
Revision 4 as of 2006-08-22 09:11:35

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About Me

Firdaus bin Aziz is just another ordinary Ubuntu user from [ Kuala Lumpur], [ Malaysia]. Currently I'm doing my Bachelors Degree in Information Technology at [ Universiti Tun Abdul Razak]. I started using Ubuntu in November 2004 and around the same time registered as a user at [ UbuntuForums] as [ Buffalo Soldier]. Eventhough Ubuntu has been my primary destop since January 2005, I have still yet to master all the intrinsic skills of and knowledge of a GNU/Linux guru. Most of the questions that I answered are in the beginners section. In March 2006 I was honoured with the responsibility as a forum staff.

Contact Information

I can be reached through:

I also can be found on in #ubuntuforums and #ubuntu-my using the nickname buffalosoldier.

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