
Revision 3 as of 2010-04-02 19:57:29

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Fortunato Ventre

About Me

I live in Italy, I'm 26 years old and I study computer science at the "University of Napoli - Federico II".

I'm a strong believer in Freedom in all its forms, with particular interest in Free Software, since it's so connected to my studies field.

I'm a GNU/Linux user for a long time now (about 10 years) and I've landed to Ubuntu 4 years ago, which is now my first choice distro.


In the last one and half year I've dedicated most of my free time to the Linux On My Samsung project, which aims to give to the users an all around out-of-the-box experience with K/Ubuntu on Samsung netbooks. The project consists in a PPA repository containing fixed and new packages ready to be installed, and a forum where users can discuss and find solutions to their problems.

In the last month I've started the development of a new application named Samsung Tools, thinked to configure and use the various devices and special keys found on Samsung netbooks, in a friendly way. It will probably be ready at the time the new Ubuntu Lucid Lynx will be officially released.

In the past I've done little contributions in forms of patches to the GNOME, Gentoo, Debian projects.

You can find my contacts on my Personal Blog and on my Launchpad Profile.
