About Me
Name : Mohd Faizul Bin Zulkipli
Age : 25 years old
Occupation : Student
Nickname : GunbladeIV
Network : irc.freenode.net | #ubuntu-my
Emails : gunbladeiv@ubuntu.com.my
Blog : http://gunbladeiv.blogspot.com | http://gunblade.fakap.net
Launchpad-my : https://launchpad.net/~malaysianteam
Launchpad ID : http://launchpad.net/~gunbladeiv
Loco URL : http://www.ubuntu.com.my
Loco Forum : http://forums.ubuntu.com.my
LoCo Wiki : http://wiki.ubuntu.com.my
I'm using Ubuntu since 2007 which is Feisty Fawn. Love to surf and hang out with friends on IRC. I am a simple guy who always in passion to move the Open Source technology forward in the future. I'm a student currently pursuing 1st Diploma on Programming. Perhaps to become an elite programmer in the near future. Currently I am using Intrepid Ibex on my laptop. Be a Malaysian Ubuntu Team Members since 2007 and active in web team. Currently assign to Ubuntu Malaysia Webmaster team.
Works Do/Done
1. Managing Ubuntu Malaysia Website
- - Setup the official Ubuntu Malaysia website
- Currently being assign to update and maintain Malaysia LoCo Website
2. Manage and moderate Forums for Ubuntu Malaysia team
- - Setup the official Ubuntu Malaysia forum.
- Currently being assign to maintain and update Malaysia LoCo forum. - Answering question on problem being ask by Ubuntu Users from Malaysia.
3. Committee members of Ubuntu Malaysia Events
- - Organize Ubuntu Malaysia first meetup on UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor.
- Pictures of the event can be review here.
4. Spread Ubuntu knowledge amongs Malaysian Ubuntu users
- - Spreading knowledge through Official Ubuntu Malaysia forum and through blogs.
- Writing tutorial and translating english tutorial to Malay language in Ubuntu-my wiki.
5. Answering question on IRC, Forums and mailing list.
6. Manage and moderate Ubuntu Malaysia wiki page
- - Setup the official ubuntu malaysia wiki page.
- currently being assign to maintain and update information of LoCo in wiki. - writing tutorial in Malay for wiki.
7. Do a workshop for lecturer of IT department in Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah(PSIS)- 4th April 2009
- Basic knowledge of Ubuntu installation.
- Using Open Office
- Setting up proxy on Ubuntu to get through internet in PSIS.
8. Do a talk On Daily Usage of Ubuntu at Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah(PSIS) - 8 May 2009
- Present talk on how to use Ubuntu on daily basis.
- Demo of Desktop Effect(Compiz)
- Audience are students, government staff, teachers and lecturers around Sabak Bernam, Malaysia.
Official Task on Ubuntu Malaysia
1. Maintain the current Official Ubuntu Malaysia's website (Which has been up on 28 June 2007)
2. Maintain Ubuntu Malaysia Planet (Which has been up on 16 August 2008).
3. Maintain Ubuntu Malaysia Forums (Which has been up on 08 July 2007).
4. Maintain the current Ubuntu Malaysia Wiki pages (Which has been up on 19 March 2009)
Future Plan
1. Being able to develop and maintain a Malaysia Ubuntu Distro(Using Malay Language and customization).
2. Help Ubuntu community to develop better Operating System in order to give end user the best experience.
3. To see 50% of Malaysian use linux as main Operating System. And hopefully more Ubuntu users in Malaysia.
4. Plan and do more events on exposing Ubuntu Operating System to malaysian.
5. Help the community to reach their goal in being an official LoCo team.
1. Nicholas Ng (27 June 2008)
- Well, he is an active member of Ubuntu Malaysia and have been contributed his time and efforts in keeping Ubuntu Malaysia alive and moving such as meet up, maintaining the forum and website, etc. He is also helping out in the IRC.
2. Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (1 July 2008)
- Im agreed with nbliang. Gunbladeiv was helping me and the web team for managing the web, forum and also in irc channel. He also helping community for ubuntu distribution.I'm also hoping that Gunbladeiv will become ubuntu member so he can help ubuntu-my ubuntumembers to achieve our goals.