
Attachment 'glibc.patch'


   1 diff --exclude='*~' -ruN orig/glibc-2.5/debian/patches/any/local-enospck.diff glibc-2.5/debian/patches/any/local-enospck.diff
   2 --- orig/glibc-2.5/debian/patches/any/local-enospck.diff	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
   3 +++ glibc-2.5/debian/patches/any/local-enospck.diff	2007-06-15 17:46:56.000000000 +0100
   4 @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
   5 +--- /dev/null	2006-10-18 16:35:35.000000000 +0100
   6 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/enospck.c	2007-06-15 17:22:31.000000000 +0100
   7 +@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
   8 ++
   9 ++#define __libc_open    __enospck_aside___libc_open
  10 ++#define __open         __enospck_aside___open
  11 ++#define open           __enospck_aside_open
  12 ++#define __libc_open64  __enospck_aside___libc_open64
  13 ++#define __open64       __enospck_aside___open64
  14 ++#define open64         __enospck_aside_open64
  15 ++#define __libc_write   __enospck_aside___libc_write
  16 ++#define __write        __enospck_aside___write
  17 ++#define write          __enospck_aside_write
  18 ++
  19 ++#include <stdlib.h>
  20 ++#include <unistd.h>
  21 ++#include <string.h>
  22 ++#include <limits.h>
  23 ++#include <stdio.h>
  24 ++#include <sys/uio.h>
  25 ++#include <stdarg.h>
  26 ++#include <errno.h>
  27 ++#include <fcntl.h>
  28 ++
  29 ++#undef __libc_open
  30 ++#undef __open
  31 ++#undef open
  32 ++#undef __libc_open64
  33 ++#undef __open64
  34 ++#undef open64
  35 ++#undef __libc_write
  36 ++#undef __write
  37 ++#undef write
  38 ++
  39 ++#define SOMECALL(syscallname, rtype, argprotos, argnames, xinfos)	\
  40 ++  extern rtype __enospck_real_##syscallname(argprotos);			\
  41 ++  rtype __enospck_wrap_##syscallname(argprotos) {			\
  42 ++    rtype r= __enospck_real_##syscallname(argnames);			\
  43 ++    if (r>=0) return r;							\
  44 ++    __enospck_check(#syscallname xinfos, (void(*)(void))0);		\
  45 ++    return r;								\
  46 ++  }
  47 ++
  48 ++#define COMMA ,
  49 ++#define XI(kind,val) , __enospck_format_##kind, (const void*)&(val)
  50 ++
  51 ++typedef void xifmter(char **bp, const void *val);
  52 ++void __enospck_check(const char *syscallname, ...);
  53 ++
  54 ++static void p_string(char **bp, const char *ip) {
  55 ++  int c;
  56 ++  while ((c= *ip++)) *(*bp)++= c;
  57 ++}
  58 ++static void p_integer(char **obp, unsigned long ul, int base) {
  59 ++  char buf[sizeof(ul) * 2 + 1], *bp;
  60 ++  const char hex[16]= "0123456789abcdef";
  61 ++
  62 ++  bp= buf;
  63 ++  while (ul) {
  64 ++    if (base==16) {
  65 ++      *bp++= hex[ul & 0x0fUL];
  66 ++      ul >>= 4;
  67 ++    } else {
  68 ++      *bp++= hex[ul % base];
  69 ++      ul /= base;
  70 ++    }
  71 ++  }
  72 ++  while (bp > buf) {
  73 ++    *(*obp)++= *--bp;
  74 ++  }
  75 ++}
  76 ++
  77 ++static void __enospck_format_str(char **bp, const void *val) {
  78 ++  const char *str= val;
  79 ++  int i= 400;
  80 ++  int c;
  81 ++  p_string(bp,"`");
  82 ++  while ((c= *str++)) {
  83 ++    if (!--i) { bp-=2; p_string(bp, "'.."); break; }
  84 ++    *(*bp)++= c;
  85 ++  }
  86 ++  p_string(bp,"'");
  87 ++}
  88 ++
  89 ++static void __enospck_format_fd(char **bp, const void *val) {
  90 ++  int fd= *(const int*)val;
  91 ++  struct stat stab;
  92 ++  int r;
  93 ++  char psb[100], *psb_bp;
  94 ++  char readlink_buf[PATH_MAX];
  95 ++
  96 ++  p_string(bp,"fd");
  97 ++  p_integer(bp,fd,10);
  98 ++  r= __fstat(fd, &stab);
  99 ++  if (r) {
 100 ++    p_string(bp,"!fstat=");
 101 ++    p_integer(bp,errno,10);
 102 ++    p_string(bp,"!");
 103 ++  } else {
 104 ++    p_string(bp,"=[");
 105 ++    p_integer(bp,stab.st_dev,16);
 106 ++    p_string(bp,":");
 107 ++    p_integer(bp,stab.st_ino,10);
 108 ++    p_string(bp,"]");
 109 ++  }
 110 ++  psb_bp= psb;
 111 ++  p_string(&psb_bp, "/proc/self/fd/");
 112 ++  p_integer(&psb_bp,fd,10);
 113 ++  *psb_bp++= 0;
 114 ++
 115 ++  r= __readlink(psb, readlink_buf, sizeof(readlink_buf));
 116 ++  if (r<0) {
 117 ++    p_string(bp,"!readlink=");
 118 ++    p_integer(bp,errno,10);
 119 ++    p_string(bp,"!");
 120 ++  } else {
 121 ++    p_string(bp,"=`");
 122 ++    if (r == sizeof(readlink_buf)) {
 123 ++      readlink_buf[sizeof(readlink_buf)-2]= 0;
 124 ++      p_string(bp,readlink_buf);
 125 ++      p_string(bp,"'..");
 126 ++    } else {
 127 ++      readlink_buf[r]= 0;
 128 ++      p_string(bp,readlink_buf);
 129 ++      p_string(bp,"'");
 130 ++    }
 131 ++  }
 132 ++}
 133 ++
 134 ++#define SA(t,x)					\
 135 ++ strong_alias(t, x)				\
 136 ++ strong_alias(t, __GI_##x)
 137 ++
 138 ++#define WA(t,x)					\
 139 ++ weak_alias(t, x)				\
 140 ++ weak_alias(t, __GI_##x)
 141 ++
 142 ++SOMECALL(mkdir, int,
 143 ++	 const char *path COMMA mode_t mode,
 144 ++	 path COMMA mode,
 145 ++	 XI(str,*path))
 146 ++SA(__enospck_wrap_mkdir, __mkdir)
 147 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_mkdir, mkdir)
 148 ++
 149 ++SOMECALL(link, int,
 150 ++	 const char *oldpath COMMA const char *newpath,
 151 ++	 oldpath COMMA newpath,
 152 ++	 XI(str,*newpath))
 153 ++SA(__enospck_wrap_link, __link)
 154 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_link, link)
 155 ++
 156 ++#define SOMEOPEN(callname)						\
 157 ++SOMECALL(callname, int,							\
 158 ++	 const char *path COMMA int flags COMMA mode_t mode,		\
 159 ++	 path COMMA flags COMMA mode,					\
 160 ++	 XI(str,*path))							\
 161 ++int __enospck_wrapv_##callname(const char *path, int flags, ...) {	\
 162 ++  mode_t mode;								\
 163 ++  va_list al;								\
 164 ++  if (flags & O_CREAT) {						\
 165 ++    va_start(al,flags);							\
 166 ++    mode= va_arg(al,mode_t);						\
 167 ++    va_end(al);								\
 168 ++  } else {								\
 169 ++    mode= 0;								\
 170 ++  }									\
 171 ++  return __enospck_wrap_##callname(path,flags,mode);			\
 172 ++}									\
 173 ++
 174 ++SOMEOPEN(open)
 175 ++SA(__enospck_wrapv_open, __libc_open)
 176 ++WA(__enospck_wrapv_open, __open)
 177 ++WA(__enospck_wrapv_open, open)
 178 ++
 179 ++SOMEOPEN(open64)
 180 ++WA(__enospck_wrapv_open64, __open64)
 181 ++libc_hidden_weak (__open64)
 182 ++WA(__enospck_wrapv_open64, open64)
 183 ++
 184 ++SOMECALL(symlink, int,
 185 ++	 const char *oldpath COMMA const char *newpath,
 186 ++	 oldpath COMMA newpath,
 187 ++	 XI(str,*oldpath) XI(str,*newpath))
 188 ++SA(__enospck_wrap_symlink, __symlink)
 189 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_symlink, symlink)
 190 ++
 191 ++SOMECALL(write, ssize_t,
 192 ++	 int fd COMMA const void *buf COMMA size_t count,
 193 ++	 fd COMMA buf COMMA count,
 194 ++	 XI(fd,fd))
 195 ++SA(__enospck_wrap_write, __libc_write)
 196 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_write, __write)
 197 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_write,write)
 198 ++
 199 ++SOMECALL(writev, ssize_t,
 200 ++	 int fd COMMA const struct iovec *vector COMMA int count,
 201 ++	 fd COMMA vector COMMA count,
 202 ++	 XI(fd,fd))
 203 ++SA(__enospck_wrap_writev, __writev)
 204 ++WA(__enospck_wrap_writev, writev)
 205 ++
 206 ++static void p_procselfstat(char **bp) {
 207 ++  int fd, r;
 208 ++  char selfstat[200], *p1, *p2;
 209 ++
 210 ++  fd= __enospck_real_open("/proc/self/stat", O_RDONLY, 0);
 211 ++  if (fd<0) goto err;
 212 ++  r= read(fd, selfstat, sizeof(selfstat)-1);
 213 ++  if (r<0) goto err;
 214 ++
 215 ++  close(fd);  fd= -1;
 216 ++
 217 ++  for (p1=selfstat; p1 < selfstat+r; p1++)
 218 ++    if (*p1 == '(') goto p1_found;
 219 ++  goto fmt;
 220 ++p1_found:
 221 ++
 222 ++  for (p2=selfstat+r; p2 > selfstat; )
 223 ++    if (*--p2 == ')') goto p2_found;
 224 ++  goto fmt;
 225 ++p2_found:
 226 ++
 227 ++  *++p2= 0;
 228 ++  p_string(bp,p1);
 229 ++  return;
 230 ++
 231 ++fmt:
 232 ++  p_string(bp,"!selfstatfmt");
 233 ++  goto clean;
 234 ++
 235 ++err:
 236 ++  p_string(bp,"!selfstat=");
 237 ++  p_integer(bp,errno,10);
 238 ++
 239 ++clean:
 240 ++  p_string(bp,"!");
 241 ++  if (fd>=0) close(fd);
 242 ++}
 243 ++
 244 ++void __enospck_check(const char *syscallname, ...) {
 245 ++  int fd;
 246 ++    
 247 ++  if (errno!=ENOSPC) return;
 248 ++  
 249 ++  fd= __enospck_real_open("/etc/enospck.log", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, 0);
 250 ++  if (fd!=-1) {
 251 ++    char buf[2048], *bp;
 252 ++    pid_t pid;
 253 ++    xifmter *fmt;
 254 ++    const void *xv;
 255 ++    int l;
 256 ++    va_list al;
 257 ++  
 258 ++    va_start(al, syscallname);
 259 ++    bp= buf;
 260 ++    pid= getpid();
 261 ++    p_string(&bp,"[");
 262 ++    p_integer(&bp,pid,10);
 263 ++    p_procselfstat(&bp);
 264 ++    p_string(&bp,"] ");
 265 ++    p_string(&bp,syscallname);
 266 ++    for (;;) {
 267 ++      fmt= va_arg(al, xifmter*);
 268 ++      if (!fmt) break;
 269 ++
 270 ++      xv= va_arg(al, const void*);
 271 ++      p_string(&bp," ");
 272 ++      fmt(&bp, xv);
 273 ++    }
 274 ++    va_end(al);
 275 ++    p_string(&bp,"\n");
 276 ++    l= bp - buf;
 277 ++
 278 ++    __enospck_real_write(fd, buf, l);
 279 ++    close(fd);
 280 ++  }
 281 ++  errno= ENOSPC;
 282 ++}
 283 +--- ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/syscalls.list~	2003-07-27 19:24:21.000000000 +0100
 284 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/syscalls.list	2007-06-13 15:55:37.000000000 +0100
 285 +@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 286 + getuid		-	getuid		Ei:	__getuid	getuid
 287 + ioctl		-	ioctl		i:iiI	__ioctl		ioctl
 288 + kill		-	kill		i:ii	__kill		kill
 289 +-link		-	link		i:ss	__link		link
 290 ++link		-	link		i:ss	__enospck_real_link
 291 + lseek		-	lseek		i:iii	__libc_lseek	__lseek lseek
 292 +-mkdir		-	mkdir		i:si	__mkdir		mkdir
 293 +-open		-	open		Ci:siv	__libc_open __open open
 294 ++mkdir		-	mkdir		i:si	__enospck_real_mkdir
 295 ++open		-	open		Ci:siv	__enospck_real_open
 296 + profil		-	profil		i:piii	__profil	profil
 297 + ptrace		-	ptrace		i:iiii	ptrace
 298 + read		-	read		Ci:ibn	__libc_read	__read read
 299 +@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 300 + statfs		-	statfs		i:sp	__statfs	statfs
 301 + swapoff		-	swapoff		i:s	swapoff
 302 + swapon		-	swapon		i:s	swapon
 303 +-symlink		-	symlink		i:ss	__symlink	symlink
 304 ++symlink		-	symlink		i:ss	__enospck_real_symlink
 305 + sync		-	sync		i:	sync
 306 + sys_fstat	fxstat	fstat		i:ip	__syscall_fstat
 307 + sys_mknod	xmknod	mknod		i:sii	__syscall_mknod
 308 +@@ -61,5 +61,5 @@
 309 + uname		-	uname		i:p	__uname		uname
 310 + unlink		-	unlink		i:s	__unlink	unlink
 311 + utimes		-	utimes		i:sp	__utimes	utimes
 312 +-write		-	write		Ci:ibn	__libc_write	__write write
 313 +-writev		-	writev		Ci:ipi	__writev	writev
 314 ++write		-	write		Ci:ibn	__enospck_real_write
 315 ++writev		-	writev		Ci:ipi	__enospck_real_writev
 316 +--- ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/writev.c~	2003-09-03 04:21:26.000000000 +0100
 317 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/writev.c	2007-06-13 14:36:58.000000000 +0100
 318 +@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 319 + }
 320 + 
 321 + ssize_t
 322 +-__libc_writev (fd, vector, count)
 323 ++__enospck_real_writev (fd, vector, count)
 324 +      int fd;
 325 +      const struct iovec *vector;
 326 +      int count;
 327 +@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@
 328 + 
 329 +   return result;
 330 + }
 331 +-strong_alias (__libc_writev, __writev)
 332 +-weak_alias (__libc_writev, writev)
 333 + 
 334 + #define __libc_writev static internal_function __atomic_writev_replacement
 335 + #include <sysdeps/posix/writev.c>
 336 +--- ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/Makefile~	2006-02-28 07:05:40.000000000 +0000
 337 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/Makefile	2007-06-13 15:49:01.000000000 +0100
 338 +@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@
 339 + 
 340 + ifeq (misc,$(subdir))
 341 + sysdep_routines += $(unix-extra-syscalls)
 342 ++sysdep_routines += enospck
 343 + 
 344 + ifdef unix-stub-syscalls
 345 + # The system call entry points in this list are supposed to be additional
 346 +--- ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/open64.c~	2002-12-15 10:22:52.000000000 +0000
 347 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/open64.c	2007-06-14 19:11:19.000000000 +0100
 348 +@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 349 + /* Open FILE with access OFLAG.  If OFLAG includes O_CREAT,
 350 +    a third argument is the file protection.  */
 351 + int
 352 +-__libc_open64 (const char *file, int oflag, ...)
 353 ++__enospck_real_open64 (const char *file, int oflag, ...)
 354 + {
 355 +   int mode = 0;
 356 + 
 357 +@@ -48,6 +48,3 @@
 358 + 
 359 +   return result;
 360 + }
 361 +-weak_alias (__libc_open64, BP_SYM (__open64))
 362 +-libc_hidden_weak (BP_SYM (__open64))
 363 +-weak_alias (__libc_open64, BP_SYM (open64))
 364 +--- ./glibc-2.5/misc/Versions~	2005-11-11 18:58:19.000000000 +0000
 365 ++++ ./glibc-2.5/misc/Versions	2007-06-14 20:24:38.000000000 +0100
 366 +@@ -134,4 +134,8 @@
 367 +     futimesat;
 368 +     __syslog_chk; __vsyslog_chk;
 369 +   }
 370 ++  GLIBC_PRIVATE {
 371 ++    # for the benefit of enospck.c
 372 ++    __libc_open; __libc_write;
 373 ++  }
 374 + }
 375 +
 376 diff --exclude='*~' -ruN orig/glibc-2.5/debian/patches/series glibc-2.5/debian/patches/series
 377 --- orig/glibc-2.5/debian/patches/series	2007-06-27 13:38:39.000000000 +0100
 378 +++ glibc-2.5/debian/patches/series	2007-06-13 12:58:48.000000000 +0100
 379 @@ -164,3 +164,5 @@
 380  # Ubuntu-specific patches.  These are things that we don't expect to wind up
 381  # in Debian.
 382  ubuntu/local-altlocaledir.diff -p1
 383 +
 384 +any/local-enospck.diff -p2

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