
Revision 10 as of 2005-07-06 12:20:34

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Personal Info

My name is Guillermo and I was born in Cádiz (Spain) twenty years ago. I'm timid a little bit, but I'm a good person (or that says my mother ;-)). This year I'm studying second course of Technical Engineering in Management Computer science at Cádiz University. My first PC was a 80486 machine, with M$-DOS and Windows 3.11. Since then, always I have liked the computation and the programming. (Also I like Formula ONE)


Participation in the community

i will fill it later...


In breezy, these things do not work for me:

  • ATI Radeon Mobility U1 IGP320M tv-out does not work. (atitvout package either).
  • Driver for NAPA AMAX PA-11 mp3 player
  • sj3500c HP scanner