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start of 8 pm meeting...

<poningru> ok yarr sorry guys

<poningru> my friend had graduation ceremony

<bordy_away> Anyone know how to copy encrypted movies with k3b or some other program?

*** bordy_away is now known as bordy

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o bordy

*** bordy changes topic to "LOW TURNOUT at the Meeting, if you are around at 8 pm we will give it another go."

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

* zbrown is here

<zbrown> bordy: i'll be here for the meeting :)

<bordy> well shit, I may not be. lol.

<bordy> I will get the minutes from the last one posted if I have to leave though

<zbrown> ok

<bordy> hey zbrown you have any ideas how to copy encrypted DVDs nowadays? I dont have a method for linux yet

<zbrown> k9copy

<zbrown> and libdvdcss2

<zbrown> for most that I've tried it works

<zbrown> there's a few newer dvd's (special edition casino royale) that it craps out on

<bordy> k. usually I can turn to k3b for most things, but evidently not this.

<zbrown> but I've copied about 4 dvd's with it

<zbrown> bordy: k9copy will use k3b for burning too if you tell it to
<zbrown> k9copy is probably the best i've found

<zbrown> when I used windows on one of my boxes I alwyas used dvdshrink

<zbrown> well dvdshrink + nero

<bordy> says libdvdcss2 is not available but is referred to by another package

<zbrown> ummm

<zbrown> might have to add the mediabuntu repos

<zbrown> one sec

<bordy> on windows I just use dvdXcopy, or like a 3-step process if I wanna put it on the ipod

<zbrown> bordy:

<zbrown> can get a lot of the non-kosher packages there

<bordy> dammit. I cant figure this program out. lol. and then it closed on me

<zbrown> lol

<zbrown> bordy: you gotta make sweet kde love to it

<zbrown> which is really hard

<zbrown> bordy: so ummm who runs the meeting if you don't?

<bordy> well, if poningru is awake, he can

<bordy> lol

<bordy> the agenda is up at

<bordy> errr, not /minutes

<bordy> its /Meetings

<bordy> but the minutes from the last one will be there in a sec

<lando> poof!

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o bordy

*** bordy changes topic to "NEW MEETING 8 PM Sunday, if anybody cares to lead it since I can't be here for most of
it. AGENDA can be found at and MINUTES OF EARLIER MEETING can be found

<bordy> thereya go.

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

<Mike_F> yet another meeting

<Mike_F> it's eight o'clock, do you know were this meeting is ?

<Ropetin> Yup!

<zbrown> no.

<Ropetin> Who is leading this meeting?

<Mike_F> Who knows?

<pak33m> i checked May06 is not found

<Ropetin> :) OK. In which case, what's on the agenda that wasn't covered earlier?

<pak33m> i checked the agenda...nogo


<bordy_away> the minutes are there, I gotta go tho

<Mike_F> the minutes are there from today

<bordy_away> adios

<pak33m> sorry i was at the worng page

<Mike_F> i don't think we need minutes of this

<Ropetin> No, doesn't look like it

<Mike_F> any ideas for a topic

<Ropetin> Well, I'm kind of behind on what's going on in the group, so a recap would be neat

<Ropetin> But I guess that's what the minutes are for (he says as he reads...)

<Mike_F> I am going to do a trade show on june 1

<Ropetin> Where and what?

<Mike_F> East Orange County UCF

<Mike_F> it's a Chamber of Commerce Expo

<pak33m> im looking at the minutes page & notcied computer for kids mention

<pak33m> is the free geek thing a side project of the fl team

<Mike_F> yes,

<Ropetin> Anyone/anything going on in Ft Lauderdale/Miami area?

<Mike_F> i think there is a lot of politics with free geek

<pak33m> i would really like to get involved in something like this

<Mike_F> i think we should post were we are from on the team wiki

<Mike_F> or do a forum thread just for that

<pak33m> i have several machines (older) that i have been planning on fixing up & putting something educational on
for my kids day care

<Ropetin> Doesn't the Introduce Yourself thread have that?

<Mike_F> yes, that and more

<pak33m> i was planning to installing edubuntu (would seems he most appropraite here) or edupup

<Mike_F> what's edupup

<pak33m> i really enjoy hearing about projects for schools or learning like olpc project

<pak33m> edupup is a disto hat was dev by a LUG out of italy based on puppy linux

<Mike_F> okay

<pak33m> puppy linux is a 50mb install & edupup has a ton of learning stuff & games installed on it

<pak33m> it an be run a a lie CD

<Mike_F> edubuntu is good choice I can't seem to get the addon disk to work

<pak33m> ive CD

<Ropetin> What kind of spec machines would you be installing on? Isn't Puppy Linux for lower spec units?

<pak33m> yes puppy can run on lower spec machines it realy is llike a 50mb install on the HDD

<pak33m> although i think the idea of our group is to focus on the advocacy of ubuntu

<Mike_F> that

<Mike_F> that's right

<pak33m> anyway I like the idea of getting ubuntu or other linux into schools

<Mike_F> i have ubuntu running on a laptop with 192MB RAM

<pak33m> i have used both edubuntu & edupup with my 4 year old here & she gets a kick out of it

<Ropetin> So does the group have any definite advocacy plans?

<Mike_F> For Example?

<pak33m> im new here...have we a planto hand ot CDs

<Mike_F> yes, i have ahnded out about 50 so far

<Ropetin> I don't know really, I'd love to do something with businesses. I.e. getting Ubuntu into the work place

<Mike_F> it's one of my objectives also

<Ropetin> We run it at my company, but I'm not sure 1 PC (mine) out of ~400 counts :)

<pak33m> my professor wants me to do a talk on ubuntu real soon as i got him real interested & i have become the
goto guy for ubuntu problems at school...

<Mike_F> were is that?

<Mike_F> has everyone done wiki pages?

<Ropetin> I've been mulling over the idea of marketing to small businesses. Sort of, 'see what you can do with free
software, and if you need me (us?) to set it up and support, here is the price list'

<pak33m> i sread the news any chance i can get...i even got a guy at work into it by intro him to ubuntu chistian

<pak33m> but i have no CDs we get hese as members should i get on my own

<Mike_F> i will have some with me on june 1

<Mike_F> i don't know if anyone is near orlando

<Mike_F> or Cocoa Beach

<Ropetin> It seems most people are Orlando or north of that

<Mike_F> were are you down south?

<Mike_F> i think we have some people in Broward/Dade

<Ropetin> I'm in Ft Lauderdale, by the beach :)

* Ropetin watches the boats in his back yard

<Mike_F> cool, i haven't been down there in years

<Mike_F> I live On A1A

<Ropetin> Nice, isn't it? :)

<Mike_F> yes, i go over to Orlando and people wonder why I don't mover there

<Ropetin> Although we are in the middle of a horrible storm right now, so I'm likely to lose power any second, one
of the down sides

<Mike_F> the reason is obvious

<Ropetin> Yup

<Mike_F> i just saw the 600 mile radar

<Mike_F> looks nasty from Indian River County Down

<Ropetin> It is

<Ropetin> Is weather on the agenda? :)

<Mike_F> the business thing is cool, but most of them don't know what linux is

<Ropetin> Yeah, they don't, but I think most know the difference between spending $400 and spending $0

<Mike_F> hey why not, i am not taking minutes

<Ropetin> :)

<Mike_F> that's the key, that and introduce open office first

<Mike_F> i do a lot of COC events and the money thing is key

<pak33m> hey im in orlando

<Ropetin> The thing I found with OpenOffice is it's so hideously slow, at least on the machines I've tried

<Mike_F> i don't know office 2007 is pretty bloated

<Ropetin> True, but (and I hate to admit it) Excel 2007 rocks :)

<Mike_F> June 1 Holiday Inn Select in the Afternoon

<Mike_F> I like the tab thing in office 2007, got my copy free

<pak33m> i think that the biggest problm with offering ubuntu and/or open source in the business world (and were
going through at work now) is the reality of suport

<Ropetin> Although the way they've changed the packaging of Office sucks. The Basic package of 2003 gives you Word,
Excel and Outlook, but in 2007 Basic is Word, Excel and PowerPoint

<Mike_F> Are they selling outlook by it self

<pak33m> also, ppls fear of open source that it's just a science project and/or just lacking the support when its
comletely the opposite

<Mike_F> The support thing is what people like me do

<Ropetin> Not that I've found. They offer it with the Pro pack for $400+

<Mike_F> that's what they gave any at the last ms-event

<Mike_F> i go to those for the free software

<Ropetin> I think they are pushing the web version, but that runs from Exchange, so is useless for those of us who
use a Linux email solution

<pak33m> my compay was unsure because nobody would tell them about ubuntu partners

<pak33m> they just settled with red hat because they have this longstanding paid support...thing is the toc goes up

<Ropetin> Yeah, Red Hat support is way expensive, no? Mind you Ubuntu seems expensive too

<Mike_F> Red Hat is okay, but all they are doing is slaping a trademark on something that is public domain

<Mike_F> People have been brainwashed that they have to pay for software

<Ropetin> They include some specific config and management tools, if I remember rightly

<Ropetin> But that just ends up with people only knowing Red Hat tools, rather than Linux in general

<Mike_F> The same thing happens with programing language

<Ropetin> True

<Mike_F> the developement tools get more complex then the language

<pak33m> one of the biggest difereces btw ubutnu & red hat in business is that you do have to ay for support yearly
and/or anything else while with ubuntu support & updates can be admin configured without paying for it that is until
you have something horribly wrong

<Ropetin> Luckily I don't have much in the way of programming skills, so that isn't an issue for me :)

<pak33m> then again like i have found that i could solve anything just by going to the ubuntu forums...even admin

<Ropetin> That's the kind of support I like. Free until I need it. Although it is nice to have someone to bug about
any tiny little issue

<Mike_F> I have trouble programming, since so much code already exists

<Mike_F> Just as a marketing research type of questionl how much is that support worth?

<pak33m> if you have ppl on staff that are versed in linux and ubuntu and have ubuntu in the business a company
should never have to pay for support

<Mike_F> if you have full time IT people on staff you are paying for support

<pak33m> and even if they dont have those ppl its not that difficult to have somebody versed in lunux to assimilate
into the ubuntu world..heck they might ust fall like i did!

<Ropetin> True, true

<Mike_F> define "versed in linux"

<pak33m> in my company the datacentre maager combined unused resources to make ftp, spamfilter servers with ubuntu
only spending $time

<Ropetin> In most companies that means 'the person not scared of the CLI'

<pak33m> versed in linux meaning knowing how to admin linux

<pak33m> i guess were just fortunate to have a geat amount of *unix ppl on staff

<Mike_F> just wanted to know, I been in the computer trade for a while

<Ropetin> How long is a while?

<Mike_F> I got out of school in 1984

<Mike_F> that's more years then i care to count

<Ropetin> :) I feel young for once :D

<Mike_F> The fear of the command line, is another challange

<pak33m> i think that in order to intro ubuntu in business you should know a great deal (or be well versed) in admin
ubuntu or at least linux

<Mike_F> That's all there was once upon a time

<Mike_F> Another problem is heavy investment in windows and active directory

<Mike_F> yes, i have an MCSE too

<zbrown> Well knowing a great deal about Windows is important too, either way they're going to have to pay someone that knows what they're doing. The way you beat out Windows is charging less than the Windows guy

<Mike_F> Which is one of the reasons for going with Ubuntu

<zbrown> Windows Server is no walk in the park, you can set it up, but you need to know what you're doing.

<zbrown> granted not as much command line work but either way, its still about knowing your product.

<Mike_F> You need to unlearn everthing in the tests

<pak33m> at our work conference a few weeks ago i watched our devs give a presetation on the "behind the scenes" of
our products...our technical customers (ms shops) drilled into us about why they would want our product if it
included open source and linux

<Mike_F> YOu can't help hard core MS shops

<zbrown> I've converted most of the MS shops I've worked with

<Mike_F> Good Job !

<zbrown> its not hard to do if you show them the load tests :)

<Ropetin> The one thing I like about using Active Directory, Server 2003 and the MS range of products is the way
everything works together

<pak33m> we explained that the open source products and linux are fuly supported by us but they just seemd so turned
off even when we ensured them that the suport is there

<zbrown> you pit your server vs. there's and they start to figure it out.

<pak33m> im just mentioned my story because ive seen how hard it is to "sell" linux, opensource, ubuntu to ppl

<zbrown> Ropetin: the thing about saying things like that though is like saying "liver and onions" or "piss and
poop" go together, they may go together but that doesn't make them good.

* Ropetin loves Liver and Onions...

<pak33m> funny, in my job i work on mostly windows 2003 server & i mostly use command line to admin the servers

<Ropetin> But I get your point

<Mike_F> Do we have an NT guru here

<pak33m> funny i work on nt servers at my job

<Ropetin> By NT you mean NT4 or the NT kernel (NT, 2000, 2003)

<zbrown> I work on OS X and Linux mostly, I've used NT before, sort of admin'ed not extensively

<pak33m> nt4 here

<zbrown> most of the shops that have switched of MS have actually moved to OS X Server

<zbrown> off*

<zbrown> most of the shops I've talked to** not worked with

<Mike_F> someone said command line and windows so i thought NT 3.1

<Mike_F> Windows Not There

<pak33m> i started distrb servers with my old companies software on 3.1

<Mike_F> I was still in the PDP/VAX world back then

<Ropetin> That's going back a few years!

<Mike_F> Yeah

<zbrown> The problem with persuading people from going to OS X instead of Linux is Mac makes server setup incredibly
easy (I know, I administrate a OS X cluster), and most users are not educated to understand the security flaws in OS

<Ropetin> But the common image of OS X is 'style over content, for artsy people only', no?

<zbrown> not lately

<zbrown> OS X server has been gaining ground

<Mike_F> Cash is King to small business owners like myself

<Mike_F> because we write the checks

<Ropetin> :)

<zbrown> its easier to setup than MS and more secure but not as secure as Linux

<Mike_F> big businesses spend other people's money

<pak33m> on the subject of advocating ubuntu i think one of the easiest places to start are in schools...tey usually
dont have money

<Ropetin> ooo, time for Family Guy...

<zbrown> Mike_F: XServe's have been selling to small users pretty well lately from what I've been seeing. Apple's
licensiing per seat is far better than MS's

<zbrown> buying an XServe running OSX server with a 10 seat license is 3000 + 500

<zbrown> the server will do anything a small business wants and it "Just Works" TM

<Mike_F> What's Ubuntu's per seat price ?

<zbrown> free ;)

<pak33m> i propose that we (or me) add this as one of our goals

<Mike_F> I think it already is

<zbrown> Granted I would rather people switch from MS to OS X than not switch at all if we look at the big picture.

<Mike_F> Selling Ubuntu that is

<zbrown> OS X is one step closer to Linux

<pak33m> im just catching up to everything here

<Mike_F> I don't know isn't apple going with intel

<Mike_F> power pc's run windows too ?

<zbrown> Mike_F: all apple is Intel now

<zbrown> they don't sell PPC based setups anymore

<Mike_F> No more Motorolla

<zbrown> The researcher I work for (I'm in school down at U of Miami) just bought a 16 node apple x serve cluster

<zbrown> I'm in charge of it, so I've gotten to see a lot of how OSX matches up

<Mike_F> apple X is an X-windows based enviroment?

<zbrown> OS X & Linux are EASY sells to the academics, most of the high level modeling software runs on either OS X
or Linux

<zbrown> Mike_F: nope, Aqua

<zbrown> but you can run 11

<zbrown> err X11

<zbrown> To paint a better picture, I setup one OS X server as a mail server, Open Directory server (Active
Directory for Mac/Linux), web server and hooked another one up to an Apple XRaid storage array as a fileserver in 3
hours flat working perfectly.

<zbrown> Thats how easy the Mac servers are.

<Mike_F> Open Directory is that the same as Open LDAP

<zbrown> ya

<Mike_F> The Service Record thing with Active Directory is that in LDAP Standard ?

<zbrown> hmmmm not sure

<zbrown> I haven't played with LDAP that much

<Mike_F> I know the DNS people didn't like it

<zbrown> I know that the service off these servers has been great

<Mike_F> I don't know of many clients that use the DNS Service Record

<Mike_F> I know the browsers don't

<zbrown> I think LDAP has the option but its not required

<Mike_F> Getting Directory Services to work like windows server would help the move away from windows

<zbrown> definitely

<epidemic> but ldap isn't secure unless you use sldap

<zbrown> Mike_F: I've got to play with that more in depth next week anyway after I setup the other 14 servers and
the 2 workstations

<zbrown> OS X uses sldap

<zbrown> Mike_F: When I get more experience with it I'll let you know more in detail

<epidemic> so do most distributions... but a lot of people don't use sldap

<Mike_F> good

*** epidemic is now known as Epidemic

<zbrown> I think there needs to be a push for better GUI tools for setting up things like that

<Mike_F> for sure

<zbrown> The switch from MS to *nix is simple when they jump to OS X, its an easy sell from my experience

<zbrown> not so easy sell when you ask them to swithc Linux and tell them there's no pretty "point & shoot" interface

<Epidemic> it has to be done some way considering there's a lot of countries who have banned MS

<pak33m> are there any other meeting topics or are we off that

<zbrown> I know we need to encourage them to learn the cli but thats not gonna happen if they're too scared to even
get off the MS ban wagon.

<Epidemic> you will always need gui

<Epidemic> or you might as well live in the stoneage

<zbrown> yup

<Epidemic> unless you're talking about server environments

<Mike_F> I think that most people will be happy with the gnome or kde desktop

<Mike_F> most of the basic confiquration items have graphical tools

<zbrown> Ubuntu definitely has the most polished set of config tools

<Epidemic> they actually did a study, and found that people without any computer eperience what so ever, t was
easier for them to use gnome then windows

<Mike_F> for the rest the text editor is the graphic tools

<zbrown> gnome's interface is more intuitive

<zbrown> it makes sense to open things from up top like that

<zbrown> Apple had it right from the start

<Epidemic> even with using gnome, I still use the cli to edit files

<zbrown> oh ya, I hardly use my GUI

<zbrown> its really just htere because I need GUI to browse the web

<Epidemic> half the time if you're editing files, you're talking about sudo stuff...

<zbrown> and there's some things (converting wma to mp3) better left to gui's than scripts

<zbrown> Epidemic: I work in root mostly anyway lol. I don't follow the Ubuntu ideal with sudo.

<zbrown> only time I use sudo is to "sudo su -"

<Epidemic> heh, I never thought of ever doing that

<Epidemic> i just did sudo passwd

<zbrown> Epidemic: I've used linux for 7 years now, I'm used to working in root lol

<Epidemic> me too

<Mike_F> i like running nautilus as the super user

<Epidemic> but I did sudo passwd, and changed the root password, and then you can just do su -

<zbrown> oh ya i always set a root passwd

<Mike_F> or just logon as root and break the ubuntu doctorine

<Epidemic> I couldn't stand if I really had to do a lot of system file editing, to sudo the edits

<zbrown> He who plays in root eventually kill tree. - *nix proverb

<Epidemic> I think the easiest thing to do, to not follow the ubuntu doctrine, is just add yourself to the root

<Mike_F> is someone reading the fortune file ?

<zbrown> nope ;)

<pak33m> i gotta go...see you guys soon

<Mike_F> cat /usr/share/games/fortunes/fortunes | more

<Mike_F> but that's cheating

<zbrown> wow big storm down here

* zbrown thinks it would be awesome if his roommate left.

<Epidemic> it just passed over me a few hours ago

<Epidemic> When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at

<Epidemic> you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".

<Epidemic> the linuxcookie fortunes are actually pretty funnt

* zbrown hates his roommate

<Epidemic> why?

<zbrown> he's an idiot, he smells, and he makes a lot of racket

<zbrown> all of which are non-conducive to zbrown's working environment since zbrown has a calc exam in the morning

<zbrown> oh and he leaves stale food sitting around which really irritates me

<zbrown> </end rant>

<Epidemic> any of you guys see this before?


<zbrown> their hardware look sinteresting but the software looks stupid

<zbrown> pretty sure the hyperdrive is a waste of money though

<Epidemic> "It fires up Windows XP in 2 seconds from the splash screen to the desktop with nForce4/5 Mobos."

<Epidemic> it's only like 4K

<zbrown> wasted money, no one needs to boot windows that fast

<zbrown> no one needs to boot windows

<Epidemic> yeah, but that's windows

<zbrown> i'll need to see a test unit I can keep before I believe it

<Epidemic> it could boot linux faster then it takes your monitor to warm up

<zbrown> besides what they don't tell you is the life of that thing isn't that great

<zbrown> granted hdd life isn't that great either

<zbrown> but replace hdd's is way cheaper than replacing dimm's

<zbrown> esp. 2 GB dimm's

<Epidemic> memory doesn't go bad as often as people think

<zbrown> oh i know

<zbrown> not to mention those are ECC sticks

<zbrown> so you're looking at a ridiculous amount of money for ECC sticks

<Epidemic> there's still EDO memory that still works flawlessly

<zbrown> meh, I really don't see the point

<zbrown> who honestly needs that?

<Epidemic> military

<zbrown> Believe me, the military definitely has stuff that makes that thing look like child's play.

<Epidemic> or anything with a lot of hard-drive intensive stuff

<Epidemic> i'm sure there's hundreds of corporations where that would be useful to them

<zbrown> Epidemic: Heh I work on computer programs that model dynamic systems and agent-based models (100 of
thousands of millions of agents) with differential equations on clusters (not the one I mentioned earlier) and we're
doing just fine without something like that, and its a very hdd intensive process since we have to record all
movements of all agents

<zbrown> Epidemic: the existing large amounts of ram are more than enough, esp. when bumped up to hold all necessary
calculations and then flush them to hardware

<Epidemic> just because you can't use it, doesn't mean other people can't

<Epidemic> hell, if I could afford it, why not?

<zbrown> besides anyone doing that type of calculation is using something from a manufacgturer like Cray or IBM that
has their own "better" version

<Epidemic> be a badass machine if you can get some nice quad-core and dual-sli video cards

<zbrown> mmmm I dunno, would be but i don't see the benefit outweighing the cost for a personal machine

<Epidemic> if you've got 100 million dollars, would you care?

<zbrown> if I had a 100 million dollars I'd just buy a super computer and interface via laptop

<zbrown> I don't game so go figure lol

<zbrown> My work is in programming so how well my personal machine works is of little consequence so long as its a
laptop and can ssh into the servers i work on

<Epidemic> that's like saying there's not really reason for ferrarris and lamborghinis, but if you can afford it,
why not have the best performance?

<zbrown> 1) they waste gas, 2) performance does not outweigh up keep cost, I refuse to drop 10k every 2000 miles to
keep my ferrari working, 3) why buy a ferrari when you can get a perfectly good honda?

<zbrown> oh and 4) its impractical

<zbrown> materialism is overrated.

<Epidemic> you'd be thinking differently if you had the money

<Epidemic> if you own a ferrarri, then $10K every 2000 miles and gas is not a problem

<zbrown> Epidemic: gas is when you find it to be a fundamental issue in society

<Epidemic> then why not the 350 hp hybrid from lexus?

<zbrown> I'm fairly opposed to excessive fossil fuel use

<zbrown> that'd be ok and is reasonable

<zbrown> but lexus != ferrari in price

<zbrown> so the comparison is bunk

<Epidemic> i'm not sure which company it is, but they're comming out with a completly electrical sports car.... and
supposed to be extremly fast

<zbrown> Tesla


<zbrown> I want one, could never afford one though

<zbrown> I would spend the money on that if I had 100 million

<Epidemic> then there's also that one company zap, which is comming out with a completly electric suv

<poningru> wth

<Epidemic> that tesla car is pretty sweet... only $92K for the base model

<zbrown> mmmhmmm

<zbrown> poningru: wth what?


<poningru> I was just asleep at the wheel of this...

<Epidemic> 644 bhp :P

<zbrown> not really an SUV, more of a hybrid

<Epidemic> they call it an suv

<zbrown> err crossover

<zbrown> like the chyrsler pacifia

<zbrown> pacifica*

<zbrown> or ford... whatever that thing is

<zbrown> poningru: less time scratching your butt, more time glued to the computer ;)

<Epidemic> lol

<Epidemic> hmm, too bad this zap thing has teh steering wheel on the wrong side

<zbrown> im tired of studying for calculus...

<bordy_away> zbrown: you still there?

*** bordy_away is now known as bordy

<zbrown> ya

<zbrown> whats up bordy ?

<bordy> gettin a weird issue with k9copy... saying getting error with dvdauth

<bordy> so aborts the copy-to-iso when its almost finished

<bordy> any ideas?

<zbrown> hmmm

<zbrown> not sure

<zbrown> never seen that error

<bordy> damn

<bordy> zbrown

<bordy> use twitter.

<zbrown> what?

<zbrown> twitter?

<bordy> yes. twitter.

<bordy> do you use facebook?

<zbrown> link me up?

<zbrown> sometimes

<zbrown> rarely

<zbrown> why?

<bordy> is mine

<zbrown> whats the point of this thing again?

<bordy> meh. just a sort of status update thing. It actually gets pretty entertaining when you have alot of people
doing it, like look at scobles (i'll find the link)

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

<bordy> mornin

<bordy> how goes kids?

*** statik is now known as statik_afk

<Ropetin> It went, apparently!

end of would seem!

start of 8 pm meeting...

<poningru> ok yarr sorry guys

<poningru> my friend had graduation ceremony

<bordy_away> Anyone know how to copy encrypted movies with k3b or some other program?

*** bordy_away is now known as bordy

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o bordy

*** bordy changes topic to "LOW TURNOUT at the Meeting, if you are around at 8 pm we will give it another go."

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

* zbrown is here

<zbrown> bordy: i'll be here for the meeting Smile :)

<bordy> well shit, I may not be. lol.

<bordy> I will get the minutes from the last one posted if I have to leave though

<zbrown> ok

<bordy> hey zbrown you have any ideas how to copy encrypted DVDs nowadays? I dont have a method for linux yet

<zbrown> k9copy

<zbrown> and libdvdcss2

<zbrown> for most that I've tried it works

<zbrown> there's a few newer dvd's (special edition casino royale) that it craps out on

<bordy> k. usually I can turn to k3b for most things, but evidently not this.

<zbrown> but I've copied about 4 dvd's with it

<zbrown> bordy: k9copy will use k3b for burning too if you tell it to <zbrown> k9copy is probably the best i've found

<zbrown> when I used windows on one of my boxes I alwyas used dvdshrink

<zbrown> well dvdshrink + nero

<bordy> says libdvdcss2 is not available but is referred to by another package

<zbrown> ummm

<zbrown> might have to add the mediabuntu repos

<zbrown> one sec

<bordy> on windows I just use dvdXcopy, or like a 3-step process if I wanna put it on the ipod

<zbrown> bordy:

<zbrown> can get a lot of the non-kosher packages there

<bordy> dammit. I cant figure this program out. lol. and then it closed on me

<zbrown> lol

<zbrown> bordy: you gotta make sweet kde love to it

<zbrown> which is really hard

<zbrown> bordy: so ummm who runs the meeting if you don't?

<bordy> well, if poningru is awake, he can

<bordy> lol

<bordy> the agenda is up at

<bordy> errr, not /minutes

<bordy> its /Meetings

<bordy> but the minutes from the last one will be there in a sec

<lando> poof!

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o bordy

*** bordy changes topic to "NEW MEETING 8 PM Sunday, if anybody cares to lead it since I can't be here for most of it. AGENDA can be found at and MINUTES OF EARLIER MEETING can be found at"

<bordy> thereya go.

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

<Mike_F> yet another meeting

<Mike_F> it's eight o'clock, do you know were this meeting is ?

<Ropetin> Yup!

<zbrown> no.

<Ropetin> Who is leading this meeting?

<Mike_F> Who knows?

<pak33m> i checked May06 is not found

<Ropetin> Smile :) OK. In which case, what's on the agenda that wasn't covered earlier?

<pak33m> i checked the agenda...nogo


<bordy_away> the minutes are there, I gotta go tho

<Mike_F> the minutes are there from today

<bordy_away> adios

<pak33m> sorry i was at the worng page

<Mike_F> i don't think we need minutes of this

<Ropetin> No, doesn't look like it

<Mike_F> any ideas for a topic

<Ropetin> Well, I'm kind of behind on what's going on in the group, so a recap would be neat

<Ropetin> But I guess that's what the minutes are for (he says as he reads...)

<Mike_F> I am going to do a trade show on june 1

<Ropetin> Where and what?

<Mike_F> East Orange County UCF

<Mike_F> it's a Chamber of Commerce Expo

<pak33m> im looking at the minutes page & notcied computer for kids mention

<pak33m> is the free geek thing a side project of the fl team

<Mike_F> yes,

<Ropetin> Anyone/anything going on in Ft Lauderdale/Miami area?

<Mike_F> i think there is a lot of politics with free geek

<pak33m> i would really like to get involved in something like this

<Mike_F> i think we should post were we are from on the team wiki

<Mike_F> or do a forum thread just for that

<pak33m> i have several machines (older) that i have been planning on fixing up & putting something educational on for my kids day care

<Ropetin> Doesn't the Introduce Yourself thread have that?

<Mike_F> yes, that and more

<pak33m> i was planning to installing edubuntu (would seems he most appropraite here) or edupup

<Mike_F> what's edupup

<pak33m> i really enjoy hearing about projects for schools or learning like olpc project

<pak33m> edupup is a disto hat was dev by a LUG out of italy based on puppy linux

<Mike_F> okay

<pak33m> puppy linux is a 50mb install & edupup has a ton of learning stuff & games installed on it

<pak33m> it an be run a a lie CD

<Mike_F> edubuntu is good choice I can't seem to get the addon disk to work

<pak33m> ive CD

<Ropetin> What kind of spec machines would you be installing on? Isn't Puppy Linux for lower spec units?

<pak33m> yes puppy can run on lower spec machines it realy is llike a 50mb install on the HDD

<pak33m> although i think the idea of our group is to focus on the advocacy of ubuntu

<Mike_F> that

<Mike_F> that's right

<pak33m> anyway I like the idea of getting ubuntu or other linux into schools

<Mike_F> i have ubuntu running on a laptop with 192MB RAM

<pak33m> i have used both edubuntu & edupup with my 4 year old here & she gets a kick out of it

<Ropetin> So does the group have any definite advocacy plans?

<Mike_F> For Example?

<pak33m> im new here...have we a planto hand ot CDs

<Mike_F> yes, i have ahnded out about 50 so far

<Ropetin> I don't know really, I'd love to do something with businesses. I.e. getting Ubuntu into the work place

<Mike_F> it's one of my objectives also

<Ropetin> We run it at my company, but I'm not sure 1 PC (mine) out of ~400 counts Smile :)

<pak33m> my professor wants me to do a talk on ubuntu real soon as i got him real interested & i have become the goto guy for ubuntu problems at school...

<Mike_F> were is that?

<Mike_F> has everyone done wiki pages?

<Ropetin> I've been mulling over the idea of marketing to small businesses. Sort of, 'see what you can do with free software, and if you need me (us?) to set it up and support, here is the price list'

<pak33m> i sread the news any chance i can get...i even got a guy at work into it by intro him to ubuntu chistian edition

<pak33m> but i have no CDs we get hese as members should i get on my own

<Mike_F> i will have some with me on june 1

<Mike_F> i don't know if anyone is near orlando

<Mike_F> or Cocoa Beach

<Ropetin> It seems most people are Orlando or north of that

<Mike_F> were are you down south?

<Mike_F> i think we have some people in Broward/Dade

<Ropetin> I'm in Ft Lauderdale, by the beach Smile :)

* Ropetin watches the boats in his back yard

<Mike_F> cool, i haven't been down there in years

<Mike_F> I live On A1A

<Ropetin> Nice, isn't it? Smile :)

<Mike_F> yes, i go over to Orlando and people wonder why I don't mover there

<Ropetin> Although we are in the middle of a horrible storm right now, so I'm likely to lose power any second, one of the down sides

<Mike_F> the reason is obvious

<Ropetin> Yup

<Mike_F> i just saw the 600 mile radar

<Mike_F> looks nasty from Indian River County Down

<Ropetin> It is

<Ropetin> Is weather on the agenda? Smile :)

<Mike_F> the business thing is cool, but most of them don't know what linux is

<Ropetin> Yeah, they don't, but I think most know the difference between spending $400 and spending $0

<Mike_F> hey why not, i am not taking minutes

<Ropetin> Smile :)

<Mike_F> that's the key, that and introduce open office first

<Mike_F> i do a lot of COC events and the money thing is key

<pak33m> hey im in orlando

<Ropetin> The thing I found with OpenOffice is it's so hideously slow, at least on the machines I've tried

<Mike_F> i don't know office 2007 is pretty bloated

<Ropetin> True, but (and I hate to admit it) Excel 2007 rocks Smile :)

<Mike_F> June 1 Holiday Inn Select in the Afternoon

<Mike_F> I like the tab thing in office 2007, got my copy free

<pak33m> i think that the biggest problm with offering ubuntu and/or open source in the business world (and were going through at work now) is the reality of suport

<Ropetin> Although the way they've changed the packaging of Office sucks. The Basic package of 2003 gives you Word, Excel and Outlook, but in 2007 Basic is Word, Excel and PowerPoint

<Mike_F> Are they selling outlook by it self

<pak33m> also, ppls fear of open source that it's just a science project and/or just lacking the support when its comletely the opposite

<Mike_F> The support thing is what people like me do

<Ropetin> Not that I've found. They offer it with the Pro pack for $400+

<Mike_F> that's what they gave any at the last ms-event

<Mike_F> i go to those for the free software

<Ropetin> I think they are pushing the web version, but that runs from Exchange, so is useless for those of us who use a Linux email solution

<pak33m> my compay was unsure because nobody would tell them about ubuntu partners

<pak33m> they just settled with red hat because they have this longstanding paid support...thing is the toc goes up

<Ropetin> Yeah, Red Hat support is way expensive, no? Mind you Ubuntu seems expensive too

<Mike_F> Red Hat is okay, but all they are doing is slaping a trademark on something that is public domain

<Mike_F> People have been brainwashed that they have to pay for software

<Ropetin> They include some specific config and management tools, if I remember rightly

<Ropetin> But that just ends up with people only knowing Red Hat tools, rather than Linux in general

<Mike_F> The same thing happens with programing language

<Ropetin> True

<Mike_F> the developement tools get more complex then the language

<pak33m> one of the biggest difereces btw ubutnu & red hat in business is that you do have to ay for support yearly and/or anything else while with ubuntu support & updates can be admin configured without paying for it that is until you have something horribly wrong

<Ropetin> Luckily I don't have much in the way of programming skills, so that isn't an issue for me Smile :)

<pak33m> then again like i have found that i could solve anything just by going to the ubuntu forums...even admin things

<Ropetin> That's the kind of support I like. Free until I need it. Although it is nice to have someone to bug about any tiny little issue

<Mike_F> I have trouble programming, since so much code already exists

<Mike_F> Just as a marketing research type of questionl how much is that support worth?

<pak33m> if you have ppl on staff that are versed in linux and ubuntu and have ubuntu in the business a company should never have to pay for support

<Mike_F> if you have full time IT people on staff you are paying for support

<pak33m> and even if they dont have those ppl its not that difficult to have somebody versed in lunux to assimilate into the ubuntu world..heck they might ust fall like i did!

<Ropetin> True, true

<Mike_F> define "versed in linux"

<pak33m> in my company the datacentre maager combined unused resources to make ftp, spamfilter servers with ubuntu only spending $time

<Ropetin> In most companies that means 'the person not scared of the CLI'

<pak33m> versed in linux meaning knowing how to admin linux

<pak33m> i guess were just fortunate to have a geat amount of *unix ppl on staff

<Mike_F> just wanted to know, I been in the computer trade for a while

<Ropetin> How long is a while?

<Mike_F> I got out of school in 1984

<Mike_F> that's more years then i care to count

<Ropetin> Smile :) I feel young for once Big Grin :)

<Mike_F> The fear of the command line, is another challange

<pak33m> i think that in order to intro ubuntu in business you should know a great deal (or be well versed) in admin ubuntu or at least linux

<Mike_F> That's all there was once upon a time

<Mike_F> Another problem is heavy investment in windows and active directory

<Mike_F> yes, i have an MCSE too

<zbrown> Well knowing a great deal about Windows is important too, either way they're going to have to pay someone that knows what they're doing. The way you beat out Windows is charging less than the Windows guy

<Mike_F> Which is one of the reasons for going with Ubuntu

<zbrown> Windows Server is no walk in the park, you can set it up, but you need to know what you're doing.

<zbrown> granted not as much command line work but either way, its still about knowing your product.

<Mike_F> You need to unlearn everthing in the tests

<pak33m> at our work conference a few weeks ago i watched our devs give a presetation on the "behind the scenes" of our products...our technical customers (ms shops) drilled into us about why they would want our product if it included open source and linux

<Mike_F> YOu can't help hard core MS shops

<zbrown> I've converted most of the MS shops I've worked with

<Mike_F> Good Job !

<zbrown> its not hard to do if you show them the load tests Smile :)

<Ropetin> The one thing I like about using Active Directory, Server 2003 and the MS range of products is the way everything works together

<pak33m> we explained that the open source products and linux are fuly supported by us but they just seemd so turned off even when we ensured them that the suport is there

<zbrown> you pit your server vs. there's and they start to figure it out.

<pak33m> im just mentioned my story because ive seen how hard it is to "sell" linux, opensource, ubuntu to ppl

<zbrown> Ropetin: the thing about saying things like that though is like saying "liver and onions" or "piss and poop" go together, they may go together but that doesn't make them good.

* Ropetin loves Liver and Onions...

<pak33m> funny, in my job i work on mostly windows 2003 server & i mostly use command line to admin the servers

<Ropetin> But I get your point

<Mike_F> Do we have an NT guru here

<pak33m> funny i work on nt servers at my job

<Ropetin> By NT you mean NT4 or the NT kernel (NT, 2000, 2003)

<zbrown> I work on OS X and Linux mostly, I've used NT before, sort of admin'ed not extensively

<pak33m> nt4 here

<zbrown> most of the shops that have switched of MS have actually moved to OS X Server

<zbrown> off*

<zbrown> most of the shops I've talked to** not worked with

<Mike_F> someone said command line and windows so i thought NT 3.1

<Mike_F> Windows Not There

<pak33m> i started distrb servers with my old companies software on 3.1

<Mike_F> I was still in the PDP/VAX world back then

<Ropetin> That's going back a few years!

<Mike_F> Yeah

<zbrown> The problem with persuading people from going to OS X instead of Linux is Mac makes server setup incredibly easy (I know, I administrate a OS X cluster), and most users are not educated to understand the security flaws in OS X

<Ropetin> But the common image of OS X is 'style over content, for artsy people only', no?

<zbrown> not lately

<zbrown> OS X server has been gaining ground

<Mike_F> Cash is King to small business owners like myself

<Mike_F> because we write the checks

<Ropetin> Smile :)

<zbrown> its easier to setup than MS and more secure but not as secure as Linux

<Mike_F> big businesses spend other people's money

<pak33m> on the subject of advocating ubuntu i think one of the easiest places to start are in schools...tey usually dont have money

<Ropetin> ooo, time for Family Guy...

<zbrown> Mike_F: XServe's have been selling to small users pretty well lately from what I've been seeing. Apple's licensiing per seat is far better than MS's

<zbrown> buying an XServe running OSX server with a 10 seat license is 3000 + 500

<zbrown> the server will do anything a small business wants and it "Just Works" TM

<Mike_F> What's Ubuntu's per seat price ?

<zbrown> free Wink ;)

<pak33m> i propose that we (or me) add this as one of our goals

<Mike_F> I think it already is

<zbrown> Granted I would rather people switch from MS to OS X than not switch at all if we look at the big picture.

<Mike_F> Selling Ubuntu that is

<zbrown> OS X is one step closer to Linux

<pak33m> im just catching up to everything here

<Mike_F> I don't know isn't apple going with intel

<Mike_F> power pc's run windows too ?

<zbrown> Mike_F: all apple is Intel now

<zbrown> they don't sell PPC based setups anymore

<Mike_F> No more Motorolla

<zbrown> The researcher I work for (I'm in school down at U of Miami) just bought a 16 node apple x serve cluster

<zbrown> I'm in charge of it, so I've gotten to see a lot of how OSX matches up

<Mike_F> apple X is an X-windows based enviroment?

<zbrown> OS X & Linux are EASY sells to the academics, most of the high level modeling software runs on either OS X or Linux

<zbrown> Mike_F: nope, Aqua

<zbrown> but you can run 11

<zbrown> err X11

<zbrown> To paint a better picture, I setup one OS X server as a mail server, Open Directory server (Active Directory for Mac/Linux), web server and hooked another one up to an Apple XRaid storage array as a fileserver in 3 hours flat working perfectly.

<zbrown> Thats how easy the Mac servers are.

<Mike_F> Open Directory is that the same as Open LDAP

<zbrown> ya

<Mike_F> The Service Record thing with Active Directory is that in LDAP Standard ?

<zbrown> hmmmm not sure

<zbrown> I haven't played with LDAP that much

<Mike_F> I know the DNS people didn't like it

<zbrown> I know that the service off these servers has been great

<Mike_F> I don't know of many clients that use the DNS Service Record

<Mike_F> I know the browsers don't

<zbrown> I think LDAP has the option but its not required

<Mike_F> Getting Directory Services to work like windows server would help the move away from windows

<zbrown> definitely

<epidemic> but ldap isn't secure unless you use sldap

<zbrown> Mike_F: I've got to play with that more in depth next week anyway after I setup the other 14 servers and the 2 workstations

<zbrown> OS X uses sldap

<zbrown> Mike_F: When I get more experience with it I'll let you know more in detail

<epidemic> so do most distributions... but a lot of people don't use sldap

<Mike_F> good

*** epidemic is now known as Epidemic

<zbrown> I think there needs to be a push for better GUI tools for setting up things like that

<Mike_F> for sure

<zbrown> The switch from MS to *nix is simple when they jump to OS X, its an easy sell from my experience

<zbrown> not so easy sell when you ask them to swithc Linux and tell them there's no pretty "point & shoot" interface

<Epidemic> it has to be done some way considering there's a lot of countries who have banned MS

<pak33m> are there any other meeting topics or are we off that

<zbrown> I know we need to encourage them to learn the cli but thats not gonna happen if they're too scared to even get off the MS ban wagon.

<Epidemic> you will always need gui

<Epidemic> or you might as well live in the stoneage

<zbrown> yup

<Epidemic> unless you're talking about server environments

<Mike_F> I think that most people will be happy with the gnome or kde desktop

<Mike_F> most of the basic confiquration items have graphical tools

<zbrown> Ubuntu definitely has the most polished set of config tools

<Epidemic> they actually did a study, and found that people without any computer eperience what so ever, t was easier for them to use gnome then windows

<Mike_F> for the rest the text editor is the graphic tools

<zbrown> gnome's interface is more intuitive

<zbrown> it makes sense to open things from up top like that

<zbrown> Apple had it right from the start

<Epidemic> even with using gnome, I still use the cli to edit files

<zbrown> oh ya, I hardly use my GUI

<zbrown> its really just htere because I need GUI to browse the web

<Epidemic> half the time if you're editing files, you're talking about sudo stuff...

<zbrown> and there's some things (converting wma to mp3) better left to gui's than scripts

<zbrown> Epidemic: I work in root mostly anyway lol. I don't follow the Ubuntu ideal with sudo.

<zbrown> only time I use sudo is to "sudo su -"

<Epidemic> heh, I never thought of ever doing that

<Epidemic> i just did sudo passwd

<zbrown> Epidemic: I've used linux for 7 years now, I'm used to working in root lol

<Epidemic> me too

<Mike_F> i like running nautilus as the super user

<Epidemic> but I did sudo passwd, and changed the root password, and then you can just do su -

<zbrown> oh ya i always set a root passwd

<Mike_F> or just logon as root and break the ubuntu doctorine

<Epidemic> I couldn't stand if I really had to do a lot of system file editing, to sudo the edits

<zbrown> He who plays in root eventually kill tree. - *nix proverb

<Epidemic> I think the easiest thing to do, to not follow the ubuntu doctrine, is just add yourself to the root group...

<Mike_F> is someone reading the fortune file ?

<zbrown> nope Wink ;)

<pak33m> i gotta go...see you guys soon

<Mike_F> cat /usr/share/games/fortunes/fortunes | more

<Mike_F> but that's cheating

<zbrown> wow big storm down here

* zbrown thinks it would be awesome if his roommate left.

<Epidemic> it just passed over me a few hours ago

<Epidemic> When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at

<Epidemic> you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".

<Epidemic> the linuxcookie fortunes are actually pretty funnt

* zbrown hates his roommate

<Epidemic> why?

<zbrown> he's an idiot, he smells, and he makes a lot of racket

<zbrown> all of which are non-conducive to zbrown's working environment since zbrown has a calc exam in the morning

<zbrown> oh and he leaves stale food sitting around which really irritates me

<zbrown> </end rant>

<Epidemic> any of you guys see this before?


<zbrown> their hardware look sinteresting but the software looks stupid

<zbrown> pretty sure the hyperdrive is a waste of money though

<Epidemic> "It fires up Windows XP in 2 seconds from the splash screen to the desktop with nForce4/5 Mobos."

<Epidemic> it's only like 4K

<zbrown> wasted money, no one needs to boot windows that fast

<zbrown> no one needs to boot windows

<Epidemic> yeah, but that's windows

<zbrown> i'll need to see a test unit I can keep before I believe it

<Epidemic> it could boot linux faster then it takes your monitor to warm up

<zbrown> besides what they don't tell you is the life of that thing isn't that great

<zbrown> granted hdd life isn't that great either

<zbrown> but replace hdd's is way cheaper than replacing dimm's

<zbrown> esp. 2 GB dimm's

<Epidemic> memory doesn't go bad as often as people think

<zbrown> oh i know

<zbrown> not to mention those are ECC sticks

<zbrown> so you're looking at a ridiculous amount of money for ECC sticks

<Epidemic> there's still EDO memory that still works flawlessly

<zbrown> meh, I really don't see the point

<zbrown> who honestly needs that?

<Epidemic> military

<zbrown> Believe me, the military definitely has stuff that makes that thing look like child's play.

<Epidemic> or anything with a lot of hard-drive intensive stuff

<Epidemic> i'm sure there's hundreds of corporations where that would be useful to them

<zbrown> Epidemic: Heh I work on computer programs that model dynamic systems and agent-based models (100 of thousands of millions of agents) with differential equations on clusters (not the one I mentioned earlier) and we're doing just fine without something like that, and its a very hdd intensive process since we have to record all movements of all agents

<zbrown> Epidemic: the existing large amounts of ram are more than enough, esp. when bumped up to hold all necessary calculations and then flush them to hardware

<Epidemic> just because you can't use it, doesn't mean other people can't

<Epidemic> hell, if I could afford it, why not?

<zbrown> besides anyone doing that type of calculation is using something from a manufacgturer like Cray or IBM that has their own "better" version

<Epidemic> be a badass machine if you can get some nice quad-core and dual-sli video cards

<zbrown> mmmm I dunno, would be but i don't see the benefit outweighing the cost for a personal machine

<Epidemic> if you've got 100 million dollars, would you care?

<zbrown> if I had a 100 million dollars I'd just buy a super computer and interface via laptop

<zbrown> I don't game so go figure lol

<zbrown> My work is in programming so how well my personal machine works is of little consequence so long as its a laptop and can ssh into the servers i work on

<Epidemic> that's like saying there's not really reason for ferrarris and lamborghinis, but if you can afford it, why not have the best performance?

<zbrown> 1) they waste gas, 2) performance does not outweigh up keep cost, I refuse to drop 10k every 2000 miles to keep my ferrari working, 3) why buy a ferrari when you can get a perfectly good honda?

<zbrown> oh and 4) its impractical

<zbrown> materialism is overrated.

<Epidemic> you'd be thinking differently if you had the money

<Epidemic> if you own a ferrarri, then $10K every 2000 miles and gas is not a problem

<zbrown> Epidemic: gas is when you find it to be a fundamental issue in society

<Epidemic> then why not the 350 hp hybrid from lexus?

<zbrown> I'm fairly opposed to excessive fossil fuel use

<zbrown> that'd be ok and is reasonable

<zbrown> but lexus != ferrari in price

<zbrown> so the comparison is bunk

<Epidemic> i'm not sure which company it is, but they're comming out with a completly electrical sports car.... and supposed to be extremly fast

<zbrown> Tesla


<zbrown> I want one, could never afford one though

<zbrown> I would spend the money on that if I had 100 million

<Epidemic> then there's also that one company zap, which is comming out with a completly electric suv

<poningru> wth

<Epidemic> that tesla car is pretty sweet... only $92K for the base model

<zbrown> mmmhmmm

<zbrown> poningru: wth what?


<poningru> I was just asleep at the wheel of this...

<Epidemic> 644 bhp :P

<zbrown> not really an SUV, more of a hybrid

<Epidemic> they call it an suv

<zbrown> err crossover

<zbrown> like the chyrsler pacifia

<zbrown> pacifica*

<zbrown> or ford... whatever that thing is

<zbrown> poningru: less time scratching your butt, more time glued to the computer Wink ;)

<Epidemic> lol

<Epidemic> hmm, too bad this zap thing has teh steering wheel on the wrong side

<zbrown> im tired of studying for calculus...

<bordy_away> zbrown: you still there?

*** bordy_away is now known as bordy

<zbrown> ya

<zbrown> whats up bordy ?

<bordy> gettin a weird issue with k9copy... saying getting error with dvdauth

<bordy> so aborts the copy-to-iso when its almost finished

<bordy> any ideas?

<zbrown> hmmm

<zbrown> not sure

<zbrown> never seen that error

<bordy> damn

<bordy> zbrown

<bordy> use twitter.

<zbrown> what?

<zbrown> twitter?

<bordy> yes. twitter.

<bordy> do you use facebook?

<zbrown> link me up?

<zbrown> sometimes

<zbrown> rarely

<zbrown> why?

<bordy> is mine

<zbrown> whats the point of this thing again?

<bordy> meh. just a sort of status update thing. It actually gets pretty entertaining when you have alot of people doing it, like look at scobles (i'll find the link)

*** bordy is now known as bordy_away

<bordy> mornin

<bordy> how goes kids?

*** statik is now known as statik_afk

<Ropetin> It went, apparently!

end of would seem!

FloridaTeam/Minutes/May06late (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:39 by localhost)