


The initial goals of the team will be:

  • To bring together Ubuntu users within our local community
  • To make Computer users in the Free State aware that Ubuntu exists
  • To promote Ubuntu in the Free State through the organisation of demonstrations and any other promotional activities
  • To assist Ubuntu users with support and advice wherever possible

Although Ubuntu has not gained wide-spread popularity in the Free State(yet!), there are evidently a number of people who are keenly interested in it. The starting goal of the Free State Team is to bring those people together, thereby establishing a solid base to begin building on and then to promote the overall growth of Ubuntu in our local community.

If you are already an Ubuntu user in the Free State and feel that you might have something to offer as a team member, please feel free to contact us.


Mailing List: (pending) Free State Forum]
Forum: (pending)
Team Contact: FoucheFrancois, <>

Presently, due to the small number of 'known' Ubuntu enthusiasts in Zimbabwe, the mailing list is the main form of contact. We do plan to set up a web site in the future however, and hopefully once the user-base has grown sufficiently within the community, we will also be able to offer an IRC channel. Please also support the new forum and get posting!

Team Members



FreestateTeam (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:31 by localhost)