InstallFest FAQ

So, you are interested in coming to the Georgia Gutsy Gibbon InstallFest, and we are sure you have questions. We will try our best to answer most of them here:

1. Just what is an InstallFest?

The InstallFest is a place to come test, learn, and get Ubuntu installed on your computer. You can think of it as a mini-computer show, featuring Ubuntu.

2. What does is cost to get in -- and to install Ubuntu?

The InstallFest is free admission, and to get Ubuntu installed is free as well. In short, all aspects of this event are free.

3. What am I required to bring if I want Ubuntu installed on my computer?

  • Back up all of your data to an external hard drive or CD/DVDs.
  • Come with your computer, monitors/LCD, and any other peripherals that you would like configured with Ubuntu.
  • Come up with a username, as well as a password to be used with your system. Passwords should be 6 characters or longer.
  • Read (7) below if you wish to dual-boot. If you are comfortable with it, please resize your partitions beforehand. If not, we can help you do do so.

4. Do I have to get Ubuntu installed to come?

No, you do not have to get Ubuntu installed by us to come. You can come, chat with other folks, and learn more about Ubuntu. There will be presentations to help everyone understand Ubuntu and its possibilities.

We will also have some t-shirts and stickers to give away as well!

5. What versions of Ubuntu will you be installing?

The most recent version, 7.10, codename Gutsy Gibbon. Version 6.06 is also available on request, as it is a Long Term Support (LTS) release.

6. What about Ubuntu compatibility with my computer?

We will check the compatibility of Ubuntu with your computer, and report on what works and what does not. If your computer needs drivers, we can install them for you at your preference.

7. What if I want more information about using or installing Ubuntu before coming to the event?

You may visit






Ubuntu Introduction



Corporate Use

Jim Popovitch


Security and Remote Access

David Tomaschik



Charles Keller

GeorgiaUSTeam/Events/GutsyGibbonInstallFest (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:30 by localhost)