Revision 2 as of 2009-01-15 17:42:30
Clear message
The Fridge calendar is used to organize meetings around the community, specifically ones that take place in #ubuntu-meeting.
The calendar is viewable at (XML, iCal, HTML).
Adding Events to the Calendar
Teams can have their members add and edit their meetings to the calendar. There are two requirements for individuals requesting access to the calendar:
- must be an Ubuntu member
- needs an gmail address or an email that is a login for a Google account.
To request access, there are two options:
- stop by #ubuntu-news and request access
subscribe to the Ubuntu News list and send an email to it.
Please provide the email address that will be used to access the calendar and name of the team requesting access.
If there no Ubuntu members on the team, ask in #ubuntu-news.
Why Google Calendar? Why not an OSS solution?