworlds-java -> maven-ant-helper: DONE

  • Remove jmock and libconcurrent dependency on kaffe: DONE

Potentially problematic packages

Here are exceptions to the common "simple Debian JAR package" case:

  • Not just Java libraries

    • janino (binary)
    • groovy (binary)
    • swt-gtk (-jni native libraries)
  • Security concerns

    • gwt
    • jetty6
  • Not updated to default-java stuff yet

    • commons-vfs
    • libjoda-time-java
    • jarjar
    • asm3
    • aspectwerkz2
    • jrexx
    • trove
  • Not in Debian yet

    • libaxiom-java
    • dnsjava
    • netty
    • jug
    • mvel
    • wss4j
    • geronimo-*-spec
    • jetty6 (work in progress)
    • gwt

Unconfirmed sets

commons-cli commons-fileupload commons-io commons-jxpath excalibur-logkit commons-attributes
ezmorph google-collections json
antlr3 / stringtemplate
drools / jexcelapi
euca-commons-ext / jruby1.1 aopalliance jamon

Expected exceptional ones in there:

  • euca-commons-ext: NOTINDEBIAN, DUPLICATION, SECURITY (Spring)
  • jruby1.1 : BINARY

Process MIR sets

The EucalyptusInMainSpec/Packages page lists all the source packages that need to be processed. During a meeting with MIR team members we confirmed that rather than filing individual MIRs, any particular package should get tagged in the list for more in-depth review. A source package with no tags is a regular Java library without any specific particularity.

Test/Demo Plan

No Eucalyptus-Java-dependencies-related components mismatch should appear when the Eucalyptus update is pushed to main.

Unresolved issues


BoF agenda and discussion

UDS discussion

Current status

  • 99 packages which would need to move to main.
  • Java in main is currently driven by OpenOffice. Tomcat6 is there, but has few dependencies.


  • Eucalyptus version for Karmic should have fewer dependencies anyway from upstream refactoring.

How can the number of build/runtime dependencies be reduced?

  • Get rid of anything not necessary
    • Geronimo spec packages (already provided by glassfish-j2ee)
  • Move parts into Eucalyptus code
  • Refactor packages (e.g. hibernate pulls in a lot of stuff)
    • Requires multiple source packages or only to promote some resulting binaries to main.
      • (doko recommends duplicating the source package and documenting it)

What could be expected to be refused inclusion to main

  • Active upstream criteria
    • Annogen
    • OpenSAML
    • WSS4J?
  • Known to be insecure
    • Nothing obvious
  • Partial builds (because of non-free dependencies)
    • Mule
    • We don't really care

Size issues (adding to default CD)

  • GWT is 6MB of binary
    • 1.6 should be more granular and work with existing java packages more
  • JRuby is 3MB
    • Just be a build-time dependency of GWT
  • libjgroups-java, 3MB. Not needed ?
  • glassfish-toplink-essentials, 2.4MB, comes from hibernate
  • Avoiding JDK would save about 50MB of CD space
  • Avoiding GCJ would save about 20MB

Can we use the new Spring packaging from Debian?

  • Not included yet in Debian, but work is underway
  • Might make too hard choices for us ? Testing from Eucalyptus side needed.

Safety net

  • Keep a eucalyptus-javadeps package to drop in any problematic parts which can't be fixed (hibernate?).
    • One tiny part of Drools

Action Summary

  • Which Eucalyptus version we'll use in Karmic and its dependencies?
  • Can we use Spring from Debian?
  • What can we do to reduce Hibernate size?
    • Will it be acceptable to move JBoss to main?
  • JDK dependency investigation
  • Ask Colin about blacklisting for the server seed only to solve GCJ issue
  • Once it's known what is required, start preparing/filing MIRs to avoid a last minute panic.


EucalyptusInMainSpec (last edited 2009-08-10 09:46:57 by lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246)