
Differences between revisions 1 and 59 (spanning 58 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2019-07-12 03:14:05
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Editor: mwhudson
Revision 59 as of 2020-05-20 21:49:17
Size: 7094
Editor: mwhudson
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||<#FF5555> '''This document is entirely a description of something that does not yet exist''' || = Automated Server Installs for 20.04 =
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= Automated Server Installs for 20.04 (and maybe 18.04.4?) = Please direct feedback on this new-in-20.04 feature to [[|]] or [[|the ubuntu-server mailing list]].
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||<#FF5555> '''This document is entirely a description of something that does not yet exist''' || <<TableOfContents()>>
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== Introduction == = Introduction =
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The server installer for 20.04 supports a new mode of operation: automated (or unattended, or hands-off) installation, autoinstallation for short. The server installer for 20.04 supports a new mode of operation: automated installation, autoinstallation for short. You might also know this feature as unattended or handsoff or preseeded installation.
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This lets you answer all those configuration questions ahead of time in an ''autoinstall file'' and lets the installation process run without any interaction. Autoinstallation lets you answer all those configuration questions ahead of time with ''autoinstall config'' and lets the installation process run without any interaction.
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== Differences from preseeding == = Differences from debian-installer preseeding =
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 * the file format is completely different (yaml vs debconf-set-selections format)
 * when the answer to a question is not present in a preseed, d-i stops and asks the user for input. autoinstalls are not like this: if there is any autoinstall config at all, the installer takes the default for any unanswered question
 * the format is completely different (cloud-init config, usually yaml, vs debconf-set-selections format)
 * when the answer to a question is not present in a preseed, d-i stops and asks the user for input. autoinstalls are not like this: by default, if there is any autoinstall config at all, the installer takes the default for any unanswered question (and fails if there is no default). You can designate particular sections in the config as "interactive", which means the installer will still stop and ask about those.
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== Providing the autoinstall file == = Providing the autoinstall config =
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The autoinstall file can be provided in the following ways: The autoinstall config is provided via cloud-init configuration, which is almost endlessly flexible. In most scenarios the easiest way will be to provide user-data via the [[|nocloud]] data source.
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 * As /autoinstall.cfg in the initrd
 * As /autoinstall.cfg on the install media (in any partition!)
 * Via a http or https (or maybe tftp) URL on the kernel command line
The autoinstall config should be provided under the 'autoinstall' key in the config. For example:
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And maybe these ways if people think they would be useful: {{{
    version: 1
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 * As a b64encoded gzipped blob on the kernel command line
 * Given as a URL via DHCP
= Running a truly automatic autoinstall =
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== Creating an autoinstall file == Even if a fully noninteractive autoinstall config is found, the server installer will ask for confirmation before writing to the disks unless 'autoinstall' is present on the kernel command line. This is to make it harder to accidentally create a USB stick that will reformat a machine it is plugged into at boot. It is expected that most autoinstalls will be done via netboot, where the kernel command line is controlled by the netboot config -- just remember to put 'autoinstall' in there!
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When any system is installed using the server installer, an autoinstall file for repeating the install is created at {{{/var/log/installer/autoinstall.cfg}}}. = Quick start =
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Alternatively there is a snap, ``autoinstall-editor``, that can be used to either edit or create from scratch an autoinstall file (it is actually mostly the same code as that that runs the installation in interactive mode). So you just want to try it out? Well we have [[/QuickStart|the page for you]].

= Creating an autoinstall config =

When any system is installed using the server installer, an autoinstall file for repeating the install is created at {{{/var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data}}}.

||<#FF5555> '''The snap described here does not yet exist''' ||

Alternatively there is a snap, ``autoinstall-editor``, that can be used to either edit or create from scratch an autoinstall config (it is actually mostly the same code as that that runs the installation in interactive mode).
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# dump out to stdout a complete autoinstall config file with default answers everywhere
$ autoinstall-editor --create
# edit existing autoinstall file
$ autoinstall-editor autoinstall.cfg
# dump out to stdout a complete autoinstall config with default answers everywhere
$ autoinstall-editor --create > my-autoinstall.yaml
# edit existing autoinstall config
$ autoinstall-editor my-autoinstall.yaml
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== The format of an autoinstall file == = The structure of an autoinstall config =
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The autoinstall file is YAML. Here is an example file that shows off most features: The autoinstall config has [[/ConfigReference|full documentation]].
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{{{#!yaml Technically speaking the config is not defined as a textual format, but cloud-init config is usually provided as YAML so that is the syntax the documentation uses.

A minimal config is:

Line 56: Line 70:
    - ping -c1
locale: en_US
    layout: en
    variant: uk
    version: 2
            dhcp4: yes
proxy: http://squid.internal:3128/
mirror: http://repo.internal/
        name: lvm
Line 73: Line 71:
    username: mwhudson     hostname: hostname
    username: username
Line 75: Line 74:
      - $key
    allow_pw: no
    - go/stable
debconf_selections: |
    bind9 bind9/run-resolvconf boolean false
    - libreoffice
    - dns-server^
    - rm -rf /etc/init.d
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Many keys and values correspond straightforwardly to questions the installer asks (e.g. keyboard selection). There are some new options though: Here is an example file that shows off most features:
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 * `early_commands`: shell commands run after the installer has started, but before anything else (in particular, before scanning the system for block devices)
 * `debconf_selections` & `packages`: packages and configuration for them to be installed after installation has completed
 * `late_commands`: shell commands to run after the install has completed and any updates and packages installed, just before the system reboots
[[/ConfigReference#version|version]]`: 1`<<BR>>
` hook:`<<BR>>
` type: webhook`<<BR>>
` endpoint:`<<BR>>
` - ping -c1`<<BR>>
[[/ConfigReference#locale|locale]]`: en_US`<<BR>>
` layout: en`<<BR>>
` variant: uk`<<BR>>
` network:`<<BR>>
` version: 2`<<BR>>
` ethernets:`<<BR>>
` enp0s25:`<<BR>>
` dhcp4: yes`<<BR>>
` enp3s0: {}`<<BR>>
` enp4s0: {}`<<BR>>
` bonds:`<<BR>>
` bond0:`<<BR>>
` dhcp4: yes`<<BR>>
` interfaces:`<<BR>>
` - enp3s0`<<BR>>
` - enp4s0`<<BR>>
` parameters:`<<BR>>
` mode: active-backup`<<BR>>
` primary: enp3s0`<<BR>>
[[/ConfigReference#proxy|proxy]]`: http://squid.internal:3128/`<<BR>>
` primary:`<<BR>>
` - arches: [default]`<<BR>>
` - uri: http://repo.internal/`<<BR>>
` sources:`<<BR>>
` my-ppa.list:`<<BR>>
` source: "deb $RELEASE main"`<<BR>>
` keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77`<<BR>>
` layout:`<<BR>>
` name: lvm`<<BR>>
` hostname: hostname`<<BR>>
` username: username`<<BR>>
` password: $crypted_pass`<<BR>>
` install-server: yes`<<BR>>
` authorized-keys:`<<BR>>
` - $key`<<BR>>
` allow-pw: no`<<BR>>
` - name: go`<<BR>>
` channel: 1.14/stable`<<BR>>
` classic: true`<<BR>>
[[/ConfigReference#debconf-selections|debconf-selections]]`: |`<<BR>>
` bind9 bind9/run-resolvconf boolean false`<<BR>>
` - libreoffice`<<BR>>
` - dns-server^`<<BR>>
` disable_root: false`<<BR>>
` - sed -ie 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=30/' /target/etc/default/grub`<<BR>>
` - tar c /var/log/installer | nc 1000`
Line 96: Line 143:
=== Filesystem configuration === Many keys and values correspond straightforwardly to questions the installer asks (e.g. keyboard selection). See the reference for details of those that do not.
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Filesystem configuration is a complex topic and the description of the desired configuration in the autoinstall file can necessarily also be complex. The installer does support "recipes", simple ways of expressing common configurations. = Error handling =
Line 100: Line 147:
==== Supported recipes ==== Progress through the installer is reported via the [[ConfigReference#reporting|reporting]] system, including errors. In addition, when a fatal error occurs, the [[ConfigReference#error-commands]] are executed and the traceback printed to the console. The server then just waits.
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lvm & simple = Possible future directions =
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==== action-based config ==== We might want to extend the 'match specs' for disks to cover other ways of selecting disks.
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For full flexibility, the installer allows filesystem configuration to be done using a syntax which is a superset of that supported by curtin, described at We could support kickstart compatibility as in kickseed.

Automated Server Installs for 20.04

Please direct feedback on this new-in-20.04 feature to or the ubuntu-server mailing list.


The server installer for 20.04 supports a new mode of operation: automated installation, autoinstallation for short. You might also know this feature as unattended or handsoff or preseeded installation.

Autoinstallation lets you answer all those configuration questions ahead of time with autoinstall config and lets the installation process run without any interaction.

Differences from debian-installer preseeding

preseeds are the way to automate an installer based on debian-installer (aka d-i).

autoinstalls for the new server installer differ from preseeds in the following main ways:

  • the format is completely different (cloud-init config, usually yaml, vs debconf-set-selections format)
  • when the answer to a question is not present in a preseed, d-i stops and asks the user for input. autoinstalls are not like this: by default, if there is any autoinstall config at all, the installer takes the default for any unanswered question (and fails if there is no default). You can designate particular sections in the config as "interactive", which means the installer will still stop and ask about those.

Providing the autoinstall config

The autoinstall config is provided via cloud-init configuration, which is almost endlessly flexible. In most scenarios the easiest way will be to provide user-data via the nocloud data source.

The autoinstall config should be provided under the 'autoinstall' key in the config. For example:

    version: 1

Running a truly automatic autoinstall

Even if a fully noninteractive autoinstall config is found, the server installer will ask for confirmation before writing to the disks unless 'autoinstall' is present on the kernel command line. This is to make it harder to accidentally create a USB stick that will reformat a machine it is plugged into at boot. It is expected that most autoinstalls will be done via netboot, where the kernel command line is controlled by the netboot config -- just remember to put 'autoinstall' in there!

Quick start

So you just want to try it out? Well we have the page for you.

Creating an autoinstall config

When any system is installed using the server installer, an autoinstall file for repeating the install is created at /var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data.

The snap described here does not yet exist

Alternatively there is a snap, autoinstall-editor, that can be used to either edit or create from scratch an autoinstall config (it is actually mostly the same code as that that runs the installation in interactive mode).

# start editing new config file
$ autoinstall-editor
# dump out to stdout a complete autoinstall config  with default answers everywhere
$ autoinstall-editor --create > my-autoinstall.yaml
# edit existing autoinstall config
$ autoinstall-editor my-autoinstall.yaml

The structure of an autoinstall config

The autoinstall config has full documentation.

Technically speaking the config is not defined as a textual format, but cloud-init config is usually provided as YAML so that is the syntax the documentation uses.

A minimal config is:

version: 1
    hostname: hostname
    username: username
    password: $crypted_pass

Here is an example file that shows off most features:

version: 1
        type: webhook
    - ping -c1
locale: en_US
    layout: en
    variant: uk
        version: 2
               dhcp4: yes
            enp3s0: {}
            enp4s0: {}
                dhcp4: yes
                    - enp3s0
                    - enp4s0
                    mode: active-backup
                    primary: enp3s0
proxy: http://squid.internal:3128/
        - arches: [default]
        - uri: http://repo.internal/
            source: "deb $RELEASE main"
            keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230  6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77
        name: lvm
    hostname: hostname
    username: username
    password: $crypted_pass
    install-server: yes
      - $key
    allow-pw: no
    - name: go
      channel: 1.14/stable
      classic: true
debconf-selections: |
    bind9      bind9/run-resolvconf    boolean false
    - libreoffice
    - dns-server^
    disable_root: false
    - sed -ie 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=30/' /target/etc/default/grub
    - tar c /var/log/installer | nc 1000

Many keys and values correspond straightforwardly to questions the installer asks (e.g. keyboard selection). See the reference for details of those that do not.

Error handling

Progress through the installer is reported via the reporting system, including errors. In addition, when a fatal error occurs, the ConfigReference#error-commands are executed and the traceback printed to the console. The server then just waits.

Possible future directions

We might want to extend the 'match specs' for disks to cover other ways of selecting disks.

We could support kickstart compatibility as in kickseed.

FoundationsTeam/AutomatedServerInstalls (last edited 2020-06-11 04:19:11 by mwhudson)