
This spec is about changes to Cruft Remover to be implemented for the jaunty release. The changes fall into three categories:

Release Note

The 9.04 release installs Cruft Remover, a new tool to find and fix problems in systems that have been upgraded from previous releases. Such problems may be now-unnecessary packages, or missing configuration tweaks that the current Ubuntu installer adds. Cruft Remover works together with Update Manager to make sure these things get fixed during an upgrade, but can also be used on its own.

Cruft Remover was already included in the 8.10 release, but was not installed by default.


Update Manager performs some cleanup on upgrade, Cruft Remover does this anytime. Currently they do not share the same code. This duplication of code is a bug that needs fixing.

Cruft Remover also needs to learn to find more kinds of problems, and its user interface needs improving, because users report it to be confusing.


Merging code bases

Both Update Manager and Cruft Remover need to perform two tasks:

The two programs should share the code that performs those tasks.

There are some constraints in the release upgrader:

The external dependencies can just be bundled inside the release upgrader so that is not a real problem (just something that makes it a bit more difficult). We should consider if we need some cruft/anomalies to be version specific (e.g. only if the current version is hardy). The release upgrader does that in a number of cases, but it could be argued that such checks are not required since an anomaly is an anomaly.

The cruft removal code in u-m needs to be able to be seeded with a blacklist (the list of packages obsolete before the upgrade and a explicit blacklist).

Changes needed:

Usability improvements

Based on feedback from Martin Albisetti, users, bug reports, and elsewhere, the Cruft Remover user interface needs at least the following improvements:

New plugin: unpurged packages

Cruft Remover should find packages that have been removed, but not purged, so that they have configuration files remaining. Since purging may delete valuable information (log files, databases, etc.), un-purged packages should be put on the list shown to the user, but not marked for removal by default.

New plugin: autoremovable packages

Apt can keep track of which packages a user has explicitly asked to install, and which got installed because some other package depended on them. Such automatically installed packages may become unnecessary, and Cruft Remover should report them.

New plugin: .dpkg-old/new files

The way dpkg handles conffiles often results in the old or new version of a conffile staying on the filesystem, renamed with a .dpkg-old or .dpkg-new suffix. Cruft Remover should find them, and offer to delete them.


Code merge

Overview: Cruft Remover has a PluginManager class that finds plugins, and the plugins find "pieces of cruft". A piece of cruft might be a package that should be removed (for whatever reason), or a specific change to be made to some file (e.g., add relatime to fstab).

The Cruft Remover code has been explicitly designed to be used as a library, so it would make more sense to have Update Manager use the Cruft Remover code than the other way around.

Update Manager needs to look at problems to fix at several points in the upgrade process, and it should notice those problems only at the relevant points. To fix this, Cruft Remover's plugin framework should add a new concept, "condition": the plugin can require that the application has set a specific condition for it to be active, and if a condition is set, only plugins requiring that condition should be active.

plugin_manager.get_plugins() -> [bar_plugin]
plugin.manager.get_plugins(condition="orange") -> [foobar]

(Condition might be used by Update Manager like this: "hardy_to_intrepid.post_dist_upgrade", "hardy.postupgrade", etc. Cruft Remover won't care about the actual names, it just compares strings.)

Update Manager and Cruft Remover will collaborate to develop the shared plugins, and could have plugins specific to themselves as well. Update Manager will have stuff that won't make sense to run from Cruft Remover.

New plugin: unpurged packages

We can get the list of unpurged packages from python-apt. After that, the plugin can just return the list of packages as PackageCruft instances, and the Cruft Remover infrastructure takes care of the rest.

This feature will probably find some packages that fail when they are purged from the removed state. Such packages are buggy and will need to be fixed. An efficient way of finding such packages is to test all packages with piuparts.

New plugin: autoremovable packages

The code for this already exists, but was not enabled in intrepid. It needs to be enabled, and if any bugs are found in user testing, they need to be addressed.

New plugin: .dpkg-old/new files

Scan /etc for files with the .dpkg-old or .dpkg-new suffix. Since they will only exist for dpkg conffiles, they will all be in /etc.

Add a FileCruft class that will remove the associated file when cleaned up, and report useful information about it: what package the .dpkg-old/new file belongs to, if known.

UI Changes

The Cruft Remover user interface will need to change a bit. This needs some further thought.

Test/Demo Plan

Unresolved issues



FoundationsTeam/Specs/JauntyCruftRemover (last edited 2009-02-02 13:54:58 by cs78240155)