
Revision 6 as of 2009-04-24 06:13:59

Clear message

The Ubuntu Gaming Team recognizes the importance of FOSS gaming for the adoption of Ubuntu and exists to give the open source gaming world a boost!

All in accordance with the Ubuntu Code of Conduct

We are a branch of the Marketing Team.


The Gaming Team strives to promote Ubuntu through FOSS games and FOSS games through Ubuntu.

Our objectives are:

  • Connect FOSS gamers on Ubuntu
  • Promote FOSS gaming on Ubuntu
  • Address barriers to the development of FOSS Games
  • Connect LoCo's involved with FOSS gaming

  • Help organize gaming events

Join Us

To join the Ubuntu Gaming Team:

If you are interested in participating in this team, please scroll down to read more.

Getting Involved

The team is always looking for more people to help out. We have huge plans to bring the wonder of FOSS gaming to the world and the more people helping to do that the faster we can make progress. Please read through the pages linked to from this page to get an idea of what we are currently working on.

See Also: ActivismHowTo


All Subpages:

--- CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryMarketing CategoryMarketing