
Revision 71 as of 2008-12-17 17:08:09

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Global Bug Jam

Everybody knows what a great success our institution the UbuntuBugDay is. Some LoCo teams even took this further: instead of just meeting on IRC, they made a party out of it and met locally to work on bugs together.

On the weekend of the 20 February to 22 February we'll do the same, globally!

Digg It!

How to do it

So you're interested and want to make the event ROCK in your LoCo?

  • Make sure you read RunningBugJam - it has a lot of information on

    • organising the venue
    • promoting the event
    • running the jam and
    • soliciting the right feedback afterwards
  • Check out GlobalBugJam.pdf - it's a one-page cheatsheet document, print out a few and have a small stack of them at the venue.

Special planning:

  • Ask locals early who's interested in the event
  • Ask what packages/kind of bugs your participants are interested in

    • We will try to organise specialists for the event who can assist and help out via IRC

The List














Potential bug targets

Here are some interesting bug lists to work from for the Global Bug Jam!


During the Event

  • Have somebody of the team there who can answer Bug Triage specific questions.
  • Ask a few people to forward questions to #ubuntu-bugs if necessary.

  • Share your interesting and fun stories on GlobalBugJam/Stories along with pictures, videos and what else you can think of.

    • Use the flickr tag global-bugjam-february-09.

  • Blog and Twitter about your success.
  • Make use of 5-A-Day. Smile :-)

    • Use the 5-a-day Tag global-february-09-<city>.

  • Play Bug Jam Bingo!

Upstream Participation

We encourage upstream projects to piggyback on the Global Bug Jam and use this as an opportunity to work with Ubuntu and participate. Please list your project here and a point of contact and run your own jam along with us! If you're an Ubuntu participant and interested in working with a specific upstream project, add your name (or LoCo) to the last column.

Ubuntu bugsquad volunteers can help upstreams by triaging bugs for a specific project, file bugs upstream and link them to launchpad, and help upstreams triage their own bugs. Upstream point of contacts should be in #ubuntu-bugs as well to help coordinate/triage volunteers as the Jam takes place.


Upstream Point of Contact Name/Nick

IRC Channel

Ubuntu Point of Contact Name/Nick
