
Catalog videos from a UOS

On a regular basis, we have UOS events. These involve online Hangouts on Air that are recorded. However, the videos are done by individuals and thus remain scattered across YouTube. We'd like you to catalog them into a playlist for easy browsing.

For this task, please state which UOS you wish to catalog so others won't duplicate your work. There are 7 events to choose from. See the list here

Support Tasks


Get an accepted answer on AskUbuntu. Instructions are here.


Create Ubuntu share buttons

Ubuntu has different social media pages, we need to have buttons so we can use in the community so they can be shared. Use Free or Open Source software for creating this buttons. You can get the Ubuntu Logo from here

Create promotional banner for next Ubuntu Global Jam

Create a promotional banner for the next Ubuntu Global Jam. These are meet-ups around the globe where Ubuntu contributors get together and sprint through their contributions.

Create new wallpapers for Ubuntu GNOME 17.04

Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavour of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME Desktop Environment.

The task is to design and create the new default wallpapers for the Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 release. 2 images are the minimum requirement, 4 (in total) are welcome.

QA Tasks

Ubuntu QA Team wiki page: (refer to this page for further help, if needed).

ISO testing

Perform manual testing of ISO's.

Using the ISO tracker:, that is a tool utilized to record manual test results for ISO tests, choose one or more tests, perform the test as explained in the tracker and report the result. To carry out this task you need to have a Ubuntu SSO account, if not you can get one here.

You first have to select a milestone (Zesty Daily) then choose a product (Ubuntu Desktop amd64, for instance), choose a test case, follow the testcase instructions and report the result. If you find a bug you will also have to report it in Launcpad: The ISO tracker has all the links to help you perform any task (download the ISO, detailed description of the test case, how to report a bug ect.).

Package testing

Perform manual testing of a package.

Using the Package tracker:, that is a tool utilized to record manual test results for package tests, choose one or more tests, perform the test as explained in the tracker and report the result.

To carry out this task you need to have a Ubuntu SSO account, if not you can get one here.

You first have to select a milestone (Zesty Daily) then choose a product (Common Desktop, for instance), then a package (alsa-utils (smoke)), follow the testcase instructions and report the result. If you find a bug you will also have to report it in Launcpad: The package tracker has all the links to help you perform any task (installation instructions, detailed description of the test case, how to report a bug ect.).

Papercut fixing

By using the fixing manual, fix a listed papercut.

Papercut triaging

By using the triaging manual, triage a listed papercut.

Make a snap

Package an existing project as a snap, test it and sent a PR upstream. We have a list of projects accepting patches for snaps

Fix a snapcraft bitesize bug

We have a list of simple bugs to fix in snapcraft. The work involves using github, writing a test that exposes the bug and fixing it. The language is python. TODO: triage all the bitesize bugs.


Set up a development environment for Ubuntu Packaging

Ubuntu Packages are based on the debian packaging format. Your task is to set up a development environment and become familiar with the basic tools required for Ubuntu packaging.

Download a source package from the Ubuntu archive, update the changelog with a new entry and complete a test build of the package using

Once you are done describe the steps you completed and attach a copy of the build log from sbuild

Create a simple Bacon2D game tutorial

Bacon2D is a component used in some Ubuntu Phone games which is useful when making 2D games. This task is to create a simple QML game using Bacon2D, and to write up the game as a tutorial for publishing on the Ubuntu developer website.

The game should be quite simple, and easy to understand. The tutorial should be well documented with code snippets and screenshots.

Triage Bugs

Unfortunately, Ubuntu is a huge project and we get a lot of bug reports. Several of them are invalid, while some others need more information. Because of the volume of reports, we need some help figuring out which are valid and which are not. You can find more information on triaging here:

Add unit tests to snapcraft/

Snapcraft builds snap packages. The source code for the packages can be downloaded from various sources. The module that handles the sources is 80% covered by unittests. We need to increase the coverage closer to 100%.

About snapcraft:

The source file:

About unittests for python:

Update and Improve Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts

The Ubuntu bug triaging community provides and uses some Greasemonkey scripts to make modifying of bug reports in Launchpad more efficient. These use javascript to add features to, and modify Launchpad. One script, lp_buttontags, is no longer properly modifying bug reports and needs fixing. The script also loads information from a XML file which could use updating.

Add gold color to fixed bugs on QATracker

The QATracker is the tool that the Ubuntu QA team uses to track the results of manual testing. There are various instances like,, which is used for image testing.

This tasks assumes you have already setup a development environment and are ready to code! Do the 'Setup a development environment for the QATracker' task first if you've haven't yet completed it.

Your taks is to add a new gold/yellow color for bug reports who have a status of 'fix committed' or 'fix released' in launchpad. For example, look at the results of the Wily image testing:

See the bug icons that are green and red? That's what we'd like to change for the launchpad statuses.

The full bug report is here:

To complete this task, you'll need to propose a merge with the changes and have them reviewed and accepted.

Juju Tasks

Charm it up!

We have several charms available at, but variety is what makes Juju great. We have a list of charms we would like to see available over at Grab one of them, or think of one you would feel familiar with, and charm it up. Submit it for initial review.

AppDev Tasks

Fix the README's for music

The music app is a community core app. It's important that it's easy for new contributors to get started hacking on the application.

Your task is to fix the README file, and add more README's to make it easier for new contributors.

For a model of README's to follow, see the clock app (bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app) or calendar app (bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app). Notice how there is a readme for testing, installing, developing, translations, etc. It's also important to include dependencies for building and test running, which you can find in debian/control.

Once your work is complete, please submit a merge proposal to the app. See the student guide below for more information on working with launchpad, including submitting the proposal.

Build the calculator app and run all testsuites

Calculator is designed to be simple to use with optional advanced arithmetic features. It is written in QML and C++ using the Ubuntu SDK.

Your task is to build the app and successfully run it and it's testsuites on your desktop. Be sure to follow the README's in the source code for help.

Find out more information including where to find the source, here:

These following should be present in the documentation:

GoogleCodeIn2016/Proposed Tasks (last edited 2016-11-03 14:01:47 by jose)