
Revision 6 as of 2005-07-09 05:47:42

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This is the "ideas" web page for the "Gnome Panel Enhancements" project. This project has been accepted as part of Google's [ Summer of Code] program ; the student is ManuCornet.

This project was at first a bounty, described [ here].

Desktop entries and sudo


The idea here would be to know, for each menu item, whether the user needs to be sudoer (eg Synaptic) or not. If it does and the user is not sudoer, then this item does not need to be shown in the menu.


  • Add a "RootRequired=yes|no|optional" field in the desktop entry spec

  • Added a "user_is_sudoer" function into gnome-menus/libmenu/desktop-entry.c
  • Added a few lines to the get_flags_from_key_file function (in the same *.c file) : if the "RootRequired" key has the "yes" value AND the user is not sudoer, hide the menu item

The "Add to panel" dialog

Here's what the "Add to Panel" dialog looks like :

And that's what I would like to make it look like.

This is not a real capture : I just played a little with GIMP/Photoshop. I haven't started coding at all, and I absolutely don't know what is possible and what isn't. I only wanted to give a preview, in order to start discussing before I really begin :o) Some of the entries were translated from my French version, sorry for the mistakes !

Nice idea, but a major thing that needs to be merged is the custom application launcher/launcher thing. What about integrating the gnome-app chooser thing? CoreyBurger

Of course, the category distribution is also a first draft. All suggestions welcome !

Panel sizing based on screen resolution and size